Defect and Material Characterization
- Ioana Pintilie (NIMP Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)
Michael Kwestarz
(Topsil Semiconductor Materials SA, 133 Wolczynska St., 01-919 Warsaw, Poland)
19/11/2014, 09:40
Topsil is a world leading producer of ultrapure FZ Si wafers including the high resistivity material suitable for manufacturing of particle detectors. The company priority is to develop and supply the device-grade material with new, better properties. One of the directions is to study effect of nitrogen doping on density of voids in FZ Si crystals. In view of results reported in literature the...
Pawel Kaminski
(Institute of Electronic Materials Technology)
19/11/2014, 10:00
High-resolution photoinduced transient spectroscopy (HRPITS) has been used to determine the properties and concentrations of radiation defect centers produced by the irradiation with 23-MeV neutrons in monocrystalline, nitrogen-enriched, high-resistivity silicon, grown by the float zone (FZ) method. The nitrogen concentration in the material ranged from 9E14 to 2.5E15 cm^-3. The material was...
Ioana Pintilie
(NIMP Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)
19/11/2014, 10:20
The defect formation, from point defects to clusters, is scanned by performing irradiation with electrons of five different energies ranging from 1.5 MeV to 27 MeV. The radiation damage induced by electrons has been investigated in terms of radiation induced defects, their evolution in time and impact on the electrical performance of silicon diodes. Our investigations demonstrate that...
Juozas Vaitkus
(Vilnius University)
19/11/2014, 11:10
Investigation of different types of Silicon wafers (a few series of MCZ,FZ, epi) allow to reveal the properties of sample that are related with a possible origin of the material stability. It was observed two effects that are seen to be related to the performance of detector fabricated from this material:
1) There are three types of Si. In two groups it was observed a difference in the...
Ioana Pintilie
(NIMP Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)
19/11/2014, 11:30