If you need a CERN access card, please select the option on your registration form.
Before the workshop, you will receive a message (together with a link) informing you that a CERN access card has been requested for you. Once you have given your personal data, you will receive a link that allows you to print out your CERN access card.
If you cannot print this card before arriving at CERN, you can print it on site (you can locate buildings on the CERN site by using the search mask on https://maps.cern.ch):
- If you arrive during working hours (Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. non-stop), you can print your visitor card in Building 33 near the CERN tram stop (CERN Community Support Centre)
- If you arrive outside of working hours you can print your your visitor card in the phone box in front of Building 55 next to Entrance B (=main CERN entrance).
In order to print your access card, you should take with you the code that was sent along with the link.
You will be requested to show your passport or identity card to enter CERN premises.
If possible, we also advise you to print out this email and carry it with you.
Note, that you will be requested to present your access card every time you enter the CERN site and must keep it visible on the CERN site. Please take note that visitors are requested to use Entrance B only.
For more information, please visit the website of the CERN registration service.