1st Review of the EuroCirCol WP 5
As anticipated during the EuroCirCol Meeting in Orsay (2015), the status of WP5 will be submitted at least once a year to a Technical Review Committee, with the aim of focussing the baseline assumptions, design methods and solutions, technical strategies including cost analysis, towards a credible design for a 16T demonstrator magnet for the FCC machine.
The review will be part of the FCC Review Program.
The 1st review will be held at CERN and is scheduled on 11th (start at 10h00) to 13th (end at 12h00) May 2016.
The charge includes comments and recommendations on:
- Baseline conductor properties;
- Margin on the load line
- Hypothesis for quench protection;
- Assumptions for the design;
- Selection of one (possibly up to two) design option(s) to be considered for the continuation of the study until November (EuroCirCol annual meeting), keeping in mind that from November ONE design only can be finalized until the end of the study (end 2018).
The Review Panel is composed of:
- Steve Gourlay (Chair), LBNL
- Giorgio Ambrosio, FNAL
- Diego Arbelaez, LBNL
- Luisa Chiesa, TUFTS
- Joe Minervini, MIT
- Ezio Todesco, CERN
The review will end with a close-out by the review Chair, in the form of a presentation. The review committee is asked to prepare a short report with their findings, comments and recommendations. The report is required within one month from the review.