21–25 Aug 2017
University of Washington, Seattle
US/Pacific timezone

On the notion "significance of the difference"

Not scheduled
Alder Hall (University of Washington, Seattle)

Alder Hall

University of Washington, Seattle

Oral Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods


Serguei Bityukov (Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))


The concept of "the significance of the difference" is widely used in data analysis in high-energy physics. We consider the significance Type C [1]. This significance is used in works [2,3,4]. It is shown that when comparing two independent samples obtained from one general population, the distribution of estimates of the "significance of the difference" for mean values, obtained for these samples, is close to the standard normal distribution.

[1] Bityukov S., Krasnikov N., Nikitenko A., Smirnova V., Two approaches to Combining Significances, PoS (ACAT08) 118.

[2] Aubert B., et al (BABAR Collaboration), Search for CP Violation in Neutral D Meson Cabibbo-suppressed Three-body Decays, Phys.Rev. D78 (2008) 051102.

[3] Bediaga I., Bigi I.I., Gomes A., Guerrer G., Miranda J., dos Reis A.C., On a CP Anisotropy Measurement in the Dalitz Plot, Phys.Rev. D80 (2009) 096006.

[4] Bityukov S., Krasnikov N., Nikitenko A., Smirnova V., On the distinguishability of histograms, Eur.Phys. J. Plus (2013) 128:143.


Serguei Bityukov (Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))

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