12–18 Jun 2016
Lund University
Europe/Zurich timezone

Scientific Programme overview

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Scientific topics of the parallel and plenary sessions

Electroweak physics at hadron colliders
Parallel session conveners: A. Glazov, J. Lindert, K. Müller, K. Theofilatos

Heavy Flavour physics
Parallel session conveners: P. Gambino, V. Gligorov, N. Leonardo, F. Prino

Higgs physics in the Standard Model and beyond
Parallel session conveners: C. Gwilliam, A. David, M. Zaro

LHC experiments: performance and potential
Parallel session conveners: M. Bachtis, S. Pagan Griso, B. Storaci, C. Zampolli

New Exotic phenomena and Dark Matter searches
Parallel session conveners: P. Azzi, F. Dettori, Y. Hochberg, K. Terashi

Physics of Heavy Ion collisions
Parallel session conveners: A. Angerami, C. Loizides, K. Tywoniuk

QCD physics at hadron colliders
Parallel session conveners: S. Alioli, A. Tricoli, R. Ulrich

Searches for Supersymmetry
Parallel session conveners: T. Lari, F. Moortgat, C. Petersson​

Top Quark physics
Parallel session conveners: M. Costa Mezquita, A. Giammanco, M. Worek

Upgrade plans and future colliders
Parallel session conveners: H. Abramowicz, A. Dainese, K. Einsweiler, M. Klute, G. Passaleva

Opening and Closing plenary talk subjects

CERN: Status and outlook
Eckhard ELSEN, CERN Director of Research

Experimental summary
Kevin EINSWEILER (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

LHC: status, prospects and future challenges

Status and recent highlights from ATLAS, LHCb, CMS and ALICE
LHC Spokespersons

Status and developments of event generators
Torbjörn SJÖSTRAND (Lund University)

Theory vision

What do we know from astronomy about Dark Matter in the Universe?
Justin READ (University of Surrey)