Irradiation experiments for organic magnet components
- David Fischer
An extensive experience has been gained throughout the last decades in the characterization of the radiation field impacting the magnets of existing and envisaged high-energy particle colliders. Detailed spatial distributions of the dose absorbed by the most exposed coils have been calculated by means of Monte Carlo simulation codes, through the description of the relevant radiation sources...
In superconducting magnets of particle accelerators like HL-LHC, FCC-hh and a muon collider, shielding is required to reduce the dose absorbed by the magnet materials. A goal of the CERN Polymer Laboratory irradiation study is to increase the acceptable dose limit of the insulation systems beyond the limit of about 30-50 MGy that is presently assumed for shielding design.
Irradiations are...
The talk summarizes the results of the combined neutron and gamma irradiation studies on polymers performed for the development of the insulation system of the ITER PF coils. The ultimate tensile stress (UTS) and the interlaminar shear strength of epoxy raisins and cyanate ester based polymers were determined as a function of the neutron fluence or dose rate. The fatigue behaviour of the UTS...
The presentation will address dosimetry and monitoring techniques for Total Ionizing Dose (TID) and Displacement Damage (DD) testing of materials and devices. In a first part, the contribution will review the basic principles of dosimetry, related quantities, units and techniques used for the determination of the energy deposited in a given medium by directly and indirectly ionizing radiation....
Low temperature environments are vital for radiation testing of materials used in accelerator components. The cryogenic environment can either be established by immersion in a cryogenic fluid like Helium or in a dry manner by using cryocoolers as cooling source. The operation of helium cryostats requires frequent refill via long distance transfer lines. A direct cooling with cryocooler...