Progress on Old and New Themes in cosmology (PONT) 2017

from Monday 24 April 2017 (08:00) to Friday 28 April 2017 (15:30)
Palais des Papes, Avignon (Chambre du Trésorier)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
24 Apr 2017
25 Apr 2017
26 Apr 2017
27 Apr 2017
28 Apr 2017
1 - Gravitational Waves and related (until 12:30) (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:00 Direct observation of gravitational waves from the merger and inspiral of two black holes - Bruce Allen (Max Planck Society/Albert Einstein Institute Hannover)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:45 LISA and the low-frequency gravitational universe - Karsten Danzmann (M)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Decoding gravitational waves to measure black holes - Mark Hannam (Cardiff University)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
11:45 Black holes in the gravitational wave cosmic landscape - Monica Colpi   (Chambre du Trésorier)
2 - Modified Gravity and Dark Energy (until 12:30) (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:00 Cosmological tests of modified gravity - Kazuya Koyama (University of Portsmouth)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:45 Cosmology and dark energy with the Euclid satellite - Anne Ealet (CNRS)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Cosmological results at z~1 from the completed VIPERS galaxy survey - Luigi Guzzo (Universita' di Milano)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
11:45 BBN - new ideas for old problems - Josef Pradler (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
3 - The future of CMB and LSS (until 12:30) (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:00 Future Steps in Cosmology using CMB Spectral Distortions - Jens Chluba (University of Cambridge)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:45 Exploring the inflation era with CMB Polarization - Jean-Christophe Hamilton   (Chambre du Trésorier)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Measurements of the Local Value of the Hubble Constant - Daniel Scolnic   (Chambre du Trésorier)
11:45 Dark Energy Survey (DES) - results and prospects for future - Bob Nichol   (Chambre du Trésorier)
4 - Numerical simulations (until 12:30) (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:00 Dark Matter distribution around galaxies: predictions from simulations - Andrea Maccio'   (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:45 Fundamental physics with the intergalactic medium - Matteo Viel   (Chambre du Trésorier)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Full GR cosmological simulations with numerical relativity - Marco Bruni (University of Portsmouth)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
11:45 Testing cosmic degeneracies with the SIMCODE project - Marco Baldi (Bologna University)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
5 - Dark Matter (until 12:30) (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:00 Old and New Ideas in Dark Matter Direct Detection - Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano (Northwestern University)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:45 Searching for dark matter in the Milky Way: current results and perspectives - Francesca Calore (LAPTh, CNRS)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Probing ultralight bosons with compact objects and gravitational waves - Paolo Pani   (Chambre du Trésorier)
11:45 Primordial black holes and r-process nucleosynthesis - Alexander Kusenko   (Chambre du Trésorier)
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
Afternoon session (until 18:15) (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:30 Gravitational Astrometry and Local Cosmology with Gaia - Mariateresa Crosta   (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:53 Gaia, scalar-tensor theories of gravity, and its cosmological implications - Alberto Vecchiato   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:15 A New Age for Quiontessential Inflation - Dr Konstantinos Dimopoulos (Lancaster University)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:30 Cosmic Inflation from Yang-Mills Instantons - Prof. Seoktae Koh (Jeju National University)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:45 Minimal but non-minimal inflation and electroweak symmetry breaking - Antonio Racioppi (National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (EE))   (Chambre du Trésorier)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
16:30 Higgs Dynamics During And After Inflation - Marco Zatta (University of Helsinki)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
16:45 SMASH - Guillermo Ballesteros (CEA Paris-Saclay)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:00 Cosmology with Goldstone bosons: compact and non-compact cosets - Ms Djuna Croon (University of Sussex)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:15 Unitary NEC Violation in P(X) cosmologies - Scott Melville (Imperial College, London)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:30 Gravitational waves from the QCD chiral phase transition before the electroweak symmetry breaking - Dr Kengo Shimada (LAPTh)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:45 Superradiance in rotating stars and implications for dark sectors - Tien-Tien Yu (CERN)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
