2nd Workshop on Jet Modification <br> in the RHIC and LHC Era

Rm 1117, Science Hall (Wayne State University)

Rm 1117, Science Hall

Wayne State University

Corner of Warren St and Cass Av. <br> Detroit, MI


(A workshop organized jointly by the Wayne State Heavy Ion Group and the JET Collaboration 

The goal of this 2 1/2 day meeting is to review the most important new experimental measurements and theoretical breakthroughs that have occurred in the past year and to throughly explore the limits of perturbative QCD based approaches to the description of hard processes in heavy-ion collisions. Over the period of three days, topics covered will include new experimental observables that may discern between different perturbative approaches, the inevitable transformation of analytic schemes to Monte-Carlo event generators, and the progress made towards Next to Leading Order calculations of energy loss.
The workshop is intended to be slow paced: We envision a mixture of longer invited talks and shorter contributed talks, allowing sufficient time for discussion, as well as time to follow up on more technical aspects of the data analysis and theoretical calculations. One of the outcomes of this workshop will be a single article to be published in comments in physics on the progress made in isolating the appropriate perturbative approach required for the description of hard phenomena in heavy-ion collisions. 

    • 09:00 12:30
      Jet Modification Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Wayne State University

      Corner of Warren St and Cass Av. <br> Detroit, MI
      • 09:00
        Jets in dAu/pPb at RHIC and LHC 1h
        Speaker: Stefan Bathe (Baruch College, CUNY)
      • 10:00
        Direct gamma/Z0 measurements at the LHC (and RHIC) 1h
        Speaker: Gunther Roland (MIT)
      • 11:00
        Coffee Break 30m
      • 11:30
        Jet Modification within the YaJEM approach 1h
        Speaker: Thorsten Renk (University of Jyväskylä)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Wayne State University

      Corner of Warren St and Cass Av. <br> Detroit, MI
    • 14:00 18:45
      Jet Modification Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Wayne State University

      Corner of Warren St and Cass Av. <br> Detroit, MI
      • 14:00
        Jet measurements in PbPb at the LHC 1h
        Speaker: Aaron Richard Angerami (Columbia University (US))
      • 15:00
        Study of jet structure using the MARTINI event generator 1h
        Speaker: Sangyong Jeon (McGill University)
      • 16:00
        Coffee 30m
      • 16:30
        Jets and jet quenching using the Parton Cascade model 1h
        Speaker: Chris Coleman-Smith (Duke University)
      • 17:30
        Discussion on Monte-Carlo event generators 1h
        Speaker: Clint Young (McGill University)
    • 19:00 21:00
      Reception @ McGregor McGregor


    • 09:00 12:20
      Jet Medium Interaction Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Wayne State University

      Corner of Warren St and Cass Av. <br> Detroit, MI
      • 09:00
        Jet and Jet-like Correlations at RHIC 1h
        Speaker: Helen Louise Caines (Yale University (US))
      • 10:00
        Jet Medium Interaction Theory I 1h
        Speaker: Xin-Nian Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
      • 11:00
        coffee 20m
      • 11:20
        Jet Medium Interaction Theory II 1h
        Speaker: Edmond Iancu (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
    • 12:20 13:50
      Lunch 1h 30m Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Wayne State University

      Corner of Warren St and Cass Av. <br> Detroit, MI
    • 13:50 15:00
      Jet Medium Interaction Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Wayne State University

      Corner of Warren St and Cass Av. <br> Detroit, MI
      • 13:50
        Probabilistic picture for medium induced jet evolution. 15m
        Speaker: Fabio Dominguez (IPhT Saclay)
      • 14:05
        Discussion on Jet medium interaction 55m
        Speaker: Guang-You Qin (Duke University)
    • 15:00 18:30
      Heavy-flavor, jet-medium Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Wayne State University

      Corner of Warren St and Cass Av. <br> Detroit, MI
      • 15:00
        Heavy Flavor at RHIC and LHC (Exp) 1h
        Speaker: Wei Xie (Purdue University)
      • 16:00
        coffee 30m
      • 16:30
        Heavy Flavor Theory 1h
        Speaker: Derek Teaney (Stony Brook University)
      • 17:30
        Heavy flavor discussion 45m
    • 18:30 22:00
      Banquet @ Coach Insignia

      Bus leaves in front of Science Hall at 6:30pm

    • 09:00 12:30
      Future directions Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Rm 1117, Science Hall

      Wayne State University

      Corner of Warren St and Cass Av. <br> Detroit, MI
      • 09:00
        Future of RHIC 1h
        Speaker: Justin Edward Frantz (Ohio University (US))
      • 10:00
        Review of EIC physics 1h
        Speaker: Matthew Lamont (BNL)
      • 11:00
        coffee 30m
      • 11:30
        Concluding discussion 1h
        Speaker: Marta Verweij (Wayne State University (US))