The IRIS-HEP software institute, as a contributor to the broader HEP Python ecosystem, is developing scalable analysis infrastructure and software tools to address the upcoming HL-LHC computing challenges with new approaches and paradigms, driven by our vision of what HL-LHC analysis will require. The institute uses a “Grand Challenge” format, constructing a series of increasingly large,...
For the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider era, the trigger and data acquisition system of the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment will be entirely replaced. Novel design choices have been explored, including ATCA prototyping platforms with SoC controllers and newly available interconnect technologies with serial optical links with data rates up to 28 Gb/s. Trigger data analysis will be...
The ATLAS Collaboration has released an extensive volume of data for research use for the first time. The full datasets of proton collisions from 2015 and 2016, alongside a wide array of matching simulated data, are all offered in the PHYSLITE format. This lightweight format is chosen for its efficiency and is the preferred standard for ATLAS internal analyses. Additionally, the inclusion of...
The ATLAS offline code management system serves as a collaborative framework for developing a code base totaling more than 5 million lines. Supporting up to 50 nightly release branches, the ATLAS Nightly System offers abundant opportunities for updating existing software and developing new tools for forthcoming experimental stages within a multi-platform environment. This paper describes the...
RNTuple is the new columnar data format designed as the successor to ROOT's TTree format. It allows to make use of modern hardware capabilities and is expected to be used in production by the LHC experiments during the HL-LHC. In this contribution, we will discuss the usage of Direct I/O to fully exploit modern SSDs, especially in the context of the recent addition of parallel RNTuple writing....
The CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) regularly releases open data and simulations, enabling a wide range of physics analyses and studies by the global scientific community. The recent introduction of the NanoAOD data format has provided a more streamlined and efficient approach to data processing, allowing for faster analysis turnaround. However, the larger MiniAOD format...
Since 2022, the LHCb detector is taking data with a full software trigger at the LHC proton-proton collision rate, implemented in GPUs in the first stage and CPUs in the second stage. This setup allows to perform the alignment & calibration online and to perform physics analyses directly on the output of the online reconstruction, following the real-time analysis paradigm. This talk will give...
Tracking charged particles in high-energy physics experiments is a computationally intensive task. With the advent of the High Luminosity LHC era, which is expected to significantly increase the number of proton-proton interactions per beam collision, the amount of data to be analysed will increase dramatically. As a consequence, local pattern recognition algorithms suffer from scaling...
At the LHC experiments, RNTuple is emerging as the primary data storage solution, and will be ready for production next year. In this context, we introduce the latest development in UnROOT.jl, a high-performance and thread-safe Julia ROOT I/O package that facilitates both the reading and writing of RNTuple data.
We briefly share insights gained from implementing RNTuple Reader twice: first...
Machine Learning (ML)-based algorithms play increasingly important roles in almost all aspects of the data analyses in ATLAS. Diverse ML models are used in detector simulations, event reconstructions, and data analyses. They are being deployed in the ATLAS software framework, Athena. The primary approach to perform ML inference in Athena is to use the ONNXRuntime. However, some ML models could...
The ATLAS experiment will undergo major upgrades for operation at the high luminosity LHC. The high pile-up interaction environment (up to 200 interactions per 40MHz bunch crossing) requires a new radiation-hard tracking detector with a fast readout.
The scale of the proposed Inner Tracker (ITk) upgrade is much larger than the current ATLAS tracker. The current tracker consists of ~4000...
The Fair Universe project is organising the HiggsML Uncertainty Challenge, which will/has run from June to October 2024.
This HEP and Machine Learning competition is the first to strongly emphasise uncertainties: mastering uncertainties in the input training dataset and outputting credible confidence intervals.
The context is the measurement of the Higgs to tau+ tau- cross section like...
The Large Hadron Collider Beauty (LHCb) experiment offers an excellent environment to study a broad variety of modern physics topics. Its data from the major physics campaigns (Run 1 and 2) at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has accumulated over 600 scientific publications. In accordance with the CERN Open Data Policy, LHCb announced the release of the full Run 1 dataset gathered from...
The ATLAS experiment at the LHC heavily depends on simulated event samples produced by a full Geant4 detector simulation. This Monte Carlo (MC) simulation based on Geant4 is a major consumer of computing resources and is anticipated to remain one of the dominant resource users in the HL-LHC era. ATLAS has continuously been working to improve the computational performance of this simulation for...
The ATLAS experiment in the LHC Run 3 uses a two-level trigger system to select
events of interest to reduce the 40 MHz bunch crossing rate to a recorded rate
of up to 3 kHz of fully-built physics events. The trigger system is composed of
a hardware based Level-1 trigger and a software based High Level Trigger.
The selection of events by the High Level Trigger is based on a wide variety...
With the future high-luminosity LHC era fast approaching high-energy physics faces large computational challenges for event reconstruction. Employing the LHCb vertex locator as our case study we are investigating a new approach for charged particle track reconstruction. This new algorithm hinges on minimizing an Ising-like Hamiltonian using matrix inversion. Performing this matrix inversion...
Timepix4 is an innovative multi-purpose ASIC developed by the Medipix4 Collaboration at CERN for fundamental and applied physics detection systems. It is composed by a ~7cm$^2$ area matrix with about 230k independent pixels, each one with a charge integration circuit, a discriminator and a time-to-digital converter that allows to measure Time-of-Arrival with 195 ps width bins and...
The KM3NeT collaboration is constructing two underwater neutrino detectors in the Mediterranean Sea sharing the same technology: the ARCA and ORCA detectors. ARCA is optimized for the observation of astrophysical neutrinos, while ORCA is designed to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy by detecting atmospheric neutrinos. Data from the first deployed detection units are being analyzed and...
The high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) era will deliver unprecedented luminosity and new detector capabilities for LHC experiments, leading to significant computing challenges with storing, processing, and analyzing the data. The development of small, analysis-ready storage formats like CMS NanoAOD (4kB/event), suitable for up to half of physics searches and measurements, helps achieve necessary...
ATLAS Open Data for Education delivers proton-proton collision data from the ATLAS experiment at CERN to the public along with open-access resources for education and outreach. To date ATLAS has released a substantial amount of data from 8 TeV and 13 TeV collisions in an easily-accessible format and supported by dedicated documentation, software, and tutorials to ensure that everyone can...
For the start of Run-3 CMS Full Simulation was based on Geant4 10.7.2. In this work we report on evolution of usage of Geant4 within CMSSW and adaptation of the newest Geant4 11.2.1, which is expected to be used for CMS simulation production in 2025. Physics validation results and results on CPU performance are reported.
For the Phase-2 simulation several R&D are carried out. A significant...
XRootD is a robust, scalable service that supports globally distributed data management for diverse scientific communities. Within GridPP in the UK, XRootD is used by the Astronomy, High-Energy Physics (HEP) and other communities to access >100PB of storage. The optimal configuration for XRootD varies significantly across different sites due to unique technological frameworks and site-specific...
For over two decades, the dCache project has provided open-source to satisfy ever-more demanding storage requirements. More than 80 sites around the world, rely on dCache to provide services for LHC experiments, Belle-II, EuXFEL and many others. This can be achieved only with a well-established process from a whiteboard, where ideas are created, through development, packaging and testing. The...
The software toolbox used for "big data" analysis in the last few years is rapidly changing. The adoption of software design approaches able to exploit the new hardware architectures and improve code expressiveness plays a pivotal role in boosting data processing speed, resources optimisation, analysis portability and analysis preservation.
The scientific collaborations in the field of High...
Noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers, while limited by imperfections and small scale, hold promise for near-term quantum advantages in nuclear and high-energy physics (NHEP) when coupled with co-designed quantum algorithms and special-purpose quantum processing units.
Developing co-design approaches is essential for near-term usability, but inherent challenges exist due to the...
The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) is an under-construction heavy-ion physics experiment for exploring the QCD phase diagram at high $\mu_{B}$ which will use the new SIS-100 accelerator at the Facility for Anti-Proton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany. The Silicon Tracking System (STS) is to be the main detector for tracking and momentum determination. A scaled-down prototype of...
The NA62 experiment is designed to study kaon’s rare decays using a decay-in-flight technique. Its Trigger and Data Acquisition (TDAQ) system is multi-level, making it critically dependent on the performance of the inter-level network.
To manage the enormous amount of data produced by the detectors, three levels of triggers are used. The first level L0TP, implemented using an FPGA device, has...
The ATLAS experiment is in the process of developing a columnar analysis demonstrator, which takes advantage of the Python ecosystem of data science tools. This project is inspired by the analysis demonstrator from IRIS-HEP.
The demonstrator employs PHYSLITE OpenData from the ATLAS collaboration, the new Run 3 compact ATLAS analysis data format. The tight integration of ROOT features within...
Run 4 of the LHC will yield an unprecedented volume of data. In order
to process this data, the ATLAS collaboration is evolving its offline
software to be able to use heterogenous resources such as GPUs and FPGAs.
To reduce conversion overheads, the event data model (EDM) should be
compatible with the requirements of these resources. While the
ATLAS EDM has long allowed representing data...
Digital ELI-NP List-mode Acquisition (DELILA) is a data acquisition (DAQ) system for the Variable Energy GAmma (VEGA) beamline system at Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP), Magurele, Romania [1]. ELI-NP has been implementing the VEGA beamline and entirely operate the beamline in 2026. Several different detectors/experiments (e.g. High Purity Ge (HPGe) detectors, Si...
In recent years, there has been significant political and administrative interest in “Open Science”, which on one hand has lead to additional obligations but also to significant financial backing. For institutes and scientific collaborations, the funding opportunities may have brought some focus on these topics, but there is also a the significant hope, though engagement in open science...
After two successful physics runs the LHCb experiment underwent a comprehensive upgrade to enable LHCb to run at five times the instantaneous luminosity for Run 3 of the LHC. With this upgrade, LHCb is now the largest producer of data at the LHC. A new offline dataflow was developed to facilitate fast time-to-insight whilst respecting constraints from disk and CPU resources. The Sprucing is an...
Over the past few decades, there has been a noticeable surge in muon tomography research, also referred to as muography. This method, falling under the umbrella of Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE), constructs a three-dimensional image of a target object by harnessing the interaction between cosmic ray muons and matter, akin to how radiography utilizes X-rays. Essentially, muography entails...
The future development projects for the Large Hadron Collider towards HL-LHC will constantly bring nominal luminosity increase, with the ultimate goal of reaching, e.g., a peak luminosity of $5 \cdot 10^{34} cm^{−2} s^{−1}$ for ATLAS and CMS experiments. This rise in luminosity will directly result in an increased number of simultaneous proton collisions (pileup), up to 200, that will pose new...
Vector is a Python library for 2D, 3D, and Lorentz vectors, especially arrays of vectors, to solve common physics problems in a NumPy-like way. Vector currently supports creating pure Python Object, NumPy arrays, and Awkward arrays of vectors. The Object and Awkward backends are implemented in Numba to leverage JIT-compiled vector calculations. Furthermore, vector also supports JAX and Dask...
New strategies for the provisioning of compute resources, e.g. in the form of dynamically integrated resources enabled by the COBalD/TARDIS software toolkit, require a new approach of collecting accounting data. AUDITOR (AccoUnting DatahandlIng Toolbox for Opportunistic Resources), a flexible and expandable accounting ecosystem that can cover a wide range of use cases and infrastructures, was...
The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the progress made in the EOS project - the large scale data storage system developed at CERN - during the preparation and during LHC Run-3. Developments consist of further simplification of the service architecture, metadata performance improvements, new memory inventory and cost & value interfaces, a new scheduler implementation, a generated...
The ATLAS detector produces a wealth of information for each recorded event. Standard calibration and reconstruction procedures reduce this information to physics objects that can be used as input to most analyses; nevertheless, there are very specific analyses that need full information from some of the ATLAS subdetectors, or enhanced calibration and/or reconstruction algorithms. For these...
The CMS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) relies on a Level-1 Trigger system (L1T) to process in real time all potential collisions, happeing at a rate of 40 MHz, and select the most promising ones for data acquisition and further processing. The CMS upgrades for the upcoming high-luminosity LHC run will vastly improve the quality of the L1T event reconstruction, providing...
The CMS experiment has recently established a new Common Analysis Tools (CAT) group. The CAT group implements a forum for the discussion, dissemination, organization and development of analysis tools, broadly bridging the gap between the CMS data and simulation datasets and the publication-grade plots and results. In this talk we discuss some of the recent developments carried out in the...
The recently approved SHiP experiment aims to search for new physics at the intensity frontier, including feebly interacting particles and light dark matter, and perform precision measurements of tau neutrinos.
To fulfill its full discovery potential, the SHiP software framework is crucial, and faces some unique challenges due to the broad range of models under study, and the extreme...
Data analysis in the field of High Energy Physics presents typical big data requirements, such as the vast amount of data to be processed efficiently and quickly. The Large Hadron Collider in its high luminosity phase will produce about 100 PB/year of data, ushering in the era of high precision physics. Currently, analysts are building and sharing their software on git-based platforms which...
A modern version control system is capable of performing Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) in a safe and reliable manner. Many experiments and software projects of High Energy Physics are now developing based on such modern development tools, GitHub for example. However, refactoring a large-scale running system can be challenging and difficult to execute. This is the...
Users may have difficulties to find the needed information in the documentation for products, when many pages of documentation are available on multiple web pages or in email forums. We have developed and tested an AI based tool, which can help users to find answers to their questions. The Docu-bot uses Retrieval Augmentation Generation solution to generate answers to various questions. It...
The dCache storage management system at Brookhaven National Lab plays a vital role as a disk cache, storing extensive datasets from high-energy physics experiments, mainly the ATLAS experiment. Given that dCache’s storage is significantly smaller than the total ATLAS data, it’s crucial to have an efficient cache management policy. A common approach is to keep files that are accessed often,...
The poster will present FunRootAna library.
This is a simple framework allowing to do ROOT analysis in a more functional way. In comparison to RDFrame it offers more functional feel for the data analysis and can be used in any circumstances, not only with ROOT trees. Collections processing is inspired by Scala Apache Spark and the histograms creation and filling is much simplified. As...
