Jun 12 – 18, 2016
Lund University
Europe/Zurich timezone


A limited number of rooms have been blocked in the hotels below. You are invited to contact your preferred hotel directly BY PHONE OR EMAIL (the links below is for hotel information only, not booking), giving the booking code, as soon as possible. All blocks are held until 1 May 2016.

* Hotel Concordia
 Booking code: LHCP2016
 Email:        info@concordia.se
 Phone:        +46 46 13 50 50
 Web:          http://www.concordia.se/en.aspx
 Price:        1295 SEK (single), 1495 SEK (double)

* Hotel Lundia
 Booking code: 203954
 Email:        reservations@grandlundia.se
 Phone:        +46 46 280 65 00
 Web:          http://www.lundia.se
 Price:        1338 SEK (single), 1644 SEK (double)

* Hotel Nordic
 Booking code: LHCP2016
 Email:        info@nordiclund.se
 Phone         +46 46 378 00 70
 Web:          http://nordiclund.se/en/start-en/
 Price:        1100 - 2100 SEK (single - double - family)

* Hotel Finn
 Booking code: 203955
 Email:        reservations@grandlundia.se
 Phone:        +46 46 280 63 00
 Web:          http://www.hotelfinn.se/en
 Price:        890 SEK (single) 1002 SEK (double)

 * Accommodation on the outskirts of Lund

* Hotel park inn by Radisson (2 km from conference, 30 min walk)
 Booking code: Lund University
 Email:        reservations.lund@rezidorparkinn.com
 Phone:        +46 46 270 3710
 Web:          http://www.parkinn.com/hotel-lund
 Price:        975 SEK (single) 1075 SEK (double)
One can borrow bikes at the hotel
City bus, line 1 every ½ h, 22 minutes time


* Accommodation in Malmö

If you choose to book a hotel in Malmö, it is recommended that you stay close to the railway stations Malmö C or Triangeln, from where there is a train to Lund every 5 - 10 minutes. The trip takes 10 minutes and costs 48 SEK


We are pleased to be able to offer a limited number of rooms in the University Guesthouse. The rooms are very nicely furnished and the price given below is presently an approximate price - we hope to be able to reduce the final rate further. Rooms have own bathroom and a shared, equipped kitchen. Large supermarket in the building (open 7h-22h Mo-Sa, 09h-22h Su).

To be eligible to book this special-priced accommodation, if you are a PhD student you will have priority booking when

a) you register before the end of the early booking period (1 May 2016)

b) you register as a PhD student in the registration form

Information about Guesthouse room payment will be supplied after 1 May 2016.

Note: After the early registration fee deadline, booking is open to ALL participants.

* University Guesthouse
 Email:        lhcp2016@hep.lu.se

 Price:        500 SEK (single), 600 SEK (twin) 
 Web:         http://torsten.home.cern.ch/torsten/Guest-house-room.jpg

All prices are per night. (SEK/EUR around 9.5)