20–24 Jul 2015
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Europe/Berlin timezone

Black hole entropy in the presence of Chern-Simons term and holography

20 Jul 2015, 17:00
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies

Goethe-Universität FrankfurtCampus Riedberg Ruth-Moufang-Straße 1 60438 Frankfurt am Main GERMANY
Talk Juniors Junior plenary session


Dr Tatsuo Azeyanagi (Ecole Normale Superieure)


In this presentation, I will revisit the Noether charge formulation of black hole entropy in the presence of gravitational Chern-Simons terms in higher dimensions. I will provide a manifestly covariant formulation of the differential Noether charge and prove the (generalized version of) black hole entropy formula for gravitational Chern-Simons terms proposed by Tachikawa. In the context of gauge/gravity duality, gravitational theory with Chern-Simons term on AdS black hole background is dual to CFT at finite temperature with quantum anomalies, which is actively and systematically investigated in the hydrodynamic limit recently. I will explain the role of our formulation in this holographic setup.


Dr Tatsuo Azeyanagi (Ecole Normale Superieure)

Presentation materials