Machine Learning (ML)-based algorithms play increasingly important roles in almost all aspects of data processing in the ATLAS experiment at CERN. Diverse ML models are used in detector simulation, event reconstruction, and data analysis. They are being deployed in the ATLAS software framework, Athena. Our primary approach to perform ML inference in Athena is to use ONNXRuntime. ONNXRuntime is...
CMS Analysis Database Interface (CADI) is a management tool for physics publications in the CMS experiment. It acts as a central database for the CMS collaboration, keeping track of the various analysis projects being conducted by researchers. Each analysis paper written by the authors goes through an extensive journey from early analysis to publication. There are various stakeholders involved...
Graph neural networks (GNN) have emerged as a cornerstone of ML-based reconstruction and analysis algorithms in particle physics. Many of the proposed algorithms are intended to be deployed close to the beginning of the data processing chain, e.g. in event reconstruction software of running and future collider-based experiments. For GNN to operate, the input data are represented as graphs. The...
Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are a crucial component when analysing the Standard Model and New physics processes at the Large Hadron Collider. The goal of this work is to explore the performance of generative models for complementing the statistics of classical MC simulations in the final stage of data analysis by generating additional synthetic data that follows the same kinematic...
In response to increasing data challenges, CMS has adopted the use of GPU offloading at the High-Level Trigger (HLT). However, GPU acceleration is often hardware specific, and increases the maintenance burden on software development. The Alpaka (Abstraction Library for Parallel Kernel Acceleration) portability library offers a solution to this issue, and has been implemented into the CMS...
With the upcoming upgrade of High Luminosity LHC, the need for computation
power will increase in the ATLAS trigger system by more than an order of
magnitude. Therefore, new particle track reconstruction techniques are explored
by the ATLAS collaboration, including the usage of Graph Neural Networks (GNN).
The project focusing on that research, GNN4ITk, considers several...
The escalating demand for data processing in particle physics research has spurred the exploration of novel technologies to enhance efficiency and speed of calculations. This study presents the development of a porting of MADGRAPH, a widely used tool in particle collision simulations, to FPGA using High-Level Synthesis (HLS).
Experimental evaluation is ongoing, but preliminary assessments...
Deep sets network architectures have useful applications in finding
correlations in unordered and variable length data input, thus having the
interesting feature of being permutation invariant. Its use on FPGA would open
up accelerated machine learning in areas where the input has no fixed length or
order, such as inner detector hits for clustering or associated particle tracks
for jet...
Simulation of the detector response is a major computational challenge in modern High-Energy Physics experiments, accounting for about 40% of the total computational resources used in ATLAS. The simulation of the calorimeter response is particularly demanding, consuming about 80% of the total simulation time.
In order to make the best use of the available computational resources, fast...
GitLab Runners have been deployed at CERN since 2015. A GitLab runner is an application that works with GitLab Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) to run jobs in a pipeline. CERN provides runners that are available to the whole GitLab instance and can be used by all eligible users. Until 2023, CERN was providing a fixed amount of Docker runners executing in OpenStack virtual...
Amazon S3 is a leading object storage service known for its scalability, data reliability, security and performance. It is used as a storage solution for data lakes, websites, mobile applications, backup, archiving and more. With its management features, users can optimise data access to meet specific requirements and compliance standards. Given its popularity, many tools utilise the S3...
In ATLAS and other high-energy physics experiments, the integrity of Monte-Carlo (MC) simulations is crucial for reliable physics analysis. The continuous evolution of MC generators necessitates regular validation to ensure the accuracy of simulations. We introduce an enhanced validation framework incorporating the Job Execution Monitor (JEM) resulting in the established Physics Modeling Group...
The ATLAS experiment at the LHC at CERN uses a large, distributed trigger and
data acquisition system composed of many computing nodes, networks, and
hardware modules. Its configuration service is used to provide descriptions of
control, monitoring, diagnostic, recovery, dataflow and data quality
configurations, connectivity, and parameters for modules, chips, and channels
of various...
Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII) detector is used for high-precision studies of hadron physics and tau-charm physics. Accurate and reliable particle identification (PID) is crucial to improve the signal-to-noise ratio, especially for K/π separation. The time-of-flight (TOF) system, which is based on plastic scintillators, is a powerful tool for particle identification at BESIII experiment. The...
The LHCb detector, a multi-purpose detector with a main focus on the study of hadrons containing b- and c-quarks, has been upgraded to enable precision measurements at an instantaneous luminosity of $2\times10^{33}cm^{-2}s^{-1}$ at $\sqrt{s}=14$ TeV, five times higher than the previous detector capacity. With the almost completely new detector, a software-only trigger system has been developed...
CERNBox is an innovative scientific collaboration platform, built using solely open-source components to meet the unique requirements of scientific workflows. Used at CERN for the last decade, the service satisfies the 35K users at CERN and seamlessly integrates with batch farms and Jupyter-based services. Powered by Reva, an open-source HTTP and gRPC server written in Go, CERNBox has...
LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) is a dark matter direct detection experiment. Employing a dual-phase xenon time projection chamber, the LZ experiment set a world leading limit for spin-independent scattering at 36 GeV/c2 in 2022, rejecting cross sections above 9.2×10−48 cm2 at the 90% confidence level. Unsupervised machine learning methods are indispensable tools in working with big data, and have been...
The main reconstruction and simulation software framework of the ATLAS
experiment, Athena, underwent a major change during the LHC Run 3 in the way
the configuration step of its applications is performed. The new configuration
system, called ComponentAcumulator, emphasises modularity and provides a way
for standalone execution of parts of a job, as long as the inputs are
available, which...
A robust computing infrastructure is essential for the success of scientific collaborations. However, smaller or newly founded collaborations often lack the resources to establish and maintain such an infrastructure, resulting in a fragmented analysis environment with varying solutions for different members. This fragmentation can lead to inefficiencies, hinder reproducibility, and create...
The ATLAS Fast Chain represents a significant advancement in streamlining Monte Carlo (MC) production efficiency, specifically for the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). This project aims to simplify the production of Analysis Object Data (AODs) and potentially Derived Analysis Object Data (DAODs) from generated events with a single transform, facilitating rapid reproduction of...
ATLAS is participating in the WLCG Data Challenges, a bi-yearly program established in 2021 to prepare for the data rates of the High Luminosity HL-LHC. In each challenge, transfer rates are increased to ensure preparedness for the full rates by 2029. The goal of the 2024 Data Challenge (DC24) was to reach 25% of the HL-LHC expected transfer rates, with each experiment deciding how to execute...
The CBM experiment, currently being constructed at GSI/FAIR, aims to investigate QCD at high baryon densities. The CBM First-level Event Selector (FLES) serves as the central event selection system of the experiment. It functions as a high-performance computer cluster tasked with the online analysis of physics data, including full event reconstruction, at an incoming data rate which exceeds 1...
With the increasing amount of optimized and specialized hardware such as GPUs, ML cores, etc. HEP applications face the opportunity and the challenge of being enabled to take advantage of these resources, which are becoming more widely available on scientific computing sites. The Heterogenous Frameworks project aims at evaluating new methods and tools for the support of both heterogeneous...
To verify the readiness of the data distribution infrastructure for the HL-LHC, which is planned to start in 2029, WLCG is organizing a series of data challenges with increasing throughput and complexity. This presentation addresses the contribution of CMS to Data Challenge 2024, which aims to reach 25% of the expected network throughput of the HL-LHC. During the challenge CMS tested various...
The large increase in luminosity expected from Run 4 of the LHC presents the ATLAS experiment with a new scale of computing challenge, and we can no longer restrict our computing to CPUs in a High Throughput Computing paradigm. We must make full use of the High Performance Computing resources available to us, exploiting accelerators and making efficient use of large jobs over many nodes.
Simulation of physics processes and detector response is a vital part of high energy physics research but also representing a large fraction of computing cost. Generative machine learning is successfully complementing full (standard, Geant4-based) simulation as part of fast simulation setups improving the performance compared to classical approaches.
A lot of attention has been given to...
The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), scheduled to start
operating in 2029, aims to increase the instantaneous luminosity by a factor of
10 compared to the LHC. To match this increase, the ATLAS experiment has been
implementing a major upgrade program divided into two phases. The first phase
(Phase-I), completed in 2022, introduced new trigger and detector systems that
BaBar stopped data taking in 2008 but its data is still analyzed by the collaboration. In 2021 a new computing system outside of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory was developed and major changes were needed to keep the ability to analyze the data by the collaboration, while the user facing front ends all needed to stay the same. The new computing system was put in production in 2022 and...
Since 1983 the Italian groups collaborating with Fermilab (US) have been running a 2-month summer training program for Master students. While in the first year the program involved only 4 physics students, in the following years it was extended to engineering students. Many students have extended their collaboration with Fermilab with their Master Thesis and PhD.
The program has involved...
Celeritas is a rapidly developing GPU-enabled detector simulation code aimed at accelerating the most computationally intensive problems in high energy physics. This presentation will highlight exciting new performance results for complex subdetectors from the CMS and ATLAS experiments using EM secondaries from hadronic interactions. The performance will be compared on both Nvidia and AMD GPUs...
The data acquisition (DAQ) system stands as an essential component within the CMS experiment at CERN. It relies on a large network system of computers with demanding requirements on control, monitoring, configuration and high throughput communication. Furthermore, the DAQ system must accommodate various application scenarios, such as interfacing with external systems, accessing custom...
Although wireless IoT devices are omnipresent in our homes and workplaces, their use in particle accelerators is still uncommon. Although the advantages of movable sensors communicating over wireless networks are obvious, the harsh radiation environment of a particle accelerator has been an obstacle to the use of such sensitive devices. Recently, though, CERN has developed a radiation-hard...
ALICE introduced ground-breaking advances in data processing and storage requirements and presented the CERN IT data centre with new challenges with the highest data recording requirement of all experiments. For these reasons, the EOS O2 storage system was designed to be cost-efficient, highly redundant and maximise data resilience to keep data accessible even in the event of unexpected...
ROOT is a software toolkit at the core of LHC experiments and HENP collaborations worldwide, widely used by the community and in continuous development with it. The package is available through many channels that cater different types of users with different needs. This ranges from software releases on the LCG stacks provided via CVMFS for all HENP users to benefit, to pre-built binaries...
The Remote^3 (Remote Cubed) project is an STFC Public Engagement Leadership Fellowship funded activity, organised in collaboration between the University of Edinburgh (UoE), and STFC’s Public Engagement Team, Scientific Computing Department, and Boulby Underground Laboratory – part of STFC Particle Physics.
Remote^3 works with school audiences to challenge teams of young people to design,...
The CBM First-level Event Selector (FLES) serves as the central data processing and event selection system for the upcoming CBM experiment at FAIR. Designed as a scalable high-performance computing cluster, it facilitates online analysis of unfiltered physics data at rates surpassing 1 TByte/s.
As the input to the FLES, the CBM detector subsystems deliver free-streaming, self-triggered data...
In the vast landscape of CERN's internal documentation, finding and accessing relevant detailed information remains a complex and time-consuming task. To address this challenge, the AccGPT project proposes the development of an intelligent chatbot leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies. The primary objective is to harness open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) to create a...
Virtual Visits have been an integral component of the ATLAS Education and Outreach programme since their inception in 2010. Over the years, collaboration members have hosted visits for tens of thousands of visitors located all over the globe. In 2024, alone there have already been 59 visits through the month of May. Visitors in classrooms, festivals, events or even at home have a unique...
High-Energy Physics (HEP) experiments rely on complex, global networks to interconnect collaborating sites, data centers, and scientific instruments. Managing these networks for data-intensive scientific projects presents significant challenges because of the ever-increasing volume of data transferred, diverse project requirements with varying quality of service needs, multi-domain...
The modern data centers provide the efficient Information Technologies (IT) infrastructure needed to deliver resources,
services, monitoring systems and collected data in a timely fashion. At the same time, data centres have been continuously
evolving, foreseeing large increase of resources and adapting to cover multifaced niches.
The CNAF group at INFN (National Institute for Nuclear...
To address the needs of forthcoming projects such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and the HL-LHC, there is a critical demand for data transfer nodes (DTNs) to realise O(100)Gb/s of data movement. This high-throughput can be attained through combinations of increased concurrency of transfers and improvements in the speed of individual transfers. At the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory...
The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN continuously
evolves its Trigger and Data Acquisition (TDAQ) system to meet the challenges
of new physics goals and technological advancements. As ATLAS prepares for the
Phase-II Run 4 of the LHC, significant enhancements in the TDAQ Controls and
Configuration tools have been designed to ensure efficient data...
The demands for Monte-Carlo simulation are drastically increasing with the high-luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider, and expected to exceed the currently available compute resources. At the same time, modern high-performance computing has adopted powerful hardware accelerators, particularly GPUs. AdePT is one of the projects aiming to address the demanding computational needs by...
If a physicist needs to ask for help on some software, where should they go? For a specific software package, there may be a preferred website, such as the ROOT Forum or a GitHub/GitLab Issues page, but how would they find this out? What about problems that cross package boundaries? What if they haven't found a tool that would solve their problem yet?
HEP-Help ( is intended as...
The LHCb collaboration continues to primarily utilize the Run 1 and Run 2 legacy datasets well into Run 3. As the operational focus shifts from the legacy data to the live Run 3 samples, it is vital that a sustainable and efficient system is in place to allow analysts to continue to profit from the legacy datasets. The LHCb Stripping project is the user-facing offline data-processing stage...
We summarize the status of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) software and computing development. The DUNE Collaboration has been successfully operating the DUNE prototype detectors at both Fermilab and CERN, and testing offline computing services, software, and infrastructure using the data collected. We give an overview of results from end-to-end testing of systems needed to...
To address the need for high transfer throughput for projects such as the LHC experiments, including the upcoming HL-LHC, it is important to make optimal and sustainable use of our available capacity. Load balancing algorithms play a crucial role in distributing incoming network traffic across multiple servers, ensuring optimal resource utilization, preventing server overload, and enhancing...
