Sep 18 – 23, 2016
<a href="" target="_blank">NH Collections Hotel</a>
Europe/Prague timezone
<a href="">Photos</a>


Top2016 Registration now CLOSED

Opened May 10, 2016
Closed Sep 2, 2016
Contact info

The registration for the Top2016 workshop in Olomouc, Czech Republic, is now CLOSED.

The meeting will start on September 19th with arrival expected on September 18th afternoon and will end on Friday September 23rd 2016. Participants are expected to attend the workshop for its full duration.

The registration is two-step: with Indico (below) and then the hotel booking.

The registration fee is CZK 6800 (approx. Eur 250, only informative, please pay in CZK!) and is expected to be paid by a wire transfer to the bank account below. For students presenting YSF talk or poster, we offer early fee of CZK 5200, if paid by bank transfer by the end of August.
The conference fee includes the Wednesday excursion, conference dinner, coffee breaks, a small present and the conference services.
Registration will close Aug 19th 2016.
While the payment by card is not supported, we could exceptionally accept payments in place in cash in CZK.
Accompanying person fee is CZK 1100 (approx. Eur 40) covering the excursion and the conference dinner, with accommodation and meals to be arranged with the hotel as below.

Hotel booking
The NH hotel is now fully booked!
We kindly ask all late registrants to contact us via by email to help you find alternate accommodation or proceed to seek your own choice of accommodation on or airbnb (see the Hotels tab for some suggestions).

Note that in case you would like to take part in lunches and dinners in the NH hotel with all the workshop participants (which we strongly advice and recommend so that you can fully take part in the workshop), you will receive at the registration in the NH hotel a special meals package for the week for about Eur 200 (includes the poster session finger-food reception on Monday).

With the Indico registration you will receive a code for the discount hotel booking to be done directly with the NH hotel Olomouc‎ by email using the registration form attached on Indico in the Hotels tab on the left, don't forget to fill in the Special code for reservation.
The hotel had 129 rooms booked for our event till end of July.

Hotel and meals total expenses (starting dinner on Sunday, till lunch on Friday) given the expected 5 nights stay will be CZK 16,000 (approx. Eur 590) for a single room or CZK 11,750 (approx. Eur 430) per person in a double room.
In detail, the hotel per night is CZK 2100 (approx. Eur 78) in single or CZK 2500 (approx. Eur 93) to be shared by 2 participants in double room, and hotel meals for the whole week are CZK 5500 (approx. Eur 203).

Bank connection:
Bank name: Komercni banka a.s.
Bank address: Spalena 51, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
IBAN (account number): CZ1501000000195373100277
Beneficiary: CVUT Fakulta jaderna a fyzikalne inzenyrska
Address: Brehova 7, 115 19 Praha 1 Czech Republic
Details of payment: Your name (names in case of payment for more registrants)
Reference number: 8401605 + Your Indico Registration ID
Please send us a payment confirmation (pdf/screenshot) of the wire transfer so that we can verify your payment.
Please use OUR payment instructions.
Local (Czech only!) banking details:
č.ú.: 19-5373100277/0100 (Komerční banka a.s., Spálená 51, 110 00 Praha 1, Česká republika).

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.