2023 beginner course - Paris



This training, on 6 - 10 November 2023, will offer students and professionals working on radiation physics problems a beginner's introduction to the various functions and attributes of FLUKA, a general-purpose code for the Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport in complex geometries. Theย functionalities of the completely revised user interface Flair3 will also be introduced. The event is organized by the FLUKA collaboration @ CERN and collaborating institutes.

This instance of the course is organized by the Nuclear Energy Agency - OECD. We are thankful for their support and local organisation handling.

All information about the course can be found at the NEA webpage of the course.



Please use the NEA webpage for registration and fee payment.

Attention: In addition to the NEA registration, commercial users are required to pay the commercial part of the fee (1000 CHF) here on Indico. In order to do that, please submit the dedicated registration formย 

Prior Knowledge

No particular experience with FLUKA or similar Monte-Carlo packages is required.ย However, basic knowledge of LINUX/UNIX is necessary, as well as reasonably fluent use of a plain-text editor and the ability to navigate through a file tree. For newcomers, not only to FLUKA but also to Linux, we strongly recommend to have a look into a Linux tutorial in order to be able to profit at maximum from the FLUKA course.


Participants are expected toย verify beforehand that FLUKA 4-4ย and Flair 3.3 have been installed on their machines under either Linux or Windows (WSL) and are up and running so that they can participate in the hands-on and exercise sessions. Further instructions will follow.


The organisers may be contacted at fluka.course@cern.ch if you have further questions.