I will be presenting the history of the design, implementation, testing, and release of the production version of a C++-based software for the Gas Gain Stabilization System (GGSS) used in the TRT detector at the ATLAS experiment. This system operates 24/7 in the CERN Point1 environment under the control of the Detector Control System (DCS) and plays a crucial role in delivering reliable data...
Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as a transformative tool in society and are steadily working their way into scientific workflows. Despite their known tendency to hallucinate, rendering them perhaps unsuitable for direct scientific pipelines, LLMs excel in text-related tasks, offering a unique solution to manage the overwhelming volume of information presented at large conferences...
Place: AGH University main building A0, Mickiewicza 30 Av., Krakow
The route from the main venue is here:
This year CERN celebrates its 70th Anniversary, and the 60th anniversary of Bell's theorem, a result that arguably had the single strongest impact on modern foundations of quantum physics, both at the conceptual and methodological level, as well as at the level of its applications in information theory and technology.
CERN has started its second phase of the Quantum Technology Initiative with...
Recent Large Language Models like ChatGPT show impressive capabilities, e.g. in the automated generation of text and computer code. These new techniques will have long-term consequences, including for scientific research in fundamental physics. In this talk I present the highlights of the first Large Language Model Symposium (LIPS) which took place in Hamburg earlier this year. I will focus on...
A diverse panel that will discuss the potential impact of the progress in the fields of Quantum Computing and the latest generation of Machine Learning, like LLMs. On the panel are experts from QC, LLM, ML in HEP, Theoretical Physics and large scale computing in HEP. The discussion will be moderated by Liz Sexton Kennedy from the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
To submit questions...
Ensuring the quality of data in large HEP experiments such as CMS at the LHC is crucial for producing reliable physics outcomes. The CMS protocols for Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) are based on the analysis of a standardized set of histograms offering a condensed snapshot of the detector's condition. Besides the required personpower, the method has a limited time granularity, potentially...
The CERN Tape Archive (CTA) scheduling system implements the workflow and lifecycle of Archive, Retrieve and Repack requests. The transient metadata for queued requests is stored in the Scheduler backend store (Scheduler DB). In our previous work, we presented the CTA Scheduler together with an objectstore-based implementation of the Scheduler DB. Now with four years of experience in...
In this work we present the Graph-based Full Event Interpretation (GraFEI), a machine learning model based on graph neural networks to inclusively reconstruct events in the Belle II experiment.
Belle II is well suited to perform measurements of $B$ meson decays involving invisible particles (e.g. neutrinos) in the final state. The kinematical properties of such particles can be deduced from...
The imminent high-luminosity era of the LHC will pose unprecedented challenges to the CMS detector. To meet these challenges, the CMS detector will undergo several upgrades, including replacing the current endcap calorimeters with a novel High-Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL). A dedicated reconstruction framework, The Iterative Clustering (TICL), is being developed within the CMS Software...
The economies of scale realised by institutional and commercial cloud providers make such resources increasingly attractive for grid computing. We describe an implementation of this approach which has been deployed for
Australia's ATLAS and Belle II grid sites.
The sites are built entirely with Virtual Machines (VM) orchestrated by an OpenStack [1] instance. The Storage Element (SE)...
Given the recent slowdown of the Moore’s Law and increasing awareness of the need for sustainable and edge computing, physicists and software developers can no longer just rely on computer hardware becoming faster and faster or moving processing to the cloud to meet the ever-increasing computing demands of their research (e.g. the data rate increase in HL-LHC). However, algorithmic...
Hydra is an advanced framework designed for training and managing AI models for near real time data quality monitoring at Jefferson Lab. Deployed in all four experimental halls, Hydra has analyzed over 2 million images and has extended its capabilities to offline monitoring and validation. Hydra utilizes computer vision to continually analyze sets of images of monitoring plots generated 24/7...
GlideinWMS is a workload manager provisioning resources for many experiments including CMS and DUNE. The software is distributed both as native packages and specialized production containers. Following an approach used in other communities like web development
we built our workspaces, system-like containers to ease development and testing.
Developers can change the source tree or check out a...
Particle identification (PID) is crucial in particle physics experiments. A promising breakthrough in PID involves cluster counting, which quantifies primary ionizations along a particle’s trajectory in a drift chamber (DC), rather than relying on traditional dE/dx measurements. However, a significant challenge in cluster counting lies in developing an efficient reconstruction algorithm to...
A large fraction of computing workloads in high-energy and nuclear physics is executed using software containers. For physics analysis use, such container images often have sizes of several gigabytes. Executing a large number of such jobs in parallel on different compute nodes efficiently, demands the availability and use of caching mechanisms and image loading techniques to prevent network...
Subatomic particle track reconstruction (tracking) is a vital task in High-Energy Physics experiments. Tracking, in its current form, is exceptionally computationally challenging. Fielded solutions, relying on traditional algorithms, do not scale linearly and pose a major limitation for the HL-LHC era. Machine Learning (ML) assisted solutions are a promising answer.
Current ML model design...
Virtual Reality (VR) applications play an important role in HEP Outreach & Education. They make it possible to organize virtual tours of the experimental infrastructure by virtually interacting with detector facilities, describing their purpose and functionalities. However, nowadays VR applications require expensive hardware, like the Oculus headset or MS Hololense, and powerful computers. As...
The first level of the trigger system of the LHCb experiment (HLT1) reconstructs and selects events in real-time at the LHC bunch crossing rate in software using GPUs. It must carefully balance a broad physics programme that extends from kaon physics up to the electroweak scale. An automated procedure to determine selection criteria is adopted that maximises the physics output of the entirety...
A data quality assurance (QA) framework is being developed for the CBM experiment. It provides flexible tools for monitoring of reference quantity distributions for different detector subsystems and data reconstruction algorithms. This helps to identify software malfunctions and calibration status, to prepare a setup for the data taking and to prepare data for the production. A modular...
The architecture of the existing ALICE Run 3 on-line real time visualization solution was designed for easy modification of the visualization method used. In addition to the existing visualization based on the desktop application, a version using browser-based visualization has been prepared. In this case, the visualization is computed and displayed on the user's computer. There is no need to...
The High Luminosity upgrade to the LHC (HL-LHC) is expected to generate scientific data on the scale of multiple exabytes. To tackle this unprecedented data storage challenge, the ATLAS experiment initiated the Data Carousel project in 2018. Data Carousel is a tape-driven workflow in which bulk production campaigns with input data resident on tape are executed by staging and promptly...
In recent years, the CMS experiment has expanded the usage of HPC systems for data processing and simulation activities. These resources significantly extend the conventional pledged Grid compute capacity. Within the EuroHPC program, CMS applied for a "Benchmark Access" grant at VEGA in Slovenia, an HPC centre that is being used very successfully by the ATLAS experiment. For CMS, VEGA was...
Direct photons are unique probes to study and characterize the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) as they leave the collision medium mostly unscathed. Measurements at top Large Hadron Collider (LHC) energies at low pT reveal a very small thermal photon signal accompanied by considerable systematic uncertainties. Reduction of such uncertainties, which arise from the π0 and η measurements, as...
The LHCb experiment at CERN has undergone a comprehensive upgrade. In particular, its trigger system has been completely redesigned into a hybrid-architecture, software-only system that delivers ten times more interesting signals per unit time than its predecessor. This increased efficiency - as well as the growing diversity of signals physicists want to analyse - makes conforming to crucial...
The Vera Rubin Observatory is a very ambitious project. Using the world’s largest ground-based telescope, it will take two panoramic sweeps of the visible sky every three nights using a 3.2 Giga-pixel camera. The observation products will generate 15 PB of new data each year for 10 years. Accounting for reprocessing and related data products the total amount of critical data will reach several...
CHEP Track: 6 - Collaborative software and maintainability
The LHCb high-level trigger applications consists of components that run reconstruction algorithms and perform physics object selections, scaling from hundreds to tens of thousands depending on the selection stage. The configuration of the components, the data flow and the control flow are implemented in Python. The resulting...
With the onset of ever more data collected by the experiments at the LHC and the increasing complexity of the analysis workflows themselves, there is a need to ensure the scalability of a physics data analysis. Logical parts of an analysis should be well separated - the analysis should be modularized. Where possible, these different parts should be maintained and reused for other analyses or...
In the recent years, high energy physics discoveries have been driven by the increasing of detector volume and/or granularity. This evolution gives access to bigger statistics and data samples, but can make it hard to process results with current methods and algorithms. Graph neural networks, particularly graph convolution networks, have been shown to be powerful tools to address these...
The Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) has recently developed a national cloud platform to enhance access to distributed computing and storage resources for scientific researchers. A critical aspect of this initiative is the INFN Cloud Dashboard, a user-friendly web portal that allows users to request high-level services on demand, such as Jupyter Hub, Kubernetes, and Spark...
Particle flow reconstruction at colliders combines various detector subsystems (typically the calorimeter and tracker) to provide a combined event interpretation that utilizes the strength of each detector. The accurate association of redundant measurements of the same particle between detectors is the key challenge in this technique. This contribution describes recent progress in the ATLAS...
At the core of CERN's mission lies a profound dedication to open science; a principle that has fueled decades of ground-breaking collaborations and discoveries. This presentation introduces an ambitious initiative: a comprehensive catalogue of CERN's open-source projects, purveyed by CERN’s own OSPO. The mission? To spotlight every flag-bearing and nascent project under the CERN umbrella,...
Norwegian contributions to the WLCG consist of computing and storage resources in Bergen and Oslo for the ALICE and ATLAS experiments. The increasing scale and complexity of Grid site infrastructure and operation require integration of national WLCG resources into bigger shared installations. Traditional HPC resources often come with restrictions with respect to software, administration, and...
Accurate modeling of backgrounds for the development of analyses requires large enough simulated samples of background data. When searching for rare processes, a large fraction of these expensively produced samples is discarded by the analysis criteria that try to isolate the rare events. At the Belle II experiment, the event generation stage takes only a small fraction of the computational...
In the ATLAS analysis model, users must interact with specialized algorithms to perform a variety of tasks on their physics objects including calibration, identification, and obtaining systematic uncertainties for simulated events. These algorithms have a wide variety of configurations, and often must be applied in specific orders. A user-friendly configuration mechanism has been developed...
The ATLAS experiment involves over 6000 active members, including students, physicists, engineers, and researchers, and more than 2500 members are authors. This dynamic CERN environment brings up some challenges, such as managing the qualification status of each author. The Qualification system, developed by the Glance team, aims to automate the processes required for monitoring the progress...
The software of the ATLAS experiment at the CERN LHC accelerator contains a number of tools to analyze (validate, summarize, peek into etc.) all its official data formats recorded in ROOT files. These tools - mainly written in the Python programming language - handle the ROOT TTree which is currently the main storage object format of ROOT files. However, the ROOT project has developed an...
The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the central hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. It plays an important role in the reconstruction of jets, hadronically decaying tau leptons and missing transverse energy, and also provides information to the dedicated calorimeter trigger. The TileCal readout is segmented into nearly 10000 channels that are...
The distributed computing of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) utilizes computing resources provided by the Czech national High Performance Computing (HPC) center, IT4Innovations. This is done through ARC-CEs deployed at the Czech Tier2 site, praguelcg2. Over the years, this system has undergone continuous evolution, marked by recent enhancements aimed at improving...
The data processing and analyzing is one of the main challenges at HEP experiments, normally one physics result can take more than 3 years to be conducted. To accelerate the physics analysis and drive new physics discovery, the rapidly developing Large Language Model (LLM) is the most promising approach, it have demonstrated astonishing capabilities in recognition and generation of text while...
Coprocessors, especially GPUs, will be a vital ingredient of data production workflows at the HL-LHC. At CMS, the GPU-as-a-service approach for production workflows is implemented by the SONIC project (Services for Optimized Network Inference on Coprocessors). SONIC provides a mechanism for outsourcing computationally demanding algorithms, such as neural network inference, to remote servers,...
The event builder in the Data Acquisition System (DAQ) of the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is responsible for assembling events at a rate of 100 kHz during the current LHC run 3, and 750 kHz for the upcoming High Luminosity LHC, scheduled to start in 2029. Both the current and future DAQ architectures leverage on state-of-the-art network technologies, employing...
The LHCb Experiment employs GPU cards in its first level trigger system to enhance computing efficiency, achieving a data rate of 40Tb/s from the detector. GPUs were selected for their computational power, parallel processing capabilities, and adaptability.
However, trigger tasks necessitate extensive combinatorial and bitwise operations, ideally suited for FPGA implementation. Yet, FPGA...
CERN has a huge demand for computing services. To accommodate this requests, a highly-scalable and highly-dense infrastructure is necessary.
To accomplish this, CERN adopted Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
This session will discuss the strategies and tooling used to simplify...
In this study, we introduce the JIRIAF (JLAB Integrated Research Infrastructure Across Facilities) system, an innovative prototype of an operational, flexible, and widely distributed computing cluster, leveraging readily available resources from Department of Energy (DOE) computing facilities. JIRIAF employs a customized Kubernetes orchestration system designed to integrate geographically...
In the realm of high-energy physics research, the demand for computational
power continues to increase, particularly in online applications such as Event
Filter. Innovations in performance enhancement are sought after, leading to
exploration in integrating FPGA accelerators within existing software
frameworks like Athena, extensively employed in the ATLAS experiment at CERN.
This study explores possible enhancements in analysis speed, WAN bandwidth efficiency, and data storage management through an innovative data access strategy. The proposed model introduces specialized "delivery" services for data preprocessing, which include filtering and reformatting tasks executed on dedicated hardware located alongside the data repositories at the CERN Tier-0 or at Tier-1...
Collaborative software development for particle physics experiments demands rigorous code review processes to ensure maintainability, reliability, and efficiency. This work explores the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into the code review process, with a focus on utilizing both commercial and open models. We present a comprehensive code review workflow that incorporates LLMs,...
