CMS Topical Workshop on Off-shell Higgs Boson Production at the LPC

Sunrise (WH11NE) (Fermilab, Wilson Hall)

Sunrise (WH11NE)

Fermilab, Wilson Hall

Christopher Madrid (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)), David Yu (University of Nebraska Lincoln (US)), Gabriele Benelli (Brown University (US)), Li Yuan (Beihang University (CN)), Pedro Fernandez Manteca (Rice University (US)), Ulascan Sarica (Univ. of California Santa Barbara (US))

This is a full-week intensive workshop that examines the current CMS off-shell Higgs production analyses. It aims to formulate coherent analysis strategies and identify development needs for off-shell analyses in Run 3, address any remaining Run 2 needs, and share the current available tools.

A large part of this workshop is dedicated to in-person tutorial sessions on (1) the different available tools for simulation and data analysis relevant to off-shell analyses, (2) advanced programming and scientific computing concepts, including the utilization of heterogeneous computing resources, and (3) machine learning. All tutorials are going to feature hands-on exercises.


The event will be held in-person at the Fermilab LPC. Please note that in-person attendance requires on-site access:
- If you are a CMS member, please follow the 'RENEW' or 'NEW' links on the Quick Links tab at theย LPC homepage.
- If you are not a CMS member, you need a Business Visitor access. Please follow the instructions here and let the organizers know as soon as you open your Service Desk ticket.

Please note that registration closes on March 18th.


Mattermost channel:


Organizing Committee:
Pedro Fernandez Manteca (Rice University)
Ulascan Sarica (University of California Santa Barbara)
David Yu (University of Nebraska Lincoln)
Li Yuan (Beihang University)

LPC Events Committee:
Gabriele Benelli (Brown University, Co-Chair)
Chris Madrid (Fermilab, Co-Chair)

LPC Coordinators:
Kevin Black (University of Wisconsin Madison)
Bo Jayatilaka (Fermilab)

Zoom Meeting ID
Ulascan Sarica
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL