9–11 May 2016
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Fragmentation of Heavy Mesons and Quarkonia in Jets

10 May 2016, 17:30
G31 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk Heavy Flavor


Mr Lin Dai (PITT PACC)


We use e^+ e^- to 2 Jets and 3 Jets processes to study the fragmentation of B mesons and J/psi in identified jets with specific shapes (Angularities).

Primary authors

Prof. Adam Leibovich (PITT PACC) Dr Andrew Hornig (LANL) Mr Lin Dai (PITT PACC) Mr Reggie Bain (DUKE) Prof. Thomas Mehen (DUKE) Mr Yiannis Makris (DUKE)

Presentation materials

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