Tae Hyun Jung
(Seoul National University)
Any new particle charged under $SU(3)_C$ and carrying electric charge will leave an imprint in the di-photon invariant mass spectrum as it can mediate $gg \to \gamma \gamma$ process through loops.
The combination of properties of loop functions and gluon pdfs results in a peak-like feature in the di-photon invariant mass around twice the mass of a given particle.
Using recent ATLAS analysis, we set upper limits on the combined $SU(3)_C$ and electric charge of new particles and indicate future prospects.
We briefly discuss the possibility that the excess of events in the di-photon invariant mass spectrum around 750 GeV originates from loops of a particle with mass around 375 GeV.
Tae Hyun Jung
(Seoul National University)
Dongjin Chway
(Seoul National University)
Hyung Do Kim
Radovan Dermisek