Keith Pedersen
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
We present the discovery potential for a TeV-scale $H^{\pm}$
though its decays to boosted heavy quarks ($pp\to t H^{\pm} + X\to t (tb) + X$).
In the alignment limit of a type-II two Higgs doublet model,
searches for $H^{\pm}$ effectively constrain its neutral siblings ($H/A$).
We tag massive $H^{\pm}\to t b$ by pairing a high-efficiency
boosted-top tag with our low fake-rate $\mu_x$ boosted bottom-jet
tag (which rejects high-$p_T^{}$ light jets ${\sim}10$ times better than prior
$b$~tags). The success of the $\mu_x$ tag to suppress QCD
background for $H^{\pm}$ events further validates its usefulness in the
high-$p_T^{}$ regime (as was already demonstrated in generic
$W^\prime$ and leptophobic $Z^\prime$ searches).
Keith Pedersen
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
Zack Sullivan
(Illinois Institute of Technology)