Zimányi 2008 Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics

from Tuesday 25 November 2008 (09:00) to Friday 28 November 2008 (14:00)
KFKI Campus (Tanácsterem (Council rooms), Builidings 26 and 3)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
25 Nov 2008
26 Nov 2008
27 Nov 2008
28 Nov 2008
Opening session: Perfect fluid at RHIC and AdS/CFT correspondence (until 10:40) (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
08:55 Greetings from the Organizers and Opening the School - Tamás Csörgő (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
09:00 Greetings by the Director of MTA KFKI RMKI - Prof. Zsolt Kajcsos (deputy director, MTA KFKI RMKI)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
09:05 Latest results from PHENIX - Gabor David (BNL, Upton, USA)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
09:50 Conformal viscous hydrodynamics and AdS/CFT correspondence I - Rudolph Baier (Uni. Bielefeld, Germany)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
10:40 --- Coffee break ---
Status of ALICE, CMS and TOTEM experiments at LHC (until 12:25) (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
11:00 Status of ALICE at LHC - Péter Lévai (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
11:30 CMS at LHC status report, physics with identified particles - Sándor Szeles (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
12:00 Hungarian participation in the TOTEM experiment at LHC - Tamás Csörgő (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
Theoretical developments (until 10:40) (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
09:00 Conformal Viscous Hydrodynamics and AdS/CFT Correspondence 2. - Rudolph Baier (Uni. Bielefeld, Germany)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
09:50 QCD Thermodynamics: Recent Lattice Results - Sándor Katz (ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
10:40 --- Coffee break ---
Diffraction at LHC (until 12:40) (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
11:00 Forward physics plans and prospects at the LHC - Risto Orava (Helsinki Institute for Physics, Helsinki, Finland)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
11:50 The TOTEM Experiment at LHC and its physics programme - Mario Deile (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem, KFKI RMKI)
Relativistic hydrodynamics and flow (until 10:40) (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
09:00 Dissipative relativistic hydrodynamics - Péter Ván (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
09:50 Scaling properties of the elliptic flow at RHIC - Máté Csanád (ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
10:40 --- Coffee break ---
Direct photons and thermalization (until 12:30) (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
11:00 Directly Produced Photons in Au + Au Collisions at RHIC Measured by PHENIX - for H. Büsching and for the PHENIX Collaboration, presented by Tamás Csörgő (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
11:30 Observables from Relativistic Hydrodynamics - Márton Vargyas (ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
12:00 The curvature of the QCD phase transition line - Gergely Endrődi (ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
pQCD at RHIC and LHC (until 10:40) (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
09:00 The influence of hard partons on the bulk elliptic flow - Boris Tomasik (Uni. Matej Bela, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
09:50 Particle production in strong fields - Vladimir Skokov (JINR Dubna, Russia)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
10:40 --- Coffee break ---
Non-perturbative QCD at RHIC and LHC (until 12:20) (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
11:00 Thermalization of the Bag Constant - Vahtang Gogohia (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
11:30 Review on the application of Tsallis statistics to RHIC data - Tamás S. Biró (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem)
12:25 --- Lunch break ---
Future plans at CERN (until 15:40) (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
13:55 Greetings by Head, Department of Atomic Physics, ELTE University - András Patkós (Dept. Atomic Physics, ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
14:00 Planned upgrades of the CERN accelerator complex - Roland Garoby (CERN AB, Geneva, Switzerland)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
14:40 Low-scale gravity black holes at LHC - Enikő Regős (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
15:10 Collective effects in p+p collisions at LHC energies - Péter Lévai (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
Developments at SPS and lower energies (until 18:00) (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
16:00 New read-out system of the NA61 Experiment at CERN SPS - András László (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
16:30 High pt physics in experiments SHINE/NA61 at SPS and CBM at FAIR - György Vesztergombi (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
17:00 Dilepton production at SIS energies - György Wolf (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
17:30 High precision experiments on antiprotonic helium atoms in ASACUSA at CERN - Anna Sótér (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
19:00 Welcome Reception   (Next to the Reception of the Hotel)
12:40 --- Lunch break ---
Theoretical developments 2 (until 15:40) (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
14:00 Shear viscosity of pure Yang-Mills theory at strong coupling - Antal Jakovác (Uni Wuppertal, Germany)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
14:50 Nuclear Effects in pA and dAu Collisions at RHIC and at LHC energies - Gergely G. Barnaföldi (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
Diffraction at LHC and status of the LHC experiments (2) (until 18:00) (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
16:00 Forward physics at LHC - László Jenkovszky (BITP, Kiev, Ukraine)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
16:30 The TOTEM Experiment at CERN LHC from the DAQ point of view - András Ster (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
17:00 Status of the ATLAS, LHCb and LHCf experiments - Tamás Csörgő (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
17:30 Preparation for the first p+p physics with the CMS experiment and the plans of the CMS Heavy Ion group - Gábor I. Veres (ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 3, Tanácsterem, MTA KFKI RMKI)
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
Bose-Einstein / HBT correlations (until 15:40) (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
14:00 Mini-review on Bose-Einstein or HBT correlations - Tamás Csörgő (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
14:40 Indication of eta' mass modification from Bose-Einstein correlations in 200 GeV Au+Au reactions at RHIC - Róbert Vértesi (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
15:10 Time evolution of particle emission in e+e- annihilation from Bose-Einstein correlations - Tamás Novák (Károly Róbert College, Gyöngyös, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
Astroparticle and theoretical physics (until 18:00) (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
16:00 Searching for Extra Dimensions in Compact Stars - Béla Lukács (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
more information
16:40 Pion condensation in the two-flavor chiral quark model at finite baryochemical potential - Péter Kovács (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
17:20 Equation of State, advanced estimates of initial energy densities from final state observables in exact solutions of relativistic hydrodynamics - Márton Nagy (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)   (Building 26, Tanácsterem, MTA MFA)
12:30 --- Lunch break ---