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9–11 May 2016
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

A Bottom-Up Approach to Lepton Flavor and Generalized CP Symmetries

9 May 2016, 17:45
G26 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk Neutrinos


Alexander Stuart


We perform a model-independent analysis of the possible residual Klein and generalized CP symmetries associated with arbitrary lepton mixing angles in the case that there are three light Majorana neutrino species. This approach emphasizes the unique role of the Majorana phases and provides a useful framework in which to discuss the origin of the Dirac CP phase in scenarios with spontaneously broken flavor and generalized CP symmetries. The method is shown to reproduce known examples in the literature based on tribimaximal and bitrimaximal mixing patterns, and is used to investigate these issues for the case of a particular (GR1) golden ratio mixing pattern.

Primary author

Alexander Stuart

Presentation materials