FCC phenomenology Workshop

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


Show room on map
Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin)), Matthew Philip McCullough (CERN), Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)

An update on recent developments in the exploration of the physics opportunities for the Future Circular Collider (ee+hh), with a focus on the topics of Flavour, BSM, Higgs and connections with cosmology and gravitational waves. The meeting will also serve as a reference for the preparation of the FCC feasibility study mid-term Report, undescoring the synergetic aspects of the ee and hh physics programmes. 

NOTE: The morning sessions will be held in the TH conference room. Ditto for the first talks of the afternoon, which are run with other TH activities. The afternoon sessions, starting from ~3pm, will be held in the Filtration Plant

The zoom link will remain the same for both mtg rooms

Registration Form
  • Aidan Richard Wiederhold
  • Alain BLONDEL
  • Alejo Nahuel Rossia
  • Alexander Nesterenko
  • Ali Can Canbay
  • Aman Desai
  • Arif Akhundov
  • Athanasios Dedes
  • Aysuhan Ozansoy
  • Ben Stefanek
  • Bennie Ward
  • Beyzanur Aka
  • Chiara Caprini
  • Christophe Grojean
  • Claudia Cornella
  • Dave Sutherland
  • David d'Enterria
  • Dylan Angie Frank Apparu
  • Eleni Vryonidou
  • Elina Fuchs
  • Emanuele Angelo Bagnaschi
  • Fernando Cormet
  • Francesco Giovanni Celiberto
  • Francesco Giuli
  • Fulvio Piccinini
  • Gabriele Martelli
  • Gaelle Sadowski
  • Gauthier Durieux
  • George Iakovidis
  • Germano Nardini
  • Gian Luigi Alberghi
  • Gino Isidori
  • Gregorio Bernardi
  • Gürsel Kazıl
  • Haluk Denizli
  • Hamzeh Khanpour
  • Hatice Duran Yildiz
  • Janusz Gluza
  • Javier Lizana
  • Joe Davighi
  • Jorge de Blas
  • José W F Valle
  • Juliette Alimena
  • Kunal Gautam
  • Leonardo Toffolin
  • Lesya Shchutska
  • Luca Pacioselli
  • Lukas Allwicher
  • Maksym Ovchynnikov
  • Marzia Bordone
  • Matteo Presilla
  • Matthew Philip Mccullough
  • Michael Ramsey-Musolf
  • Michelangelo Mangano
  • Michele Selvaggi
  • Michele Tammaro
  • Mingrui Zhao
  • Mogens Dam
  • Orhan Cakir
  • Orlando PANELLA
  • Pantelis Kontaxakis
  • Patricia Rebello Teles
  • Patrick Dougan
  • Patrick Janot
  • Patrick Koppenburg
  • Patrizia Azzi
  • Pedro Schwaller
  • Peter Skands
  • Poul H. Damgaard
  • Rajeev Singh
  • Roberto Franceschini
  • Roy Lemmon
  • Samadrita Mukherjee
  • Sanmay Ganguly
  • Sehar Ajmal
  • Shankha Banerjee
  • Shehu AbdusSalam
  • Sofia Giappichini
  • Sophie Renner
  • Tania Natalie Robens
  • Tevong You
  • Tim Cohen
  • Tripurari Srivastava
  • Valentina Cairo
  • Valentina Mariani
  • Valery Khoze
  • Victor Paulo Goncalves
  • Vitalii Okorokov
  • Volkan Arı
  • Yoxara Sánchez Villamizar
  • Wednesday, 5 July
  • Thursday, 6 July
    • Cosmo connection 4/3-006 - TH Conference Room

      4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


      Show room on map
      • 13
        Speaker: Germano Nardini (University of Stavanger)
      • 14
        BSM EWPT: The Theory-Collider-Gravitational Wave Interface
        Speakers: Michael Ramsey-Musolf, Michael Ramsey-Musolf (U. Massachusetts Amherst), Prof. Michael Ramsey-Musolf (TD Lee Institute/Shanghai Jiao Tong U, Mass Amherst)
      • 15
        Gravitational waves from cosmological phase transitions
        Speaker: Chiara Caprini (Universite de Geneve (CH))
      • 10:30
        Coffee break
      • 16
        Probing primordial gravitational wave sources at future colliders
        Speaker: Pedro Klaus Schwaller (Mainz University)
      • 17
        Cosmo Discussion
    • 12:00
      Lunch break 4/3-006 - TH Conference Room

      4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


      Show room on map
    • 18
      BSM Forum: "Dark showers" 4/3-006 - TH Conference Room

      4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


      Show room on map
      Speaker: Tim Cohen (CERN)
    • Higgs 222/R-001



      Show room on map
      • 19
        Overview of Higgs physics performance studies
        Speaker: Michele Selvaggi (CERN)
      • 20
        BSM patterns in hVV, hhVV, and hhh
        Speaker: David Sutherland
      • 21
        Higgs, top and their interplay at the FCC
        Speaker: Eleni Vryonidou (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 16:15
        Coffee break
      • 22
        Precision studies at FCC-hh with diboson production
        Speaker: Alejo Nahuel Rossia (University of Manchester)
      • 23
        Higgs Discussion
        Speaker: Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin))
    • Muon Collider Synergies 222/R-001



      Show room on map
      • 24
        Synergies between a potential muon collider and FCCee+FCChh programme
        Speaker: Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 U.)
    • Reception 61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -

      61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -


      Show room on map
      Convener: Matthew Philip Mccullough (CERN)