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CLEAR Review 2024

6/R-012 - conference room (CERN)

6/R-012 - conference room


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Alessandra Lombardi (CERN)

CLEAR, a versatile 200 MeV electron linac with a 20 m experimental beamline was reviewed at CERN in 2019 and 2021. The reviews confirmed and recommended the extension of CLEAR operation, which is currently approved until end 2025. In view of the increased demand from experiments on CLEAR, its Scientific Board, held in February 2024, confirmed the scientific case to further extend CLEAR operation. Future exploitation of CLEAR would profit: from a new beam line being built in CLEX to provide additional test areas for users; from a planned upgrade of the present laser system with a new front end; and from the operation for users of the new electron source jointly develop by CLIC/AWAKE/CLEAR.

The Review Panel is asked to assess whether:

1. The continued operation of the CLEAR facility beyond 2025 is scientifically justified based on the input provided by the CLEAR Scientific Board?

2. The current levels of resources, both in terms of workforce and material budget, are sufficient for ensuring the efficient operation of the facility?

3. The recommendations from the 2021 review have been effectively implemented.

4. The proposed consolidation and upgrade plans meet the following criteria:

- Are they necessary for providing the required beams and reliability for researchers working in areas aligned with the global CERN strategy?

- Are they adequately covered in terms of both workforce and budget?

- Are they in alignment with CLEAR’s potential strategic role in providing a testbed for the construction of a future e+e- collider at CERN?

5. Additionally, the committee is encouraged to provide recommendations for organisational and operational improvements should an operation extension be approved.

Review committee: Alessandra Lombardi (Chair), Giovanni Anelli, Gianluigi Arduini, Hans Braun, Philip Burrows, Simone Gilardoni, Thibaut Lefevre

Some selected information:

- CLEAR web page
- CLEAR Scientific Board 2024
- CLEAR Scientific Board 2023
- Second CLEAR Review (2021)
First CLEAR Review (2019) 
- Original CLEAR proposal, submitted for approval in december 2016

- Full list of CLEAR Experiments
- Experiment requests in 2024

- Publications related to CLEAR 

Final Report of the CLEAR Review Committee: