The workshop shall bring together scientists and engineers designing superconducting magnets for high-radiation environments such as beam lines, accelerators, colliders and detectors, for physics and other applications, particle production sources (hadrons and leptons), as well as fusion facilities.
The workshop objectives include:
Establish an overview of activities and results, and discuss experimental data and modelling work on radiation effects in superconductors, in particular HTS;
Quantify and contrast radiation environments for different applications, in particular particle accelerators and fusion facilities;
Advance the understanding of radiation-induced degradation of material properties with the goal to establish radiation damage limits for superconductors and other magnet components;
Discuss R&D directions for enlarging the material database, and improving the radiation resistance of magnets;
Foster synergies among communities (e.g. high-power targetry).
The workshop program includes both invited and contributed talks. Abstract submission is closed.
Registration for in-person participants closes on Dec 20th 2024 (noon).
Practical information for the first day (January 15 2025):
The workshop starts at 2 PM and will take place in the Kjell Johnson auditorium (Building 30, 7th floor, see link for details). You can register and collect your workshop badge between 1:15 PM and 2 PM in the room next to the auditorium (30/7-012).
For those who registered to the magnet hall tour (January 15 2025 at 10 AM), please come to Building 30, 2nd floor, before 9:45 AM (see link for details).