18:00 Piercing the Vainshtein screen with gravitational waves - Jose Beltran Jimenez (Universite d'Aix-Marseille)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
18:45 --- Welcome cocktail ---
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
Afternoon session (until 19:25) (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:40 Relaxing SUSY - Matthew McCullough (Oxford University)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:25 Effective Theory of (Higher-Order) Scalar Tensor Theories - Dr Filippo Vernizzi (IPhT, CEA/Saclay)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:40 Effective theory of dark energy and kinetic matter mixing - Mr Mancarella Michele (IPhT - CEA Saclay)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:55 Waves in Scalar-Tensor Theories - Robert Hagala   (Chambre du Trésorier)
16:10 --- Coffee Break ---
16:40 Unveiling Dark Energy from LSS: the theoretical side of the challenge. - Alessandra Silvestri (Leiden University)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:25 Priors on the dark energy equation of state and modified growth parameters from general scalar field theories - Levon Pogosian (Simon Fraser University)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:40 Generalized Einstein-Aether as a dark energy fluid - Mr Damien Trinh (University of Manchester)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:55 Applications of the EoS formalism to f(R) models - Dr Francesco Pace (JBCA, University of Manchester)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
18:10 Effective Field Theory of Dark Energy in the Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure - Matthew Lewandowski (CEA Saclay)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
Popular Science Event (in French) (until 21:30) ()
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
3 - The future of CMB and LSS (until 15:15) (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:30 Theoretical studies of the Large Scale Structure: results and prospects - Vincent Desjacques   (Chambre du Trésorier)
Afternoon session (until 18:30) (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:15 Neutrinos in cosmology, from CMB to Lyman-alpha forests - Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille (CEA)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
16:30 How well can future CMB missions constrain inflation and reheating? - Dr Vincent Vennin (University of Portsmouth (UK), Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
16:45 Optimal and fast Wiener filtering of CMB maps without preconditioning - Mr Doogesh Kodi Ramanah (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:00 CMB Anomalies From Next Generation Polarization Measurements - Suvodip Mukherjee   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:15 Cosmology with the Euclid galaxy bispectrum - Victoria Yankelevich (Argelander-Institut für Astronomie, University of Bonn)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:30 Fully non-linear statistical analysis of Large scale structure data for wide and deep surveys - Guilhem Lavaux (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:45 Consistency relations for large-scale structures: applications to the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect and the kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect - Luca Alberto Rizzo   (Chambre du Trésorier)
18:00 The Homogeneity Scale of the Universe - Mr Pierros Delis   (Chambre du Trésorier)
18:15 Numerical tests on renormalised non-linear galaxy bias - Kim Werner (Argelander Institut, University of Bonn)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
4 - Numerical simulations (until 15:15) (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:30 Cosmological simulations beyond the quasi-static approximation: what can we learn from them? - Claudio Llinares (Durham University)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
Afternoon session (until 18:00) (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:15 Dynamically constrained model of Galactic subhalos and impact on dark matter searches - Mr Martin Stref (Montpellier University)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:30 A unique probe of dark matter in the core of M87 with the Event Horizon Telescope - Dr Thomas Lacroix (LUPM)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:45 Cosmological signatures of electromagnetically decaying dark matter - Vivian Poulin (LAPTh, Annecy-le-vieux)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
16:30 Primordial Black Holes and Dark Matter from Axion Inflation - Dr Francesco Muia   (Chambre du Trésorier)
16:45 Split light Dark Matter - Chu Xiaoyong   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:00 The impact of pair flips on redshift-space distortions - Mr Joseph Kuruvilla   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:15 Evaporation of the de Sitter horizon - Tommi Markkanen   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:30 Braneworld cosmology and holography - Neven Bilic (Rudjer Boskovic Institute)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:45 Gravitational birefringence of light - Mr Thomas Schucker (CPT)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
19:45 --- Banquet ---
12:30 --- Last Lunch ---