The first day of this meeting, March 21st 2012, will be dedicated to a Technical Review of ILC Electrical and Mechanical Systems in the Americas and Asia. This review will be conducted by an independent panel of engineers from the CERN laboratory. Representatives from the Asian Region will present the Mechanical and Electrical Designs that have been developed using the Asian Region HLFR system suitable for a mountain site in Japan. Representatives from the Americas Region will present the Mechanical and Electrical Designs that have been developed using the Klystron Cluster RF system suitable for the Americas Sample Site. Ample time will be available in the agenda for open discussion among all participants. The Review Panel will produce a report to the GDE Project Management that records panel impression and comments of the designs presented as well as conclusions reached during discussion periods.
The review panel will consist of:
Marc Ross (Fermilab – ILC) Chair
Vic Kuchler (Fermilab – ILC)
John Osborne (CERN – ILC) Host
Atsushi Enomoto (KEK – ILC)
Philippe Lebrun (CERN)
Mauro Nonis (CERN HVAC Group Leader)
Francois Duval (CERN EL Group Leader)
Days 2&3, 22-23 March 2012 is for The fourth Baseline Technical Review (BTR), which will focus on Conventional Facilities and Siting. All changes made to the CFS 2007 Reference Design during the Technical Design Phase are to be presented by the CFS Technical Group for review by the GDE Project Manager Review team. Each change will be evaluated on the basis of performance, cost and impact on related systems. The Review team will produce a report to the GDE covering content, findings and decisions made at the BTR.
It is expected that the CFS BTR will be the last BTR leading up to the Technical Design Report. It represents the culmination of the Accelerator System and Main Linac Technology Baseline Technical Reviews held in the last 9 months. Each of the earlier BTR's included statements of impact on CFS. It is important to identify and summarize these at the final BTR.
Also, as the final BTR, any outstanding system-wide changes that have not already been properly completed should be presented and reviewed. The list of such changes will be drafted by the Project Managers, Cost Engineers and Technical Area Groups and may include, for example, path-length related topics.