9–11 May 2016
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Soft-Wall Light Dilatons

10 May 2016, 14:30
G26 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk Extra Dimensions


Don Bunk (Hamilton College)


We present holographic Randall-Sundrum like models of spontaneously broken conformal symmetry that realize a light dilaton and suppressed cosmological constant from condensates. A ''soft-wall'' realization of the RS geometry is generic in such cases, where the IR brane plays a lesser role as a cutoff for large curvature effects, and low energy observables such as the spectrum of states are largely insensitive to its position. Large hierarchies are easier to realize as the stabilizing term in the dilaton potential is automatically suppressed by a small Goldberger-Wise scalar mass. We also present analysis of the model at finite temperature.


Bithika Jain (Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Unknown-Unknown) Don Bunk (Hamilton College) Jay Hubisz (Syracuse University)

Presentation materials