The ATLAS Metadata Interface (AMI) ecosystem has been developed within the context of ATLAS, one of the largest scientific collaborations. AMI is a mature, generic, metadata-oriented ecosystem that has been maintained for over 23 years. This paper briefly describes the main applications of the ecosystem within the experiment, including metadata aggregation for millions of datasets and billions...
CERN IT has offered a Kubernetes service since 2016, expanding to incorporate multiple other technologies from the cloud native ecosystem over time. Currently the service runs over 500 clusters and thousands of nodes serving use cases from different sectors in the organization.
In 2021 the ATS sector showed interest in looking at a similar setup for their container orchestration effort. A...
To operate ATLAS ITk system tests and later the final detector, a graphical operation and configuration system is needed. For this a flexible and scalable framework based on distributed microservices has been introduced. Different microservices are responsible for configuration or operation of all parts of the readout chain.
The configuration database microservice provides the configuration...
The ALICE Collaboration aims to precisely measure heavy-flavour (HF) hadron production in high-energy proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions since it can provide valuable tests of perturbative quantum chromodynamics models and insights into hadronization mechanisms. Measurements of the Ξ$_c^+$ and Λ$_c^+$ production decaying in a proton (p) and charged π and K mesons are remarkable examples of...
The OMS data warehouse (DWH) constitutes the foundation of the Online Monitoring System (OMS) architecture within the CMS experiment at CERN, responsible for the storage and manipulation of non-event data within ORACLE databases. Leveraging on PL/SQL code, the DWH orchestrates the aggregation and modification of data from several sources, inheriting and revamping code from the previous project...
The Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) is the new generation $e^+$$e^−$ collider aimed at studying tau-charm physics. The particle identification (PID), as one of the most fundamental tools for various physics research in STCF experiment, is crucial for achieving various physics goals of STCF. In the recent decades, machine learning (ML) has emerged as a powerful alternative for particle...
Developments in microprocessor technology have confirmed the trend towards higher core counts and decreased amount of memory per core, resulting in major improvements in power efficiency for a given level of performance. Core counts have increased significantly over the past five years for the x86_64 architecture, which is dominating in the LHC computing environment, and the higher core...
CMS has deployed a number of different GPU algorithms at the High-Level Trigger (HLT) in Run 3. As the code base for GPU algorithms continues to grow, the burden for developing and maintaining separate implementations for GPU and CPU becomes increasingly challenging. To mitigate this, CMS has adopted the Alpaka (Abstraction Library for Parallel Kernel Acceleration) library as the performance...
Efficient, ideally fully automated, software package building is essential in the computing supply chain of the CERN experiments. With Koji, a very popular package software building system used in the upstream Enterprise Linux communities, CERN IT provides a service to build software and images for the Linux OSes we support. Due to the criticality of the service and the limitations in Koji's...
The sheer volume of data generated by LHC experiments presents a computational challenge, necessitating robust infrastructure for storage, processing, and analysis. The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) addresses this challenge by integrating global computing resources into a cohesive entity. To cope with changes in the infrastructure and increased demands, the compute model needs to be...
TechWeekStorage24 was introduced by CERN IT Storage and Data Management group as a new “Center of Excellence” community networking format: a co-located series of events on Open Source Data Technologies, bringing together a wide range of communities, far beyond High Energy Physics and highlighting the wider technology impact of IT solutions born in HEP.
Combining the annual CS3 conference,...
Over time, the idea of exploiting voluntary computing resources as additional capacity for experiments at the LHC has given rise to individual initiatives such as the CMS@Home project. With a starting point of R&D prototypes and projects such as "jobs in the Vacuum" and SETI@Home, the experiments have tried integrating these resources into their data production frameworks transparently to the...
The HEP-RC group at UVic used Dynafed intensively to create federated storage clusters for Belle-II and ATLAS; which was used by worker nodes deployed on clouds around the world. Since the end of the DPM development also means the end of the development for Dynafed, xrootd was tested with S3 as backend to replace Dynafed. We will show similarities as well as major differences between the two...
Large Language Models (LLMs) are undergoing a period of rapid updates and changes, with state-of-art model frequently being replaced. WEhen applying LLMs to a specific scientific field it is challenging to acquire unique domain knowledge while keeping th emodel ifself advanced. To address this challenge, a sophisticated large language model system named Xiwu has been developed, allowing...
As we are approaching the high-luminosity era of the LHC, the computational requirements of the ATLAS experiment are expected to increase significantly in the coming years. In particular, the simulation of MC events is immensely computationally demanding, and their limited availability is one of the major sources of systematic uncertainties in many physics analyses. The main bottleneck in the...
The Key4hep software stack enables studies for future collider projects. It provides a full software suite for doing event generation, detector simulation as well as reconstruction and analysis. In the Key4hep stack, over 500 packages are built using the spack package manager and deployed via the cvmfs software distribution system. In this contribution, we explain the current setup for...
The dCache project provides open-source software deployed internationally
to satisfy ever-more demanding storage requirements. Its multifaceted
approach provides an integrated way of supporting different use-cases
with the same storage, from high throughput data ingest, data sharing
over wide area networks, efficient access from HPC clusters, and long
term data persistence on tertiary...
A new algorithm, called "Downstream", has been developed and implemented at LHCb, which is able to reconstruct and select very displaced vertices in real time at the first level of the trigger (HLT1). It makes use of the Upstream Tracker (UT) and the Scintillator Fiber detector (SciFI) of LHCb and it is executed on GPUs inside the Allen framework. In addition to an optimized strategy, it...
The German university-based Tier-2 centres successfully contributed a significant fraction of the computing power required for Runs 1-3 of the LHC. But for the upcoming Run 4, with its increased need for both storage and computing power for the various HEP computing tasks, a transition to a new model becomes a necessity. In this context, the German community under the FIDIUM project is making...
Developments of the new Level-1 Trigger at CMS for the High-Luminosity Operation of the LHC are in full swing. The Global Trigger, the final stage of this new Level-1 Trigger pipeline, is foreseen to evaluate a menu of over 1000 cut-based algorithms, each of which targeting a specific physics signature or acceptance region. Automating the task of tailoring individual algorithms to specific...
The event reconstruction in the CBM experiment is challenging.
There will be no simple hardware trigger due to the novel concepts of free-streaming data and self-triggered front-end electronics.
Thus, there is no a priori association of signals to physical events.
CBM will operate at interaction rates of 10 MHz, unprecedented for heavy ion experiments.
At this rate, collisions overlap...
The Spack package manager has been widely adopted in the supercomputing community as a means of providing consistently built on-demand software for the platform of interest. Members of the high-energy and nuclear physics (HENP) community, in turn, have recognized Spack’s strengths, used it for their own projects, and even become active Spack developers to better support HENP needs. Code...
Created in 2023, the Token Trust and Traceability Working Group (TTT) was formed in order to answer questions of policy and best practice with the ongoing move from X.509 and VOMS proxy certificates to token-based solutions as the primary authorisation and authentication method in grid environments. With a remit to act in an investigatory and advisory capacity alongside other working groups in...
Detector simulation is a key component of physics analysis and related activities in CMS. In the upcoming High Luminosity LHC era, simulation will be required to use a smaller fraction of computing in order to satisfy resource constraints. At the same time, CMS will be upgraded with the new High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCal), which requires significantly more resources to simulate than the...
In a geo-distributed computing infrastructure with heterogeneous resources (HPC and HTC and possibly cloud), a key to unlock an efficient and user-friendly access to the resources is being able to offload each specific task to the best suited location. One of the most critical problems involve the logistics of wide-area with multi stage workflows back and forth multiple resource providers....
Managing the data deluge generated by large-scale scientific collaborations is a challenge. The Rucio Data Management platform is an open-source framework engineered to orchestrate the storage, distribution, and management of massive data volumes across a globally distributed computing infrastructure. Rucio meets the requirements of high-energy physics, astrophysics, genomics, and beyond,...
In this presentation, we introduce BuSca, a prototype algorithm designed for real-time particle searches, leveraging the enhanced parallelization capabilities of the new LHCb trigger scheme implemented on GPUs. BuSca is focused on downstream reconstructed tracks, detected exclusively by the UT and SciFi detectors. By projecting physics candidates onto 2D histograms of flight distance and mass...
Within the LHC community, a momentous transition has been occurring in authorization. For nearly 20 years, services within the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) have authorized based on mapping an identity, derived from an X.509 credential, or a group/role derived from a VOMS extension issued by the experiment. A fundamental shift is occurring to capabilities: the credential, a bearer...
The ePIC collaboration is working towards realizing the primary detector for the upcoming Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). As ePIC approaches critical decision milestones and moves towards future operation, software plays a critical role in systematically evaluating detector performance and laying the groundwork for achieving the scientific goals of the EIC project. The scope and schedule of the...
In the realm of low-energy nuclear physics experiments, the Active Target Time Projection Chamber (AT-TPC) can be advantageous for studying nuclear reaction kinematics, such as the alpha cluster decay of $^{12}C$, by tracking the reaction products produced in the active gas medium of the TPC. The tracking capability of the TPC is strongly influenced by the homogeneity of the electric field...
The upcoming upgrades of LHC experiments and next-generation FCC (Future Circular Collider) machines will again change the definition of big data for the HEP environment. The ability to effectively analyse and interpret complex, interconnected data structures will be vital. This presentation will delve into the innovative realm of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). This powerful tool extends...
The data movement manager (DMM) is a prototype interface between the CERN developed data management software Rucio and the software defined networking (SDN) service SENSE by ESNet. It allows for SDN enabled high energy physics data flows using the existing worldwide LHC computing grid infrastructure. In addition to the key feature of DMM, namely transfer-priority based bandwidth allocation for...
The CMS experiment's operational infrastructure hinges significantly on the CMSWEB cluster, which serves as the cornerstone for hosting a multitude of services critical to the data taking and analysis. Operating on Kubernetes ("k8s") technology, this cluster powers over two dozen distinct web services, including but not limited to DBS, DAS, CRAB, WMarchive, and WMCore.
In this talk, we...
Fermilab is the first High Energy Physics institution to transition from X.509 user certificates to authentication tokens in production systems. All of the experiments that Fermilab hosts are now using JSON Web Token (JWT) access tokens in their grid jobs. Many software components have been either updated or created for this transition, and most of the software is available to others as open...
In high energy physics, fast simulation techniques based on machine learning could play a crucial role in generating sufficiently large simulated samples. Transitioning from a prototype to a fully deployed model usable in a full scale production is a very challenging task.
In this talk, we introduce the most recent advances in the implementation of fast simulation for calorimeter showers in...
Online reconstruction is key for monitoring purposes and real time analysis in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (HEP) experiments. A necessary component of reconstruction algorithms is particle identification (PID) that combines information left by a particle passing through several detector components to identify the particle’s type. Of particular interest to electro-production Nuclear Physics...
Ahead of Run 3 of the LHC, the trigger of the LHCb experiment was redesigned. The L0 hardware stage present in Runs 1 and 2 was removed, with detector readout at 30 MHz passing directly into the first stage of the software-based High Level Trigger (HLT), run on GPUs. Additionally, the second stage of the upgraded HLT makes extensive use of the Turbo event model, wherein only those candidates...
The event simulation is a key element for data analysis at present and future particle accelerators. We show [1] that novel machine learning algorithms, specifically Normalizing Flows and Flow Matching, can be effectively used to perform accurate simulations with several orders of magnitude of speed-up compared to traditional approaches when only analysis level information is needed. In such a...
INDIGO IAM (Identity and Access Management) is a comprehensive service that enables organizations to manage and control access to their resources and systems effectively. It implements a standard OAuth2 Authorization Service and OpenID Connect Provider and it has been chosen as the AAI solution by the WLCG community for the transition from VOMS proxy-based authorization to JSON web...
The efficient utilization of multi-purpose HPC resources for High Energy Physics applications is increasingly important, in particularly with regard to the upcoming changes in the German HEP computing infrastructure.
In preparation for the future, we are developing and testing an XRootD-based caching and buffering approach for workflow and efficiency optimizations to exploit the full...
During LHC High-Luminosity phase, the LHCb RICH detector will face challenges due to increased particle multiplicity and high occupancy. Introducing sub-100ps time information becomes crucial for maintaining excellent particle identification (PID) performance. The LHCb RICH collaboration plans to anticipate the introduction of timing through an enhancement program during the third LHC Long...
Considering CERN's prosperous environment, developing groundbreaking research in physics and pushing technology's barriers, CERN members participate in many talks and conferences every year. However, given that the ATLAS experiment has around 6000 members and more than one could be qualified to present the same talk, the experiment developed metrics to prioritize them.
Currently, ATLAS is...
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments rely heavily on the XRootD software suite for data transfer and streaming across the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) both within sites (LAN) and across sites (WAN). While XRootD offers extensive monitoring data, there's no single, unified monitoring tool for all experiments. This becomes increasingly critical as network usage grows, and with the...
CERN has a very dynamic environment and faces challenges such as information centralization, communication between the experiments’ working groups, and the continuity of workflows. The solution found for those challenges is automation and, therefore, the Glance project, an essential management software tool for all four large LHC experiments. Its main purpose is to develop and maintain...
The evergrowing amounts of data produced by the high energy physics experiments create a need for fast and efficient track reconstruction algorithms. When storing all incoming information is not feasible, online algorithms need to provide reconstruction quality similar to their offline counterparts. To achieve it, novel techniques need to be introduced, utilizing acceleration offered by the...
Fast simulation of the energy depositions in high-granular detectors is needed for future collider experiments with ever increasing luminosities. Generative machine learning (ML) models have been shown to speed up and augment the traditional simulation chain. Many previous efforts were limited to models relying on fixed regular grid-like geometries leading to artifacts when applied to highly...
The ATLAS Google Project was established as part of an ongoing evaluation of the use of commercial clouds by the ATLAS Collaboration, in anticipation of the potential future adoption of such resources by WLCG grid sites to fulfil or complement their computing pledges. Seamless integration of Google cloud resources into the worldwide ATLAS distributed computing infrastructure was achieved at...
