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Indiana Memorial Union (Indiana University)

Indiana Memorial Union

Indiana University

900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405

The international symposium on Physics in Collision (PIC) is a conference whose focus is to update key topics in elementary particle physics in which new results have been published within the last year or are reasonably expected to be so before the symposium. The aim of the presentations is to encourage informal discussions of new experimental results and their implications. The topics at the symposium cover a wide range of physics subjects from experimental and theoretical accelerator-based particle physics to astroparticle physics. Specifically, the meeting topics include Electroweak phenomena, neutrino physics, QCD, heavy flavor physics, heavy ion physics, Higgs physics, Searches for BSM physics, and astroparticle physics.

To view individual talks the agenda (needed to upload your talk), select one of these two options:

1)   Select the Timetable link on the left of PIC top level Indico page and then switch to the Detailed View by clicking the button labeled "Detailed View" on the menu bar near the top right of the timetable.

2) Click on the drop down menu labeled More in the top center of the PIC top level Indico page, select Layout, and then select "Indico style".

To upload your talk:

1) If you don't have an Indico account, please register here:

Please register with the email address that you have given us with your registration.

1) Login to your Indico account.

2) click on the square box with an inverted triangle that appears on the right side of the entry for your talk.

3) Select the add material link.

4) Click on the button labeled "Browse" and then select the file containing your talk. Please upload your talk in PDF format.

Contact if you have problems.


    • Opening Reception University Club President's Room

      University Club President's Room

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
    • Registration Check-In University Club President's Room

      University Club President's Room

      Indiana University

    • 07:30
      Continental Breakfast Georgian Room

      Georgian Room

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
    • Plenary Session: Session 1A -- EW Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
      Conveners: Bob Tschirhart (-), Sabine Wedam Lammers (Indiana University (US))
      • 1
      • 2
        W, Z, and photon production at the LHC
        Speaker: Masahiro Kuze (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP))
      • 3
        W mass
        Speaker: Rafael Coelho Lopes De Sa
      • 4
        Top quark cross sections
        Speaker: John Stupak (Purdue University Calumet (US))
      • 5
        Top quark properties
        Speaker: Ziqing Hong
    • 10:45
      Beverage Break Georgian Room

      Georgian Room

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
    • Plenary Session: Session 1B -- EW Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
      Conveners: Bob Tschirhart (-), Sabine Wedam Lammers (Indiana University (US))
      • 6
        EW Measurements with multiple gauge boson interactions
        Speaker: Alexander Sood (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
      • 7
        e+e- hadronic cross section and muon g-2
        Speaker: Brendan Casey
      • 8
        Proton Charge Radius and Precision Tests of QED
        Speaker: Jan Bernauer
    • 13:05
      Lunch Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
    • Plenary Session: Session 1C -- Neutrinos Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
      Conveners: Jon Urheim (Indiana University), Lisa Kaufman (I), Mark Messier (Indiana University)
      • 9
        Long-baseline neutrino results
        Speaker: Alysia Marino
      • 10
        Reactor-based Neutrino Results/Theta13
        Speaker: Jiajie Ling (U)
      • 11
        Double Beta Decay
        Speaker: Werner Tornow
      • 12
        Solar neutrinos
        Speaker: Alessandra Re
    • Poster Session Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
    • 07:30
      Continental Breakfast Georgian Room

      Georgian Room

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
    • Plenary Session: Session 2A -- Higgs Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
      Conveners: Prof. Rick Van Kooten (Indiana University), Ulrich Heintz (Brown University (US))
      • 13
        Fermionic Decays of SM Higgs
        Speaker: Andrey Pozdnyakov (Northwestern University (US))
      • 14
        Higgs Properties
        Speaker: Philip Chang (Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US))
      • 15
        BSM Higgs
        Speaker: Clemens Lange (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
    • 10:10
      Beverage Break Georgian Room

      Georgian Room

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
    • Plenary Session: Session 2B -- QCD Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
      Conveners: Steven Gottlieb (Indiana University), Vladislav Simak (Czech Technical University (CZ))
      • 16
        Structure Function Measurements and PDF Fits
        Speaker: Voica Radescu
      • 17
        High-pT jet spectra and alphas measurements up to the Scale of the Top
        Speaker: Sungwon Lee
    • 12:00
      Lunch Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
    • Plenary Session: Session 2C -- Heavy Flavor Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
      Conveners: Enrico Lunghi (Indiana University), Ryan Mitchell
      • 18
        B Decays
        Speaker: Michal Kreps
      • 19
        CP Violation, CKM angles
        Speaker: James Fast
      • 20
        Charm Decay and Quantum Coherence
        Speaker: Hajime Muramatsu
      • 21
        Charm, CP Violation, D0 Mixing
        Speaker: Joerg Marks
      • 22
        Review of Exotic Heavy States
        Speaker: Jianming Bian
    • 23
      CampusMap Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
      Speaker: Sabine Wedam Lammers (Indiana University (US))
    • 18:30
      Banquet Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center

      Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
    • 07:30
      Continental Breakfast Georgian Room

      Georgian Room

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
    • Plenary Session: Session 3A -- Searches Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
      Conveners: Alan Kostelecky (unknown), Rex Tayloe (Indiana U.)
      • 24
        Searches for Supersymmetry
        Speaker: Zoltan Gecse (University of British Columbia (CA))
      • 25
        Searches for Lorentz Violation
        Speaker: Brett Altschul
      • 26
        Searches for Exotic Phenomena
        Speaker: Sho Maruyama
      • 27
        Searches with Boosted Objects
        Speaker: Janna Katharina Behr (University of Oxford (GB))
      • 28
        Electron EDM
        Speaker: John Doyle
    • 11:00
      Beverage Break Georgian Room

      Georgian Room

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
    • Plenary Session: Session 3B -- Heavy Ion Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
      Conveners: Jean-Marie Brom (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC)-Inst. Nat. Phys), Sabine Wedam Lammers (Indiana University (US))
      • 29
        Ultra-rare Decays (penguins, kaon, muon decays)
        Speaker: Monica Tecchio
      • 30
        Collective Effects in PA (nucleon-nucleus) and AA (nucleus-nucleus) collisions
        Speaker: Anne Sickles
      • 31
        Hard Probes in Heavy Ion Physics
        Speaker: Antonin Maire (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))
    • 13:00
      Lunch and Excursions Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
    • Movie Night: Particle Fever SW 119

      SW 119

      Indiana University

      Convener: Sabine Wedam Lammers (Indiana University (US))
    • 07:30
      Continental Breakfast Georgian Room

      Georgian Room

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
    • Plenary Session: Session 4A -- Astroparticle Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
      Conveners: Jim Musser, Stu Mufson
      • 32
        Cosmic Ray Physics
        Speaker: Domenico d'Urso
      • 33
        Direct Dark Matter Searches
        Speaker: Dan McKinsey
      • 34
        Polarization Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background
        Speaker: Walt Ogburn
    • 10:35
      Beverage Break Georgian Room

      Georgian Room

    • Plenary Session: Closing Session and Keynote Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana Memorial Union

      Indiana University

      900 E 7th St Bloomington, IN 47405
      Conveners: Jim Musser, Sabine Wedam Lammers (Indiana University (US)), Stu Mufson
      • 36
        Neutrino Astronomy
        Speaker: Surujhdeo Seunarine
      • 37
        Dark Energy
        Speaker: David Gerdes
      • 38
        Speaker: Michal Kreps (University of Warwick (GB))
      • 39
        Closing Keynote Address
        Speaker: Carlos Wagner