Help us make Indico better by taking this survey! Aidez-nous à améliorer Indico en répondant à ce sondage !

29 September 2014 to 2 October 2014
Kulturhaus Lyz (Siegen)
Europe/Zurich timezone

Contribution List

25 / 25
Paolo Gambino (Universita e INFN (IT))
29/09/2014, 14:10
G. Peter Lepage (Cornell University)
30/09/2014, 09:00
Vicent Mateu (MPI for Physics, Munich)
30/09/2014, 09:40
Junko Shigemitsu (Cornell University, LNS)
30/09/2014, 11:10
Nils Offen (Universität Regensburg)
30/09/2014, 11:50
Dr Matthew Wingate (University of Cambridge)
30/09/2014, 14:20
Christoph Hanhart
30/09/2014, 15:00
Paula Perez Rubio, Paula Perez-Rubio (Universität Regensburg)
30/09/2014, 16:30
Ulrich Nierste (Unknown), Ulrich Nierste (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
01/10/2014, 09:40
Andreas Juttner (University of Southampton (GB))
01/10/2014, 15:00
Mikolaj Krzysztof Misiak (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)), Mikolaj Krzysztof Misiak (University of Warsaw (PL))
01/10/2014, 16:00