The metadata schema for experimental nuclear physics project aims to facilitate data management and data publication under the FAIR principles in the experimental Nuclear Physics communities, by developing a cross-domain metadata schema and generator, tailored for diverse datasets, with the possibility of integration with other, similar fields of research (i.e. Astro and Particle...
For several years, the ROOT team is developing the new RNTuple I/O subsystem in preparation of the next generation of collider experiments. Both HL-LHC and DUNE are expected to start data taking by the end of this decade. They pose unprecedented challenges to event data I/O in terms of data rates, event sizes and event complexity. At the same time, the I/O landscape is getting more diverse....
During Run-3 the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments are transferring up to 10PB of data daily across the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) sites. However, following the transition from Run-3 to Run-4, data volumes are expected to increase tenfold. The WLCG Data Challenge aims to address this significant scaling challenge through a series of rigorous test events.
The primary objective...
The Mu3e experiment at the Paul-Scherrer-Institute will be searching for the charged lepton flavor violating decay $\mu^+ \rightarrow e^+e^-e^+$. To reach its ultimate sensitivity to branching ratios in the order of $10^{-16}$, an excellent momentum resolution for the reconstructed electrons is required, which in turn necessitates precise detector alignment. To compensate for weak modes in the...
The CMS computing infrastructure spread globally over 150 WLCG sites forms a intricate ecosystem of computing resources, software and services. In 2024, the production computing cores breached half a million mark and storage capacity is at 250 PetaBytes on disk and 1.20 ExaBytes on Tape. To monitor these resources in real time, CMS working closely with CERN IT has developed a multifaceted...
The HIBEAM-NNBAR experiment at the European Spallation Source is a multidisciplinary two-stage program of experiments that includes high-sensitivity searches for neutron oscillations, searches for sterile neutrons, searches for axions, as well as the search for exotic decays of the neutron. The computing framework of the collaboration includes diverse software, from particle generators to...
The increasing complexity and data volume of Nuclear Physics experiments require significant computing resources to process data from experimental setups. The entire experimental data set has to be processed to extract sub-samples for physics analysis. The advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning fields provide tools and procedures that can significantly enhance the...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is scheduled to start running in 2029, expected to record 30 PB/year of raw data. To handle this large-scale data, DUNE has adopted and deployed Rucio, the next-generation Data Replica service originally designed by the ATLAS collaboration, as an essential component of its Distributed Data Management system.
DUNE's use of Rucio has demanded...
In a DAQ system a large fraction of CPU resources is engaged in networking rather than in data processing. The common network stacks that take care of network traffic usually manipulate data through several copies performing expensive operations. Thus, when the CPU is asked to handle networking, the main drawbacks are throughput reduction and latency increase due to the overhead added to the...
Key4hep, a software framework and stack for future accelerators, integrates all the steps in the typical offline pipeline: generation, simulation, reconstruction and analysis. The different components of Key4hep use a common event data model, called EDM4hep. For reconstruction, Key4hep leverages Gaudi, a proven framework already in use by several experiments at the LHC, to orchestrate...
JAliEn, the ALICE experiment's Grid middleware, utilizes whole-node scheduling to maximize resource utilization from participating sites. This approach offers flexibility in resource allocation and partitioning, allowing for customized configurations that adapt to the evolving needs of the experiment. This scheduling model is gaining traction among Grid sites due to its initial performance...
As the quality of experimental measurements increases, so does the need for Monte Carlo-generated simulated events — both with respect to total amount, and to their precision. In perturbative methods this involves the evaluation of higher order corrections to the leading order (LO) scattering amplitudes, including real emissions and loop corrections. Although experimental uncertainties today...
The data reduction stage is a major bottleneck in processing data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, which generates hundreds of petabytes annually for fundamental particle physics research. Here, scientists must refine petabytes into only gigabytes of relevant information for analysis. This data filtering process is limited by slow network speeds when fetching data from globally...
Job pilots in the ALICE Grid have become increasingly tasked with how to best manage the resources given to each job slot. With the emergence of more complex and multicore oriented workflows, this has since become an increasingly challenging process, as users often request arbitrary resources, in particular CPU and memory. This is further exacerbated by often having several user payloads...
The ROOT software framework is widely used in HENP for storage, processing, analysis and visualization of large datasets. With the large increase in usage of ML for experiment workflows, especially lately in the last steps of the analysis pipeline, the matter of exposing ROOT data ergonomically to ML models becomes ever more pressing. This contribution presents the advancements in an...
Quantum computers may revolutionize event generation for collider physics by allowing calculation of scattering amplitudes from full quantum simulation of field theories. Although rapid progress is being made in understanding how best to encode quantum fields onto the states of quantum registers, most formulations are lattice-based and would require an impractically large number of qubits when...
With the large data volume increase expected for HL-LHC and the even more complex computing challenges set by future colliders, the need for more elaborate data access patterns will become more pressing. ROOT’s next-generation data format and I/O subsystem, RNTuple, is designed to address those challenges, currently already showing a clear improvement in storage and I/O efficiency with respect...
With the large dataset expected from 2029 onwards by the HL-LHC at CERN, the ATLAS experiment is reaching the limits of the current data processing model in terms of traditional CPU resources based on x86_64 architectures and an extensive program for software upgrades towards the HL-LHC has been set up. The ARM CPU architecture is becoming a competitive and energy efficient alternative....
The set of sky images recorded nightly by the camera mounted on the telescope of the [Vera C. Rubin Observatory][1] will be processed in facilities located on three continents. Data acquisition will happen in Cerro Pachón in the Andes mountains in Chile where the observatory is located. A first copy of the raw image data set is stored at the summit site of the observatory and immediately...
The risk of cyber attack against members of the research and education sector remains persistently high, with several recent high visibility incidents including a well-reported ransomware attack against the British Library. As reported previously, we must work collaboratively to defend our community against such attacks, notably through the active use of threat intelligence shared with trusted...
Uproot is a Python library for ROOT I/O that uses NumPy and Awkward Array to represent and perform computations on bulk data. However, Uproot uses pure Python to navigate through ROOT's data structures to find the bulk data, which can be a performance issue in metadata-intensive I/O: (a) many small files, (b) many small TBaskets, and/or (c) low compression overhead. Worse, these performance...
GPUs and accelerators are changing traditional High Energy Physics (HEP) deployments while also being the key to enable efficient machine learning. The challenge remains to improve overall efficiency and sharing opportunities of what are currently expensive and scarce resources.
In this paper we describe the common patterns of GPU usage in HEP, including spiky requirements with low overall...
The ALICE Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is the detector with the highest data rate of the ALICE experiment at CERN and is the central detector for tracking and particle identification. Efficient online computing such as clusterization and tracking are mainly performed on GPU's with throughputs of approximately 900 GB/s. Clusterization itself has a well known background with a variety of...
To increase the automation to convert Computer-Aided-Design detector components as well as entire detector systems into simulatable ROOT geometries, TGeoArbN, a ROOT compatible geometry class, was implemented allowing the use of triangle meshes in VMC-based simulation. To improve simulation speed a partitioning structure in form of an Octree can be utilized. TGeoArbN in combination with a...
GlideinWMS has been one of the first middleware in the WLCG community to transition from X.509 to support also tokens. The first step was to get from the prototype in 2019 to using tokens in production in 2022. This paper will present the challenges introduced by the wider adoption of tokens and the evolution plans for securing the pilot infrastructure of GlideinWMS and supporting the new...
The Belle II raw data transfer system is responsible for transferring raw data from the Belle II detector to the local KEK computing centre, and from there to the GRID. The Belle II experiment recently completed its first Long Shutdown period - during this time many upgrades were made to the detector and tools used to handle and analyse the data. The Belle II data acquisition (DAQ) systems...
The Glance project provides software solutions for managing high-energy physics collaborations' data and workflow. It was started in 2003 and operates in the ALICE, AMBER, ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb CERN experiments on top of CERN common infrastructure. The project develops Web applications using PHP and Vue.js, running on CENTOS virtual machines hosted on the CERN OpenStack private cloud. These...
Representing HEP and astrophysics data as graphs (i.e. networks of related entities) is becoming increasingly popular. These graphs are not only useful for structuring data storage but are also increasingly utilized within various machine learning frameworks.
However, despite their rising popularity, numerous unused opportunities exist, particularly concerning the utilization of graph...
One of the most significant challenges in tracking reconstruction is the reduction of "ghost tracks," which are composed of false hit combinations in the detectors. When tracking reconstruction is performed in real-time at 30 MHz, it introduces the difficulty of meeting high efficiency and throughput requirements. A single-layer feed-forward neural network (NN) has been developed and trained...
The Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) has recently launched the INFN Cloud initiative, aimed at providing a federated Cloud infrastructure and a dynamic portfolio of services to scientific communities supported by the Institute. The federative middleware of INFN Cloud is based on the INDIGO PaaS orchestration system, consisting of interconnected open-source microservices....
The future Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment (CBM), which is currently being planned and will be realised at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), is dedicated to the investigation of heavy-ion collisions at high interaction rates. For this purpose, a track-based software alignment is necessary to determine the precise detector component positions with sufficient accuracy....
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is a particle physics experiment installed and operating aboard the International Space Station (ISS) from May 2011 and expected to last through 2030 and beyond. Data reconstruction and Monte-Carlo simulation are two major production activities in AMS offline computing, and templates are defined as a collection of data cards to describe different...
The Belle II experiment relies on a distributed computing infrastructure spanning 19 countries and over 50 sites. It is expected to generate approximately 40TB/day of raw data in 2027, necessitating distribution from the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan to six Data Centers across the USA, Europe, and Canada. Establishing a high-quality network has been a priority...
In anticipation of the High Luminosity-LHC era, there's a critical need to oversee software readiness for upcoming growth in network traffic for production and user data analysis access. This paper looks into software and hardware required improvements in US-CMS Tier-2 sites to be able sustain and meet the projected 400 Gbps bandwidth demands, while tackling the challenge posed by varying...
The Cling C++ interpreter has transformed language bindings by enabling incremental compilation at runtime. This allows Python to interact with C++ on demand and lazily construct bindings between the two. The emergence of Clang-REPL as a potential alternative to Cling within the LLVM compiler framework highlights the need for a unified framework for interactive C++ technologies.
We present...
The processing tasks of an event-processing workflow in high-energy and nuclear physics (HENP) can typically be represented as a directed acyclic graph formed according to the data flow—i.e. the data dependencies among algorithms executed as part of the workflow. With this representation, an HENP framework can optimally execute a workflow, exploiting the parallelism inherent among independent...
The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) in China will become one of the world's fourth-generation synchrotron light sources with the lowest emittance and highest brightness. The 14 beamlines for the phase I of HEPS will produces about 300PB/year raw data, posing significant challenges in data storage, data access, and data exchange. In order to balance the cost-effectiveness of storage devices...
The CBM experiment at FAIR-SIS100 will investigate strongly interacting matter at high baryon density and moderate temperature. One of proposed key observable is the measurement of the low mass vector mesons(LMVMs), which can be detected via their di-lepton decay channel. As the decayed leptons leave the dense and hot fireball without further interactions, they can provide unscathed...
How does one take a workload, consisting of millions or billions of tasks, and group it into tens of thousands of jobs? Partitioning the workload into a workflow of long-running jobs minimizes the use of scheduler resources; however, smaller, more fine-grained jobs allow more efficient use of computing resources. When the runtime of a task averages a minute or less, severe scaling challenges...
The EvtGen generator, an essential tool for the simulation of heavy-flavour hadron decays, has recently gone through a modernisation campaign aiming to implement thread safety. A first iteration of this concluded with an adaptation of the core software, where we identified possibilities for future developments to further exploit the capabilities of multi-threaded processing. However, the...
GlideinWMS, a widely utilized workload management system in high-energy physics (HEP) research, serves as the backbone for efficient job provisioning across distributed computing resources. It is utilized by various experiments and organizations, including CMS, OSG, Dune, and FIFE, to create HTCondor pools as large as 600k cores. In particular, a shared factory service historically deployed at...
Online reconstruction of charged particle tracks is one of the most computationally intensive tasks within current and future filter farms of large HEP experiments, requiring clever algorithms and appropriate hardware choices for its acceleration. The General Triplet Track Fit is a novel track-fitting algorithm that offers great potential for speed-up by processing triplets of hits...
In response to increasing data challenges, CMS has adopted the use of GPU offloading at the High-Level Trigger (HLT). However, GPU acceleration is often hardware specific, and increases the maintenance burden on software development. The Alpaka (Abstraction Library for Parallel Kernel Acceleration) portability library offers a solution to this issue, and has been implemented into the CMS...
We describe the justIN workflow management system developed by DUNE to address its unique requirements and constraints. The DUNE experiment will start running in 2029, recording 30 PB/year of raw data from the detectors, with typical readouts at the scale of gigabytes, but with regular supernova candidate readouts of several hundred terabytes. DUNE benefits from the rich heritage of neutrino...
The High Luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC) will offer a greatly increased number of events for more precise standard model measurements and BSM searches. To cope with the harsh environment created by numerous simultaneous proton-proton collisions, the CMS Collaboration has begun construction of a new endcap calorimeter, the High-Granularity Calorimeters (HGCAL). As part of this project, a...
The Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) is a proposed electron-positron collider in China, designed to achieve a peak luminosity exceeding $\rm 0.5 \times 10^{35} \ cm^{-2} s^{-1}$ and a center-of-mass energy ranging from 2 to 7 GeV. To meet the particle identification (PID) requirements essential for the physics goals of the STCF experiment, a dedicated PID system is proposed to identify $\rm...
In CMS, data access and management is organized around the data-tier model: a static definition of what subset of event information is available in a particular dataset, realized as a collection of files. In previous works, we have proposed a novel data management model that obviates the need for data tiers by exploding files into individual event data product objects. We present here a study...
To study and search for increasingly rare physics processes at the LHC, a staggering amount of data needs to be analyzed with progressively complex methods. Analyses involving tens of billions of recorded and simulated events, multiple machine learning algorithms for different purposes, and an amount of 100 or more systematic variations are no longer uncommon. These conditions impose a complex...
