Orlando Villalobos Baillie
(University of Birmingham)
27/09/2006, 11:20
The ALICE Central Trigger Processor is designed to
process signals
from triggering detectors and send appropriate trigger
signals and
data to participating detectors. The ALICE system
allows dynamic
partitioning of the detector, past-future protection
appropriate to
each detector's electronics, and a number of different
and diagnostic functions. The system has now...
Roman Lietava
(University of Birmingham)
27/09/2006, 11:40
In this paper we discuss trigger signals synchronisation and
trigger input alignment in the ALICE trigger system.
The synchronisation procedure adjusts the phase of the input signals
with respect to the local Bunch Crossing (BC) clock and, indirectly,
with respect to the LHC bunch crossing time.
Alignment assures that the trigger signals originating from the same bunch
Marian Krivda
(Institute of Experimental Physics, Kosice, Slovakia)
27/09/2006, 12:00
The ALICE silicon pixel detector (SPD) constitutes the two innermost layers of the
ALICE inner tracker system. The SPD contains 10 million pixels organized in 120
detector modules (half staves) connected to the off-detector electronics via
bidirectional optical links. The front-end data streams are processed in 20 readout
modules (Router), based on FPGAs, each carrying three 2-channel...
Ivan Amos Cali
(Universita degli Studi di Bari / CERN)
27/09/2006, 12:20
The ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector (SPD) contains nearly
10^7 hybrid pixel cells. About 2000 parameters and ~50000
DACs must be controlled in real-time during the detector
integration, commissioning and operation. Information on each
channel is stored in a configuration database. Timing and data
management are critical issues. An overview of the SPD detector
control system is presented,...
Gianluca Aglieri Rinella
(CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva)
27/09/2006, 12:40
The ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector contains 1200 readout chips.
Fast-OR signals indicate the presence of at least one hit in the 8192
pixel matrix of each chip. The 1200 bits are transmitted together with
data on 120 optical links using the G-Link protocol. The Level 0 Pixel
Trigger System extracts and processes them to deliver an input signal
to the Level 0 trigger processor within a...