19–21 Nov 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

Signal and Charge Collection Efficiency of n-in-p strip detectors after proton and neutron irradiation to HL-LHC fluences

19 Nov 2014, 13:15
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


503-1-001 (Council Chamber) on 19th Nov ; 500-1-001(Main auditorium) on 20th in the morning and 4-3-006 (TH auditorium) in the afternoon; 500-1-001(Main auditorium) on 21st Nov.
Show room on map


Sven Wonsak (University of Liverpool (GB))


For the upgrade of the silicon strip tracker of the ATLAS experiment a detailed study was conducted on silicon strip mini sensors. About 20.000 silicon strip detector modules are foreseen to be built for the upgrade of the inner tracker in 2023. Various tasks in prototyping are currently ongoing. For the test of possible sensors a large number of n-in-p mini strip sensors from Hamamatsu Photonics, so called ATLAS12A were investigated before and after irradiation with gammas, protons and neutrons to fluences of up to 2*10E15 neq/cm2. Charge collection measurements using beta sources and laser measurements were performed at different institutes. A summary of the test will be presented including a comparison of results before and after annealing. In addition, the charge collection of ATLAS12A sensors will be compared to results obtained with ATLAS07 sensors.


Sven Wonsak (University of Liverpool (GB))


Susanne Kuehn (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))

Presentation materials