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2024 Fall CTEQ meeting @ CNU, Nov 21-22.ย
The Fall 2024 CTEQ meeting will be hosted by Christopher Newport University in the Trible Library's theatre by the Department of Physics, Computer Science and Engineering.
The meeting consists of a one and a half days physics session open to everyone, and a half day internal CTEQ business meeting. For the open meeting, we invite CTEQ collaborators and friends to discuss:
Emphasis will be given to questions and discussion.
Registration will be $120 to include light breakfast and coffee breaks on Thursday and Friday,ย and a reception/dinner on Thursday evening. Pleaseย pay the registration fee at this linkย (you will need to create an account in the IRIS system, but it takes 2 minutes).
Please register already through the link in the left menu bar so that we can have an idea of the expected attendance. Please, also submit an abstract if you would like to give a talk. Students and postdocs are especially encouraged to present their work and ideas. If interest is high, we may organize a series of topical flah talks followed by discussion time in addition to regular talks.
Here is our group photo (and a higher resoultion image is available under "Materials" at the bottom of the page):
Organized by:
Alberto Accardi (CNU, co-Chair) |
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Extra non-structured time for discussions and follow-up chats.
We present a methodology to automate the generation of polynomial shapes for parton distribution functions (PDFs). Our recent studies demonstrate that the freedom in parametrization choice contributes a large part of PDF uncertainties. Using Bรฉzier curves, we construct error bands for pion PDFs as a demonstration of a general approach that can be applied in other types of global analyses. Additionally, this methodology can be applied in both fitting and interpolation modes, enabling the inclusion of additional information, such as integral constraints, tailored to the specific characteristics of different PDFs or data of different nature.
I will provide an overview of recent jet measurements in DIS using data from the H1 experiment at HERA. Renewed interest, triggered by the upcoming EIC, has once again brought jet physics in DIS to the forefront of research. I will highlight how novel observables, algorithms, and theoretical frameworks developed in recent years have been tested against precise DIS data. Additionally, I will explore potential advancements that could arise from the EIC pathfinder program over the next decade. Finally, I will discuss future prospects at the EIC, where the next-generation of detector technology will enable a comprehensive jet physics program at the core scientific mission of the EIC.
Extra non-structured time for discussions and follow-up chats.
Parton shower event generators are based on approximations to what can be called a quantum parton shower evolution equation. The "quantum" designation indicates that the quantum nature of color and spin are incorporated. The splitting functions for this kind of shower evolution are currently known only to first order in the strong coupling. I will describe work to extend this to second order for the case of electron-positron annihilation.
We extend the QCD Parton Model analysis using a factorized nuclear structure model incorporating individual nucleons and pairs of correlated nucleons. Our analysis of high-energy data from lepton Deep-Inelastic Scattering, Drell-Yan and W/Z production simultaneously extracts the universal effective distribution of quarks and gluons inside correlated nucleon pairs, and their nucleus-specific fractions. Such successful extraction of these universal distributions marks a significant advance in our understanding of nuclear structure properties connecting nucleon- and parton-level quantities.
Extra non-structured time for discussions and follow-up chats.
QCD is a difficult theory of hadrons because it is described entirely unobservable partons, the quarks and gluons. In order to access parton distributions, hadronic observables such as experimental cross sections or lattice QCD matrix elements must have factorization approximations separated hadronic and partonic distance scales. These observables are sensitive to different regimes in momentum fraction x. This complementarity could be beneficial in extractions of PDFs, TMDs, and GPDs. In this talk I will highlight a few specific cases where modern lattice QCD can have significant impact.
Inclusive DIS at large Bjorken is revisited to highlight the importance of tracking off-lightcone effects in the proof of factorization theorems, even collinear ones. In DIS at threshold, in particular, the relevant physics develops around two opposite light-cone directions just like in TMD SIDIS, and the Collins Soper kernel emerges as a universal function in the rapidity evolution of the relevant correlators. The new factorization theorem thus offers a novel avenue for lattice calculations of the Collins-Soper kernel with collinear operators, and bridges different fields and communities.
Extra non-structured time for discussions and follow-up chats.
We discuss the application of ACOT-like general mass
variable flavor number (GMVFN) schemes to proton-proton collisions with particular attention to the production of final states with at least one heavy quark. Subtraction and residual heavy-quark parton distribution functions are introduced to facilitate the implementation of this scheme at higher orders in perturbative QCD.
Mass-dependent quark contributions are of great importance to DIS processes. The simplified-ACOT-$\chi$ scheme includes these effects over a wide range of momentum transfers up to next-to-leading order in QCD. In recent years an improvement in the case of neutral current DIS has been achieved by using zero-mass contributions up to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) with massive phase-space constraints. In this talk, we extend this approach to the case of charged current DIS and provide an implementation in the open-source code APFEL++. The increased precision will be valuable for understanding current and future neutrino experiments, the Electron-Ion-Collider and the studies of partonic substructure of hadrons and nuclei. A highly efficient implementation using gridding techniques extends the applicability of the code to the determination of parton distribution functions (PDFs).
I summarize the recent progress on the global PDF analysis for protons and pions from the CTEQ-TEA group, with the main focus on the results published in arXiv:2408.04020.
Extra non-structured time for discussions and follow-up chats.
At present, there is a lack of experimental data constraining the dependence of the strange nucleon parton distribution functions (PDFs) on the parton momentum fraction and the electroweak mixing angle at low-$Q^2$. The parity-violating asymmetry from the neutral-current deep inelastic scattering of electrons from proton and deuterium targets, which will be measured by the proposed SoLID experiment at Jefferson Lab, possesses a known sensitivity to both the strange PDFs and electroweak parameters. In this work we explore this sensitivity and perform a new global analysis, incorporating pseudo-data from simulations based on SoLID experimental projections with radiative corrections to the asymmetry, for the unpolarized PDFs and the weak-mixing angle. We find a sizable constraining power of future $A_{PV}$ data on the high-$x$ behavior of the nucleon strangeness and a substantial resolving power on the weak-mixing angle at low-$Q^2$.
In this talk, we introduce a new approach for parameterizing Quantum-Correlation Functions (QCFs). By treating QCFs as multidimensional images or tensors, we propose a pixel-based representation. This novel perspective offers a versatile framework for analyzing and manipulating QCFs, enabling us to leverage a wide range of image processing techniques.
We will demonstrate the effectiveness of our new approach by applying it to extract Generalized Parton Distributios from Compton Form Factors. We will present initial results, showcasing its potential to enhance our understanding of hadron structure. Additionally, we will discuss the benefits of this method, such as its flexibility, and computational efficiency. By treating QCFs as images, we unlock new possibilities for research and analysis in hadron physics.
Nucleon structure functions, measured in lepton-nucleon scattering, are key to understanding partonic dynamics. At high parton momenta, extracting parton distributions becomes challenging due to non-perturbative effects and limited precision data. Neutron structure and d-quark distributions are particularly difficult to extract due to nuclear corrections required for deuteron-based measurements. Recent experiments at Jefferson Lab, including E12-10-002 in Hall C, have significantly reduced these uncertainties by improving deuteron-to-proton cross-section measurements at large Bjorken-x. These results enhance precision and provide valuable insights for refining global parton distribution function fits.
Extra non-structured time for discussions and follow-up chats.
I will discuss different models of uncertainty quantification when different data sets of a fit disagree and are discrepant. Specifically I will review three different models including the use of the Gaussian Mixture Model to determine uncertainties.
We will discuss some aspects of the interpretation of systematic uncertainties in global PDF analyses