Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

The RADSUM workshop program includes both invited and contributed talks in five different sessions:

  1. Overview of accelerator and fusion facilities and their radiation environments
  2. Modelling of radiation effects in superconductors
  3. Irradiation experiments for superconductors
  4. Irradiation experiments for organic magnet components
  5. Design of superconducting magnets and shieldings for high-radiation environments

For both types of contributions (invited and contributed talks), we kindly ask you to submit your abstract through this form (maximum 1200 characters).

The abstract submission deadline is Nov 24th, 2024 (12 PM CET). The process of abstract approval for contributed talks will be completed by Dec 2nd, 2024. Acceptance notifications will be sent in the following days.

For each accepted abstract, the presenter must register to the workshop.

The call for abstracts is closed.