Building S2/17, Room 114 (TEMF)

Building S2/17, Room 114


TU Darmstadt, Institut für Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder, Schloßgartenstr. 8, 64289 Darmstadt
  • Monday 18 August
    • Project Goals
      • 1
        Domain Decomposition and Hybrid Discretization for Magnets
        Speaker: Prof. de Gersem Herbert (TEMF)
      • 2
        Thermo-Electro-Dymanic Simulations on SC Wires & Cables
        Speaker: Arjan Verweij (CERN)
      • 3
        Approaches for the Quantification of Uncertainties in Stochastic Magnet Design
        This paper discusses efficient methods for the quantification of uncertainties in the simulation of multipoles in accelerator magnets. Main contribution is the stochastic modeling of nonlinear material curves in terms of discrete random variables by the Karhunen-Loeve expansion. Accurate evaluation techniques for multipole coefficients in the finite element context will also be discussed.
        Speaker: Mr Ulrich Roemer (TEMF)
      • 4
        Quench Framework for 2-D Magnet Protection Simulation
        Speaker: Michal Maciejewski (University of Lodz (PL))
      • 16:00
      • 5
        Quench Simulation at GSI
        Speaker: Mr Piotr Szwangruber (TEMF/GSI)
      • 6
        Particle-Tracking and the Analysis of Quench Tests in the LHC
        Speaker: Vera Chetvertkova (CERN)
      • 7
        Challenges for Cooperative multiphysics Simulations
        This contributions addresses iterative coupling schemes for coupled multiphysical model descriptions in computational electromagnetics. Issues of accuracy, stability and numerical efficiency of the resulting formulations are addressed along with advantages and disadvantages of the various approaches.
        Speaker: Prof. Sebastian Schoeps (TEMF)
      • 8
        Challenges in the Simulation of Transient Effects in Accelerator Magnets
        Speaker: Bernhard Auchmann (CERN)
      • 9
        Summary Discussion - Project Goals
  • Tuesday 19 August
    • Verbundforschung Strategy