27 August 2017 to 9 September 2017
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Europe/Zurich timezone

Computer Architecture & Performance Tuning L1: Hardware vs. software vs. you – who’s the boss?

29 Aug 2017, 11:45
Base Technologies


Andrzej Nowak


Considering the rise of complex many-core processors, a sufficient understanding of their architecture and of the applicable performance tuning opportunities has become an indispensable element of software development.

In this lecture, the anatomy of a modern PC (x86) server is discussed, with a particular focus on the CPU. Multiple resources and strategies to achieve optimal performance exist, both in hardware and in software – but how to take control of them?

Non-x86 architectures of growing importance, such as ARM and NVIDIA, will also be briefly covered. The lecture will be supported by relevant examples from the physics domain.

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