9–11 May 2016
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

QCD Resummation Effects on W' -> tb

10 May 2016, 15:45
G30 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk BSM IV


Joshua Isaacson (Michigan State University)


There are searches for a $W'$ through many different decay channels at the LHC. Here we study the search for the $W'$ in the decay channel $W' \to tb$, including the decay of the top, at NLO+NLL in QCD. When applying cuts to the events, it is important to have the most precise predictions for the kinematics of the final state particles. Resummation allows us to include the soft gluon effects on top and bottom quarks, which has large effects on some distributions, such as the transverse momentum of the top and bottom.


Joshua Isaacson (Michigan State University)


C.-P. Yuan (Michigan Stet University) peng sun (MSU)

Presentation materials