High energy physics experiments are making increasing use of GPUs and GPU dominated High Performance Computer facilities. Both the software and hardware of these systems are rapidly evolving, creating challenges for experiments to make informed decisions as to where they wish to devote resources. In its first phase, the High Energy Physics Center for Computational Excellence (HEP-CCE) produced...
The DUNE experiment will produce vast amounts of metadata, which describe the data coming from the read-out of the primary DUNE detectors. Various databases will collect the metadata from different sources. The conditions data, which is the subset of all the metadata that is accessed during the offline reconstruction and analysis, will be stored in a dedicated database. ProtoDUNE at CERN is...
The Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment (CBM) at FAIR is designed to explore the QCD phase diagram at high baryon densities with interaction rates up to 10 MHz using triggerless free-streaming data acquisition. For the overall PID, the CBM Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector (RICH) contributes by identifying electrons from lowest momenta up to 10 GeV/c, with a pion suppression of > 100. The RICH...
Research groups at scientific institutions have an increasing demand for computing and storage resources. The national High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems usually have a high threshold to come in and cloud solutions could be challenging and demand a high learning curve.
Here we introduce the Scientific NREC Cluster (SNC), which leverages the Norwegian Research and Education Cloud...
The proposal to create a multi-Tev Muon Collider presents an unprecedented opportunity for advancing high energy physics research and offers the possibility to accurately measure the Higgs couplings with other Standard Model particles and search for new physics at TeV scale.
This demands for accurate full event reconstruction and particle identification. However, this is complicated by the...
CloudVeneto is a distributed private cloud, which harmonizes the resources of two INFN units and the University of Padua. Tailored to meet the specialized scientific computing needs of user communities within these organizations, it promotes collaboration and enhances innovation. CloudVeneto basically implements an OpenStack based IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) cloud. However users are...
For nearly five decades, Data Centre Operators have provided critical support to the CERN Meyrin Data Centre, from its infancy, until spring 2024. However, advancements in Data Centre technology and resilience built into IT services have rendered the Console Service obsolete.
In the early days of the Meyrin Data Centre, day to day operations relied heavily on the expertise and manual...
Experiment analysis frameworks, physics data formats and expectations of scientists at the LHC have been evolving towards interactive analysis with short turnaround times. Several sites in the community have reacted by setting up dedicated Analysis Facilities, providing tools and interfaces to computing and storage resources suitable for interactive analysis. It is expected that this demand...
Since the start of LHC in 2008, the ATLAS experiment has relied on ROOT to provide storage technology for all its processed event data. Internally, ROOT files are organized around TTree structures that are capable of storing complex C++ objects. The capabilities of TTrees developed over the years and are now offering support for advanced concepts like polymorphism, schema evolution and user...
The ATLAS Collaboration operates a large, distributed computing infrastructure: almost 1M cores of computing and almost 1 EB of data are distributed over about 100 computing sites worldwide. These resources contribute significantly to the total carbon footprint of the experiment, and they are expected to grow by a large factor as a part of the experimental upgrades for the HL-LHC at the end of...
Electrons are one of the key particles that are detected by the CMS experiment and are reconstructed using the CMS software (CMSSW). Reconstructing electrons in CMSSW is a computational intensive task that is split into several steps, seeding being the most time consuming one. During the electron seeding process, the collection of tracker hits (seeds) is significantly reduced by selecting only...
The WLCG infrastructure is quickly evolving thanks to technology evolution in all areas of LHC computing: storage, network, alternative processor architectures, new authentication & authorization mechanisms, etc. This evolution also has to address challenges like the seamless integration of HPC and cloud resources, the significant rise of energy costs, licensing issues and support changes....
Model fitting using likelihoods is a crucial part of many analyses in HEP.
zfit started over five years ago with the goal of providing this capability within the Python analysis ecosystem by offering a variety of advanced features and high performance tailored to the needs of HEP.
After numerous iterations with users and a continuous development, zfit reached a maturity stage with a stable...
As UKRI moves towards a NetZero Digital Research Infrastructure [1] an understanding of how carbon costs of computing infrastructures can be allocated to individual scientific payloads will be required. The IRIS community [2] forms a multi-site heterogenous infrastructure so is a good testing ground to develop carbon allocation models with wide applicability.
The IRISCAST Project [3,4]...
The National Analysis Facility at DESY has been in production for nearly 15 years. Over various stages of development, experiences gained in continuous operations have continuously been feed and integrated back into the evolving NAF. As a "living" infrastructure, one fundamental constituent of the NAF is the close contact between NAF users, NAF admins and storage admins & developers. Since the...
ATLAS is one of the two general-purpose experiments at the Large Hadron
Collider (LHC), aiming to detect a wide variety of physics processes. Its
trigger system plays a key role in selecting the events that are detected,
filtering them down from the 40 MHz bunch crossing rate to the 1 kHz rate at
which they are committed to storage. The ATLAS trigger works in two stages,
Level- 1 and the...
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the implementation and performance enhancements of the new job optimizer service within the JAliEn (Java ALICE environment) middleware framework developed for the ALICE grid. The job optimizer service aims to efficiently split large-scale computational tasks into smaller grid jobs, thereby optimizing resource utilization and throughput of the...
ROOT is planning to move from TTree to RNTuple as the data storage format for HL-LHC in order to, for example, speed up the IO, make the files smaller, and have a modern C++ API. Initially, RNTuple was not planned to support the same set of C++ data structures as TTree supports. CMS has explored the necessary transformations in its standard persistent data types to switch to RNTuple. Many...
GPUs are expected to be a key solution to the data challenges posed by track reconstruction in future high energy physics experiments. traccc, an R&D project within the ACTS track reconstruction toolkit, aims to demonstrate tracking algorithms in GPU programming models including CUDA and SYCL without loss of physical accuracy such as tracking efficiency and fitted parameter resolution. We...
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a future experiment mainly designed to precisely measure the Higgs boson’s properties and search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. In the design of the CEPC detector, the VerTeX detector (VTX) is the innermost tracker playing a dominant role in determining the vertexes of a collision event. The VTX detector is also responsible for...
HammerCloud (HC) is a framework for testing and benchmarking resources of the world wide LHC computing grid (WLCG). It tests the computing resources and the various components of distributed systems with workloads that can range from very simple functional tests to full-chain experiment workflows. This contribution concentrates on the ATLAS implementation, which makes extensive use of HC for...
The Glasgow ScotGrid facility is now a truly heterogeneous site, with over 4k ARM cores representing 20% of our compute nodes, which has enabled large-scale testing by the experiments and more detailed investigations of performance in a production environment. We present here a number of updates and new results related to our efforts to optimise power efficiency for High Energy Physics (HEP)...
In preparation for the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) run, the CMS collaboration is working on an ambitious upgrade project for the first stage of its online selection system: the Level-1 Trigger. The upgraded system will use powerful field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) processors connected by a high-bandwidth network of optical fibers. The new system will access highly granular calorimeter...
Although caching-based efforts [1] have been in place in the LHC infrastructure in the US, we show that integrating intelligent prefetching and targeted dataset placement into the underlying caching strategy can improve job efficiency further. Newer experiments and experiment upgrades such as HL-LHC and DUNE are expected to produce 10x the amount of data than currently being produced. This...
The anticipated surge in data volumes generated by the LHC in the coming years, especially during the High-Luminosity LHC phase, will reshape how physicists conduct their analysis. This necessitates a shift in programming paradigms and techniques for the final stages of analysis. As a result, there's a growing recognition within the community of the need for new computing infrastructures...
The High-Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) will increase luminosity and the number of events by an order of magnitude, demanding more concurrent processing. Event processing is trivially parallel, but metadata handling is more complex and breaks that parallelism. However, correct and reliable in-file metadata is crucial for all workflows of the experiment, enabling tasks...
The Bayesian Analysis Toolkit in Julia (BAT.jl) is an open source software package that provides user-friendly tooling to tackle statistical problems encountered in Bayesian (an not just Bayesian) inference.
BAT.jl succeeds the very successful BAT-C++ (over 500 citations) using modern Julia language. We chose Julia because of its high performance, native automatic differentiation, support...
We explore the adoption of cloud-native tools and principles to forge flexible and scalable infrastructures, aimed at supporting analysis frameworks being developed for the ATLAS experiment in the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) era. The project culminated in the creation of a federated platform, integrating Kubernetes clusters from various providers such as Tier-2 centers,...
In April 2023 HEPScore23, the new benchmark based on HEP specific applications, was adopted by WLCG, replacing HEP-SPEC06. As part of the transition to the new benchmark, the CPU core power published by the sites needed to be compared with the effective power observed while running ATLAS workloads. One aim was to verify the conversion rate between the scores of the old and the new benchmark....
The General Triplet Track Fit (GTTF) is a generalization of the Multiple Scattering Triplet Fit [NIMA 844 (2017) 135] to additionally take hit uncertainties into account. This makes it suitable for use in collider experiments, where the position uncertainties of hits dominate for high momentum tracks. Since the GTTF is based on triplets of hits that can be processed independently, the fit is...
In pursuit of energy-efficient solutions for computing in High Energy Physics (HEP) we have extended our investigations of non-x86 architectures beyond the ARM platforms that we have previously studied. In this work, we have taken a first look at the RISC-V architecture for HEP workloads, leveraging advancements in both hardware and software maturity.
We introduce the Pioneer Milk-V, a...
The CBM experiment is expected to run with a data rate exceeding 500 GB/s even after averaging. At this rate storing raw detector data is not feasible and an efficient online reconstruction is instead required. GPUs have become essential for HPC workloads. The higher memory bandwidth and parallelism of GPUs can provide significant speedups over traditional CPU applications. These properties...
This work is going to show the Spanish Tier-1 and Tier-2s contribution to the computing of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC during the Run3 period. The Tier-1 and Tier-2 GRID infrastructures, encompassing data storage, processing, and involvement in software development and computing tasks for the experiment, will undergo updates to enhance efficiency and visibility within the experiment.
The ATLAS Metadata Interface (AMI) is a comprehensive ecosystem designed for metadata aggregation, transformation, and cataloging. With over 20 years of feedback in the LHC context, it is particularly well-suited for scientific experiments that generate large volumes of data.
This presentation explains, in a general manner, why managing metadata is essential regardless of the experiment's...
In early 2024, ATLAS undertook an architectural review to evaluate the functionalities of its current components within the workflow and workload management ecosystem. Pivotal to the review was the assessment of the Production and Distributed Analysis (PanDA) system, which plays a vital role in the overall infrastructure.
The review findings indicated that while the current system shows no...
Neural Simulation-Based Inference (NSBI) is a powerful class of machine learning (ML)-based methods for statistical inference that naturally handle high dimensional parameter estimation without the need to bin data into low-dimensional summary histograms. Such methods are promising for a range of measurements at the Large Hadron Collider, where no single observable may be optimal to scan over...
The research and education community relies on a robust network to access the vast amounts of data generated by scientific experiments. The underlying infrastructure connects a few hundred sites worldwide, requiring reliable and efficient transfers of increasingly large datasets. These activities demand proactive methods in network management, where potentially severe issues could be predicted...
The analysis of data collected by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN, ahead of the next phase of high-luminosity at the LHC, requires a flexible and dynamic access to big amounts of data, as well as an environment capable of dynamically accessing distributed resources. An interactive high throughput platform, based on a parallel and geographically distributed back-end, has been developed in...
JUNO (Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory) is a neutrino experiment being built in South China. Its primary goals are to resolve the order of the neutrino mass eigenstates and to precisely measure the oscillation parameters $\sin^2\theta_{12}$, $\Delta m^2_{21}$, and $\Delta m^2_{31 (32)}$ by observing the oscillation pattern of electron antineutrinos produced in eight reactor cores of...
Efficient utilization of vast amounts of distributed compute resources is a key element in the success of the scientific programs of the LHC experiments. The CMS Submission Infrastructure is the main computing resource provisioning system for CMS workflows, including data processing, simulation and analysis. Resources geographically distributed across numerous institutions, including Grid, HPC...
Large international collaborations in the field of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics have been leading the implementation of FAIR principles for managing research data. These principles are essential when dealing with large volumes of data over extended periods and involving scientists from multiple countries. Recently, smaller communities and individual experiments have also started adopting...
The PANDA experiment has been designed to incorporate software triggers and online data processing. Although PANDA may not surpass the largest experiments in terms of raw data rates, designing and developing the processing pipeline and software platform for this purpose is still a challenge. Given the uncertain timeline for PANDA and the constantly evolving landscape of computing hardware, our...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) in southern China has set its primary goals as determining the neutrino mass ordering and precisely measuring oscillation parameters. JUNO plans to start data-taking in late 2024, with an expected event rate of approximately 1 kHz at full operation. This translates to around 60 MB of byte-stream raw data being produced every second,...
High-Luminosity LHC will provide an unprecedented amount of experimental data. The improvement in experimental precision needs to be matched with an increase of accuracy in the theoretical predictions, stressing our compute capability.
In this talk, I will focus on the current and future precision needed by LHC experiments and how those needs are supplied by Event Generators. I will focus...
We present first results from a new simulation of the WLCG Glasgow Tier-2 site, designed to investigate the potential for reducing our carbon footprint by reducing the CPU clock frequency across the site in response to a higher-than-normal fossil-fuel component in the local power supply. The simulation uses real (but historical) data for the UK power-mix, together with measurements of power...
Efficient and precise track reconstruction is critical for the results of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. The current CMS track reconstruction algorithm is a multi-step procedure based on the combinatorial Kalman filter as well as a Cellular Automaton technique to create track seeds. Multiple parameters regulate the reconstruction steps, populating a large phase space of possible...
Research has become dependent on processing power and storage, with one crucial aspect being data sharing. The Open Science Data Federation (OSDF) project aims to create a scientific global data distribution network, expanding on the StashCache project to add new data origins and caches, access methods, monitoring, and accounting mechanisms. OSDF does not develop any new software, relying on ...
