2:00 PM
WG2: Common Characterization and Physics Issues
(until 5:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Discharges, Discharge Protection, amorphous Silicon, Si Nitride
Martin Fransen
2:20 PM
Chamber Ageing
Fred Hartjes
2:50 PM
Charging Up effects
Harry van der GRAAF
3:10 PM
MPGD Radiation hardness tests for full detectors and components
Gabriele Croci
3:30 PM
--- Coffee break ---
3:50 PM
Digital primary electron counting: W, Fano Factor, Polya vs Exponential
Max Chefdeville
4:10 PM
T2K Test Bench results on uniformity and reproducibility of Micromegas production
Andrea Ferrero
4:25 PM
Scintillation readout from THGEMs operating in Xe
Joaquim dos Santos
4:40 PM
Energy resolution results for Microbulk Micromegas at high energy and high pressure
Alfredo Tomas Alquezar
2:00 PM
WG4: Simulations and Software Tools
(until 5:00 PM)
(Room 1)
2:00 PM
Rob Veenhof
(Room 1)
2:15 PM
Avalanche statistics
(Room 1)
2:45 PM
Geant 4 interface
Rob Veenhof
(Room 1)
3:00 PM
BEM method
(Room 1)
3:30 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:00 PM
Penning transfer
(Room 1)
4:20 PM
Simulation of an MPGD application for Homeland Security (Muon Tomography)
(Room 1)
4:40 PM
GEM transparency studies
Gabriele Croci
(Room 1)
2:00 PM
WG6: Production
(until 5:00 PM)
(Room 2)
2:00 PM
MoU section on intellectual property
Bernard Denis
(Room 2)
2:30 PM
Status of licensing negotiations at CERN
Emir Kadir Kadir Sirage
(Room 2)
2:40 PM
Capabilities of TS/DEM workshop
Rui De Oliveira
(Room 2)
3:00 PM
Results of the detector dimensions survey
Hans Taureg
(Room 2)
3:20 PM
(Room 2)
3:30 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:00 PM
THGEM production in ELTOS company
Fulvio Tessarotto
(Room 2)
4:20 PM
CIRE/SPCI and Prospects for Bulk Micromegas production
- Mr
(Room 2)
5:00 PM
Collaboration Board meeting
(until 6:30 PM)
5:00 PM
RD51 Collaboration Meeting agenda (password protected)
8:00 PM
Conference Dinner
(until 10:00 PM)
(Restaurant PERRAUDIN)