LHCOPN-LHCONE meeting #53 - IHEP Beijing CN

Edoardo Martelli (CERN)

The meeting will be in person, with the possibility to join remotely.

IHEP Beijing (CN)

Travel information
- Document with information about Visa, hotels, tour

- Invitation letter template(pls input your personal informtion and send to qfz@ihep.ac.cn)

Recommended Hotels
- Holiday Inn Beijing ChangAn West: link to reservation page with LHCOPN special rate
- IHEP Guest House: send an email to: yanran@ihep.ac.cn and qfz@ihep.ac.cn

Quick links:
- How to get to IHEP
- General information
- Local maps


Zoom Meeting ID
Edoardo Martelli
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
  • Bruno Hoeft
  • Edoardo Martelli
  • Gang Chen
  • Hao Hu
  • Ian Collier
  • Jie An
  • Karin Wessel
  • Lili Zhang
  • Shan Zeng
  • Simone Campana
  • Tony Cass
  • Vincenzo Capone
  • Yanming Wang
  • Zhonghui Li
  • +12
Local Contact
    • 09:30 09:40
      Welcome and Logistics 10m
    • 09:40 09:55
      Welcome from IHEP director 15m
    • 09:55 10:15
      WLCG update 20m
      Speaker: Simone Campana (CERN)
    • 10:15 10:45
      • 10:15
        LHCOPN update 20m
        Speaker: Edoardo Martelli (CERN)
    • 10:45 11:15
      Coffee break 30m
    • 11:15 12:35
      LHCONE updates
      • 11:15
        LHCONE L3VPN update 20m
        Speaker: Mr Vincenzo Capone (GÉANT)
      • 11:35
        CSTnet report 20m
      • 11:55
        CERnet report 20m
      • 12:15
        SURF and NLT1 update 20m
        Speaker: Karin Wessel
    • 12:35 14:00
      Lunch break 1h 25m
    • 14:00 15:20
      LHCONE updates
      • 14:00
        IHEP projects and plans 20m
        Speaker: Fazhi QI
      • 14:20
        GEANT - update 20m
        Speaker: Mr Vincenzo Capone (GÉANT)
      • 14:40
        JUNO update 20m
      • 15:00
        Monitoring - update 20m
        Speaker: Marian Babik (CERN)
    • 15:20 15:50
      Coffee break 30m
    • 15:50 17:00
      LHCONE updates
      • 15:50
        ATCF8 report 20m
      • 16:10
        GEANT’s intercontinental connectivity 20m
        Speaker: Helga Spitaler (GEANT)
      • 16:30
        BelleII pdate 20m
        Speaker: Silvio Pardi (University Federico II and INFN, Naples (IT))
    • 18:30 20:30
      Social Dinner 2h
    • 09:00 12:10
      LHCONE development
      • 09:00
        ESnet update 10m

        [remote speaker]

      • 09:10
        DC26 preparation and Cloud 20m

        [remote speaker]

        Speaker: Eli Dart
      • 09:30
        Jumbo frames and performance evaluation 20m
      • 09:50
        MultiONE BGP tagging - update 20m
        Speaker: Edoardo Martelli (CERN)
      • 10:50
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:20
        Visit of IHEP Tier1 20m
    • 12:10 12:25
      Next meeting 15m
    • 12:25 12:30
      End of the meeting, wrap up 5m
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch break 1h 30m
    • 14:00 17:00
      PerfSONAR and SciTags workshop
      • 15:15
        Coffee break 30m
    • 09:00 12:30
      Network performance assessment Workshop
    • 08:30 16:30
      Optional: tour of the Great Wall 8h
      • Date to be confirmed
      • At your own expense (estimated cost 30 EUR)
      • More information to be published closer to the event