The surge in data volumes from large scientific collaborations, like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), poses challenges and opportunities for High Energy Physics (HEP). With annual data projected to grow thirty-fold by 2028, efficient data management is paramount. The HEP community heavily relies on wide-area networks for global data distribution, often resulting in redundant long-distance...
Scientific computing relies heavily on powerful tools like Julia and Python. While Python has long been the preferred choice in High Energy Physics (HEP) data analysis, there’s a growing interest in migrating legacy software to Julia. We explore language interoperability, focusing on how Awkward Array data structures can connect Julia and Python. We discuss memory management, data buffer...
For the HL-LHC upgrade of the ATLAS TDAQ system, a heterogeneous computing farm
deploying GPUs and/or FPGAs is under study, together with the use of modern
machine learning algorithms such as Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). We present a
study on the reconstruction of tracks in the ATLAS Inner Tracker using GNNs on
FPGAs for the Event Filter system. We explore each of the steps in a...
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is set to be the largest and most sensitive radio telescope in the world. As construction advances, the managing and processing of data on an exabyte scale becomes a paramount challenge to enable the SKA science community to process and analyse their data. To address this, the SKA Regional Centre Network (SRCNet) has been established to provide the necessary...
For high-energy physics experiments, the generation of Monte Carlo events, and in particular the simulation of the detector response, is a very computationally intensive process. In many cases, the primary bottleneck in detector simulation is the detailed simulation of the electromagnetic and hadronic showers in the calorimeter system. For the ATLAS experiment, about 80% of the total CPU usage...
During the ESCAPE project, the pillars of a pilot analysis facility were built following a bottom-up approach, in collaboration with all the partners of the project. As a result, the CERN Virtual Research Environment (VRE) initiative proposed a workspace that facilitates the access to the data in the ESCAPE Data Lake, a large scale data management system defined by Rucio, along with the...
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva is preparing for a major upgrade that will improve both its accelerator and particle detectors. This strategic move comes in anticipation of a tenfold increase in proton-proton collisions, expected to kick off by 2029 in the upcoming high-luminosity phase. The backbone of this evolution is the World-Wide LHC Computing Grid, crucial for handling...
Abstract: The LHCb collaboration is planning an upgrade (LHCb "Upgrade-II") to collect data at an increased instantaneous luminosity (a factor of 7.5 larger than the current one). LHCb relies on a complete real-time reconstruction of all collision events at LHC-Point 8, which will have to cope with both the luminosity increase and the introduction of correspondingly more granular and complex...
We present our unique approach to host the Canadian share of the Belle-II raw data and the computing infrastructure needed to process the raw data. We will describe the details of the storage system which is a disk-only storage solution based on xrootd and ZFS, as well as TSM for backup purpose. We will also detail the compute that involves starting specialized Virtual Machine (VMs) to process...
Scientific experiments and computations, especially in High Energy Physics, are generating and accumulating data at an unprecedented rate. Effectively managing this vast volume of data while ensuring efficient data analysis poses a significant challenge for data centers, which must integrate various storage technologies. This paper proposes addressing this challenge by designing a multi-tiered...
Reconfigurable detector for the measurement of spatial radiation dose distribution for applications in the preparation of individual patient treatment plans [1] was a research and development project aimed at improving radiation dose distribution measurement techniques for therapeutic applications. The main idea behind the initiative was to change the current radiation dose distribution...
In view of the High-Luminosity LHC era the ATLAS experiment is carrying out an upgrade campaign which foresees the installation of a new all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) and the modernization of the reconstruction software.
Track reconstruction will be pushed to its limits by the increased number of proton-proton collisions per bunch-crossing and the granularity of the ITk detector. In order...
We present the preparation, deployment, and testing of an autoencoder trained for unbiased detection of new physics signatures in the CMS experiment Global Trigger (GT) test crate FPGAs during LHC Run 3. The GT makes the final decision whether to readout or discard the data from each LHC collision, which occur at a rate of 40 MHz, within a 50 ns latency. The Neural Network makes a prediction...
The Einstein Telescope is the proposed European next-generation ground-based gravitational-wave observatory, that is planned to have a vastly increased sensitivity with respect to current observatories, particularly in the lower frequencies. This will result in the detection of far more transient events, which will stay in-band for much longer, such that there will nearly always be at least...
The ROOT framework provides various implementations of graphics engines tailored for different platforms, along with specialized support of batch mode. Over time, as technology evolves and new versions of X11 or Cocoa are released, maintaining the functionality of correspondent ROOT components becomes increasingly challenging. The TWebCanvas class in ROOT represents an attempt to unify all...
This paper presents a novel approach to enhance the analysis of ATLAS Detector Control System (DCS) data at CERN. Traditional storage in Oracle databases, optimized for WinCC archiver operations, is challenged by the need for extensive analysis across long timeframes and multiple devices, alongside correlating conditions data. We introduce techniques to improve troubleshooting and analysis of...
For the upcoming HL-LHC upgrade of the ATLAS experiment, the deployment of GPU
or FPGA co-processors within the online Event Filter system is being studied as
a measure to increase throughput and save power. End-to-end track
reconstruction pipelines are currently being developed using commercially
available FPGA accelerator cards. These utilize FPGA base partitions, drivers
and runtime...
The DUNE experiment will start running in 2029 and record 30 PB/year of raw waveforms from Liquid Argon TPCs and photon detectors. The size of individual readouts can range from 100 MB to a typical 8 GB full readout of the detector to extended readouts of up to several 100 TB from supernova candidates. These data then need to be cataloged, stored and then distributed for processing worldwide....
Over the last few years, an increasing number of sites have started to offer access to GPU accelerator cards but in many places they remain underutilised. The experiment collaborations are gradually increasing the fraction of their code that can exploit GPUs, driven in many case by developments of specific reconstruction algorithms to exploit the HLT farms when data is not being taken....
Large-scale scientific collaborations like ATLAS, Belle II, CMS, DUNE, and others involve hundreds of research institutes and thousands of researchers spread across the globe. These experiments generate petabytes of data, with volumes soon expected to reach exabytes. Consequently, there is a growing need for computation, including structured data processing from raw data to consumer-ready...
The common and shared event data model EDM4hep is a core part of the Key4hep project. It is the component that is used to not only exchange data between the different software pieces, but it also serves as a common language for all the components that belong to Key4hep. Since it is such a central piece, EDM4hep has to offer an efficient implementation. On the other hand, EDM4hep has to be...
The success and adoption of machine learning (ML) approaches to solving HEP problems has been widespread and fast. As useful a tool as ML has been to the field, the growing number of applications, larger datasets, and increasing complexity of models creates a demand for both more capable hardware infrastructure and cleaner methods of reproducibilty and deployment. We have developed a prototype...
This work presents FPGA-RICH, an FPGA-based online partial particle identification system for the NA62 experiment utilizing AI techniques. Integrated between the readout of the Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector (RICH) and the low-level trigger processor (L0TP+) , FPGA-RICH implements a fast pipeline to process in real-time the RICH raw hit data stream, producing trigger-primitives containing...
Over the past years, the ROOT team has been developing a new I/O format called RNTuple to store data from experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. RNTuple is designed to improve ROOT's existing TTree I/O subsystem by improving I/O speed and introducing a more efficient binary data format. It can be stored in both ROOT files and object stores, and it's optimized for modern storage hardware...
The PUNCH4NFDI consortium, funded by the German Research Foundation for an initial period of five years, gathers various physics communities - particle, astro-, astroparticle, hadron and nuclear physics - from different institutions embedded in the National Research Data Infrastructure initiative. The overall goal of PUNCH4NFDI is the establishment and support of FAIR data management solutions...
The upgrade of the CMS apparatus for the HL-LHC will provide unprecedented timing measurement capabilities, in particular for charged particles through the Mip Timing Detector (MTD). One of the main goals of this upgrade is to compensate the deterioration of primary vertex reconstruction induced by the increased pileup of proton-proton collisions by separating clusters of tracks not only in...
After several years of focused work, preparation for Data Release Production (DRP) of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) at multiple data facilities is taking its shape. Rubin Observatory DRP features both complex, long workflows with many short jobs, and fewer long jobs with sometimes unpredictably large memory usage. Both of them create scaling issues that...
Mu2e will search for the neutrinoless coherent $\mu^-\rightarrow e^-$ conversion in the field of an Al nucleus, a Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (CLFV) process. The experiment is expected to start in 2026 and will improve the current limit by 4 orders of magnitude.
Mu2e consists of a straw-tube tracker and crystal calorimeter in a 1T B field complemented by a plastic scintillation counter...
We are moving INFN-T1 data center to a new location. In this presentation we will describe all the steps taken to complete the task without decreasing the general availability of the site and of all the services provided.
We will also briefly describe the new features of our new data center compared to the current one.
Machine Learning (ML) is driving a revolution in the way scientists design, develop, and deploy data-intensive software. However, the adoption of ML presents new challenges for the computing infrastructure, particularly in terms of provisioning and orchestrating access to hardware accelerators for development, testing, and production.
The INFN-funded project AI_INFN ("Artificial Intelligence...
The software description of the ATLAS detector is based on the GeoModel toolkit, developed in-house for the ATLAS experiment but released and maintained as a separate package with few dependencies. A compact SQLite-based exchange format permits the sharing of geometrical information between applications including visualization, clash detection, material inventory, database browsing, and...
Particle detectors at accelerators generate large amount of data, requiring analysis to derive insights. Collisions lead to signal pile up, where multiple particles produce signals in the same detector sensors, complicating individual signal identification. This contribution describes the implementation of a deep learning algorithm on a Versal ACAP device for improved processing via...
Cloud computing technologies are becoming increasingly important to provide a variety of services able to serve different communities' needs. This is the case of the DARE project (Digital Lifelong Prevention), a four-year initiative, co-financed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research as part of the National Plan of Complementary Investments to the PNRR. The project aims to develop...
Fermilab is transitioning authentication and authorization for grid operations to using bearer tokens based on the WLCG Common JWT (JSON Web Token) Profile. One of the functionalities that Fermilab experimenters rely on is the ability to automate batch job submission, which in turn depends on the ability to securely refresh and distribute the necessary credentials to experiment job submit...
The simulation of physics events in the LHCb experiment uses the majority of the distributed computing resources available to the experiment. Notably, around 50% of the overall CPU time in the Geant4-based detailed simulation of physics events is spent in the calorimeter system. This talk presents a solution implemented in the LHCb simulation software framework to accelerate the calorimeter...
The Adaptive Hough Transform (AHT) is a variant of the Hough transform for particle tracking. Compared to other solutions using Hough Transforms, the benefit of the described algorithm is a shifted balance between memory usage and computation, which could make it more suitable for computational devices with less memory that can be accessed very fast. In addition, the AHT algorithm's...
The Precision Proton Spectrometer (PPS) is a near-beam spectrometer that utilizes timing and
tracking detectors to measure scattered protons surviving collisions at the CMS interaction
point (IP). It is installed on both sides of CMS, approximately 200 meters from the IP, within
mechanical structures called Roman Pots. These special beam pockets enable the detectors to
approach the LHC...
This poster presents an overview and features of a bamboo framework designed for HEP data analysis. The bamboo framework defines a domain-specific language, embedded in python, that allows to concisely express the analysis logic in a functional style. The implementation based on ROOT's RDataFrame and cling C++ JIT compiler approaches the performance of dedicated native code. Bamboo is...
The ePIC Collaboration is actively working on the Technical Design Report (TDR) for its future detector at the Electron Ion Collider to be built at Brookhaven National Laboratory within the next decade. The development of the TDR by an international Collaboration with over 850 members requires a plethora of physics and detector studies that need to be coordinated. An effective set of...
The ATLAS Collaboration consists of around 6000 members from over 100 different countries. Regional, age and gender demographics of the collaboration are presented, including the time evolution over the lifetime of the experiment. In particular, the relative fraction of women is discussed, including their share of contributions, recognition and positions of responsibility, including showing...
Fully automated conversion from CAD geometries directly into their ROOT geometry equivalents has been a hot topic of conversation at CHEP conferences. Today multiple approaches for CAD to ROOT conversion exist. Many appear not to work well. In this paper, we report on three separate and distinct successful efforts from within the CBM collaboration, namely from our Silicon Tracking System team,...
DUNE’s current processing framework (art) was branched from the event processing framework of CMS, a collider-physics experiment. Therefore art is built on event-based concepts as its fundamental processing unit. The “event” concept is not always helpful for neutrino experiments, such as DUNE. DUNE uses trigger records that are much larger than collider events (several GB vs. MB). Therefore,...
Geant4 hadronic physics sub-library includes a wide variety of models for high and low-energy hadronic interactions. We report on recent progress in development of the Geant4 nuclear de-excitation module. This module is used by many Geant4 models for sampling of de-excitation of nuclear recoil produced in nuclear reactions. Hadronic shower shape and energy deposition are sensitive to these...
Choosing the right resource can speedup jobs completion, better utilize the available hardware and visibly reduce costs, especially when renting computers on the cloud. This was demonstrated in earlier studies on HEPCloud. But the benchmarking of the resources proved to be a laborious and time-consuming process. This paper presents GlideinBenchmark, a new Web application leveraging the pilot...
Extensive research has been conducted on deep neural networks (DNNs) for the identification and localization of primary vertices (PVs) in proton-proton collision data from ATLAS/ACTS. Previous studies focused on locating primary vertices in simulated ATLAS data using a hybrid methodology. This approach began with the derivation of kernel density estimators (KDEs) from the ensemble of charged...
Precision measurements of fundamental properties of particles serve as stringent tests of the Standard Model and search for new physics. These experiments require robust particle identification and event classification capabilities, often achievable through machine learning techniques. This presentation introduces a Graph Neural Network (GNN) approach tailored for identifying outgoing...
The implementation of a federated access system for GSI's local Lustre storage using XRootD and HTTP(s) protocols will be presented. It aims at ensuring a secure and efficient data access for the diverse scientific communities at GSI. This prototype system is a key step towards integrating GSI/FAIR into a federated data analysis model. We use Keycloak for authentication, which issues SciTokens...
The official data collection for the RUN3 of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva commenced on July 5, 2022, following approximately three and a half years of maintenance, upgrades, and commissioning. Among the many enhancements to ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is the new Fast Interaction Trigger (FIT) detector. Constant improvements to FIT's hardware, firmware, and...
We present an overview of the Monte Carlo event generator for lepton and quark pair production for the high-energy electron-positron annihilation process. We note that it is still the most sophisticated event generator for such processes. Its entire source code is rewritten in the modern C++ language. We checked that it reproduces all features of the older code in Fortran 77. We discuss a...
The LHCb experiment requires a wide variety of Monte Carlo simulated samples to support its physics programme. LHCb’s centralised production system operates on the DIRAC backend of the WLCG; users interact with it via the DIRAC web application to request and produce samples.
To simplify this procedure, LbMCSubmit was introduced, automating the generation of request configurations from a...
The poster presents the first experiments with the time-to-digital converter (TDC) for the Fast Interaction Trigger detector in ALICE experiment at CERN. It is implemented in Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology and uses Serializer and Deserializers (ISERDES) with multiple-phase clocks.
The input pulse is a standard differential input signal. The signal is sampled with eight...
The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at FAIR will explore the QCD phase diagram at high net-baryon densities through heavy-ion collisions, using the beams provided by the SIS100 synchrotron in the energy range of 4.5-11 AGeV/c (fully stripped gold ions). This physics program strongly relies on rare probes with complex signatures, for which high interaction rates and a strong...
The National Analysis Facility (NAF) at DESY is a multi-purpose compute cluster available to a broad community of high-energy particle physics, astro particle physics as well as other communities. Being continuously in production for about 15 years now, the NAF evolved through a number of hardware and software revisions. A constant factor however has been the human factor, as the broad set of...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermilab, is expected to begin operations in the late 2020s. The validation of one far detector module design for DUNE will come from operational experience gained from deploying offline computing infrastructure for the ProtoDUNE (PD) Horizontal Drift (HD) detector. The computing infrastructure of PD HD...
We will present the first analysis of the computational speedup achieved through the use of the GPU version of Madgraph, known as MG4GPU. Madgraph is the most widely used event generator in CMS. Our work is the first step toward benchmarking the improvement obtained through the use of its GPU implementation. In this presentation, we will show the timing improvement achieved without affecting...
Level-1 Data Scouting (L1DS) is a novel data acquisition subsystem at the CMS Level-1 Trigger (L1T) that exposes the L1T event selection data primitives for online processing at the LHC’s 40 MHz bunch-crossing rate, enabling unbiased and unconventional analyses. An L1DS demonstrator has been operating since Run 3, relying on a ramdisk for ephemeral storage of incoming and intermediate data,...
The increasing computing power and bandwidth of FPGAs opens new possibilities in the field of real-time processing of HEP data. LHCb now uses a cluster-finder FPGA architecture to reconstruct hits in the VELO pixel detector on-the-fly during readout. In addition to its usefulness in accelerating HLT1 reconstruction by providing it with pre-reconstructed data, this system enables further...
A growing reliance on the fast Monte Carlo (FastSim) will accompany the high luminosity and detector granularity expected in Phase 2. FastSim is roughly 10 times faster than equivalent GEANT4-based full simulation (FullSim). However, reduced accuracy of the FastSim affects some analysis variables and collections. To improve its accuracy, FastSim is refined using regression-based neural...
The ALICE Grid processes up to one million computational jobs daily, leveraging approximately 200,000 CPU cores distributed across about 60 computing centers. Enhancing the prediction accuracy for job execution times could significantly optimize job scheduling, leading to better resource allocation and increased throughput of job execution. We present results of applying machine learning...
The super-resolution (SR) techniques are often used in the up-scaling process to add-in details that are not present in the original low-resolution image. In radiation therapy the SR can be applied to enhance the quality of medical images used in treatment planning. The Dose3D detector measuring spatial dose distribution [1][2], the dedicated set of ML algorithms for SR has been proposed to...
The LHCb Detector project is home to the detector description of the LHCb experiment. It is used in all data processing applications, from simulation to reconstruction . It is based on the DD4hep package relying on the combination of XML files and C++ code. The need to support different versions of the detector layout in different data taking periods, on top of the DD4hep detector...
Simulating the Large Hadron Collider detectors, particularly the Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) of the ALICE experiment, is computationally expensive. This process uses the Monte Carlo approach, which demands significant computational resources, and involves many steps. However, recent advances in generative deep learning architectures present promising methods for speeding up these...
Gravitational Waves (GW) were first predicted by Einstein in 1918, as a consequence of his theory of General Relativity published in 1915. The first direct GW detection was announced in 2016 by the LIGO and Virgo collaborations. Both experiments consist of a modified Michelson-Morley interferometer that can measure deformations of the interferometer arms of about 1/1,000 the width of a proton....
Graph neural networks and deep geometric learning have been successfully proven in the task of track reconstruction in recent years. The GNN4ITk project employs these techniques in the context of the ATLAS upgrade ITk detector to produce similar physics performance as traditional techniques, while scaling sub-quadratically. However, one current bottleneck in the throughput and physics...
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is set to revolutionise radio astronomy and will utilise a distributed network of compute and storage resources, known as SRCNet, to store, process and analyse the data at the exoscale. The United Kingdom plays a pivotal role in this initiative, contributing a significant portion of the SRCNet infrastructure. SRCNet v0.1, scheduled for early 2025, will...
The ATLAS experiment at CERN is constructing upgraded system
for the "High Luminosity LHC", with collisions due to start in
2029. In order to deliver an order of magnitude more data than
previous LHC runs, 14 TeV protons will collide with an instantaneous
luminosity of up to 7.5 x 10e34 cm^-2s^-1, resulting in much higher pileup and
data rates than the current experiment was designed to...
The CMS Level-1 Trigger Data Scouting (L1DS) introduces a novel approach within the CMS Level-1 Trigger (L1T), enabling the acquisition and processing of L1T primitives at the 40 MHz LHC bunch-crossing (BX) rate. The target for this system is the CMS Phase-2 Upgrade for the High Luminosity phase of LHC, harnessing the improved Phase-2 L1T design, where tracker and high-granularity calorimeter...
High quality particle reconstruction is crucial to data acquisition at large CERN experiments. While the classical algorithms have been successful so far, in recent years, the use of pattern recognition has become more and more necessary due to increasing complexity of the modern detectors. Graph Neural Network based approaches have been recently proposed to tackle challenges such as...
In the High-Performance Computing (HPC) field, fast and reliable interconnects remain pivotal in delivering efficient data access and analytics.
In recent years, several interconnect implementations have been proposed, targeting optimization, reprogrammability and other critical aspects. Custom Network Interface Cards (NIC) have emerged as viable alternatives to commercially available...
This paper presents the innovative HPCNeuroNet model, a pioneering fusion of Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), Transformers, and high-performance computing tailored for particle physics, particularly in particle identification from detector responses. Drawing from the intrinsic temporal dynamics of SNNs and the robust attention mechanisms of Transformers, our approach capitalizes on these...
The Perlmutter HPC system is the 9th generation supercomputer deployed at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) It provides both CPU and GPU resources, offering 393216 AMD EPYC Milan cores with 4 GB of memory per core, for CPU-oriented jobs and 7168 NVIDIA A100 GPUs. The machine allows connections from the worker nodes to the outside and already mounts CVMFS for...
The ATLAS experiment is currently developing columnar analysis frameworks which leverage the Python data science ecosystem. We describe the construction and operation of the infrastructure necessary to support demonstrations of these frameworks, with a focus on those from IRIS-HEP. One such demonstrator aims to process the compact ATLAS data format PHYSLITE at rates exceeding 200 Gbps. Various...
The ALICE Collaboration has begun exploring the use of ARM resources for the execution of Grid payloads. This was prompted by both their recent availability in the WLCG, as well as their increased competitiveness with traditional x86-based hosts in terms of both cost and performance. With the number of OEMs providing ARM offerings aimed towards servers and HPC growing, the presence of these...
Track reconstruction is an essential element of modern and future collider experiments, including the ATLAS detector. The HL-LHC upgrade of the ATLAS detector brings an unprecedented tracking reconstruction challenge, both in terms of the large number of silicon hit cluster readouts and the throughput required for budget-constrained track reconstruction. Traditional track reconstruction...
Hamiltonian moments in Fourier space—expectation values of the unitary evolution operator under a Hamiltonian at various times—provide a robust framework for understanding quantum systems. They offer valuable insights into energy distribution, higher-order dynamics, response functions, correlation information, and physical properties. Additionally, Fourier moments enable the computation of...
The Worldwide Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid (WLCG) community’s deployment of dual-stack IPv6/IPv4 on its worldwide storage infrastructure is very successful and has been presented by us at earlier CHEP conferences. Dual-stack is not, however, a viable long-term solution; the HEPiX IPv6 Working Group has focused on studying where and why IPv4 is still being used, and how to flip such...
As a part of the IRIS-HEP “Analysis Grand Challenge” activities, the Coffea-casa AF team executed a “200 Gbps Challenge”. One of the goals of this challenge was to provide a setup for execution of a test notebook-style analysis on the facility that could process a 200 TB CMS NanoAOD dataset in 20 minutes.
We describe the solutions we deployed at the facility to execute the challenge tasks....
Jets are key observables to measure the hadronic activities at high energy colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and future colliders such as the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). Yet jet reconstruction is a computationally expensive task especially when the number of final-state particles is large. Such a clustering task can be...
The reconstruction of particle trajectories is a key challenge of particle physics experiments, as it directly impacts particle identification and physics performances while also representing one of the primary CPU consumers of many high-energy physics experiments. As the luminosity of particle colliders increases, this reconstruction will become more challenging and resource-intensive. New...
Erasure-coded storage systems based on Ceph have become a mainstay within UK Grid sites as a means of providing bulk data storage whilst maintaining a good balance between data safety and space efficiency. A favoured deployment, as used at the Lancaster Tier-2 WLCG site, is to use CephFS mounted on frontend XRootD gateways as a means of presenting this storage to grid users.
These storage...
In the data analysis pipeline for LHC experiments, a key aspect is the step in which small groups of researchers—typically graduate students and postdocs—reduce the smallest, common-denominator data format down to a small set of specific histograms suitable for statistical interpretation. Here, we will refer to this step as “analysis” with the recognition that in other contexts, “analysis”...
Onedata [1] platform is a high-performance data management system with a distributed, global infrastructure that enables users to access heterogeneous storage resources worldwide. It supports various use cases ranging from personal data management to data-intensive scientific computations. Onedata has a fully distributed architecture that facilitates the creation of a hybrid cloud...
The Network Optimised Experimental Data Transfer (NOTED) has undergone successful testing at several international conferences, including the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (also known as SuperComputing). It has also been tested at scale during the WLCG Data Challenge 2024, in which NREN's and WLCG sites conducted testing at 25% of the...
Track reconstruction is a crucial task in particle experiments and is traditionally very computationally expensive due to its combinatorial nature. Recently, graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as a promising approach that can improve scalability. Most of these GNN-based methods, including the edge classification (EC) and the object condensation (OC) approach, require an input graph that...
The HEPCloud Facility at Fermilab has now been in operation for six years. This facility is used to give a unified provisioning gateway to high performance computing centers, including NERSC, ORLF, and ALCF, other large supercomputers run by the NSF, and commercial clouds. HEPCloud delivers hundreds of millions of core-hours yearly for CMS. HEPCloud also serves other Fermilab experiments...
Machine learning, particularly deep neural networks, has been widely used in high-energy physics, demonstrating remarkable results in various applications. Furthermore, the extension of machine learning to quantum computers has given rise to the emerging field of quantum machine learning. In this paper, we propose the Quantum Complete Graph Neural Network (QCGNN), which is a variational...
The High-Luminosity LHC upgrade will have a new trigger system that utilizes detailed information from the calorimeter, muon and track finder subsystems at the bunch crossing rate, which enables the final stage of the Level-1 Trigger, the Global Trigger (GT), to use high-precision trigger objects. In addition to cut-based algorithms, novel machine-learning-based algorithms will be employed in...
Graph neural networks represent a potential solution for the computing challenge posed by the reconstruction of tracks at the High Luminosity LHC [1, 2, 3]. The graph concept is convenient to organize the data and to split up the tracking task itself into the subtasks of identifying the correct hypothetical connections (edges) between the hits, subtasks that are easy to parallelize and process...
In this talk we present the HIGH-LOW project, which addresses the need to achieve sustainable computational systems and to develop new Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications that cannot be implemented with the current hardware solutions due to the requirements of high-speed response and power constraints. In particular we are focused on the several computing solutions at the Large Hadron...
The amount of data gathered, shared and processed in frontier research is set to increase steeply in the coming decade, leading to unprecedented data processing, simulation and analysis needs.
In particular, the research communities in High Energy Physics and Radio Astronomy are preparing to launch new instruments that require data and compute infrastructures several orders of magnitude...
Built on algorithmic differentiation (AD) techniques, differentiable programming allows to evaluate derivatives of computer programs. Such derivatives are useful across domains for gradient-based design optimization and parameter fitting, among other applications. In high-energy physics, AD is frequently used in machine learning model training and in statistical inference tasks such as maximum...
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab aims to observe coherent neutrinoless conversion of a muon to an electron in the field of an aluminum nucleus, with a sensitivity improvement of 10,000 times over current limits.
The Mu2e Trigger and Data Acquisition System (TDAQ) uses \emph{otsdaq} framework as the online Data Acquisition System (DAQ) solution.
Developed at Fermilab, \emph{otsdaq} integrates...
Collaboratively, the IT and EP departments have launched a formal project within the Research and Computing sector to evaluate a novel data format for physics analysis data utilized in LHC experiments and other fields. The objective of this initiative is to substitute the current TTree data format of ROOT with a more efficient format known as RNTuple, which provides superior support for...