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- Gustavo Alonso (UPM)
José Miguel Atienza
(Vice-Rector for Academic Strategies and Internationalization, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM))
- Speaker at UPM at a glance
Marzieh Bahmani
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
- Speaker at Presentations by Students
Lennaert Bel
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
- Speaker at Presentations by Students
Fernando Blasco
- Speaker at Guest lecture: Codes, shuffles and cards
Christian Bourjau
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
- Speaker at Presentations by Students
Stefan-Gabriel Chitic
- Speaker at Presentations by Students
Eckhard Elsen
- Speaker at Physics at the LHC and beyond
Francois Fluckiger
- Speaker at Networking Performance L1: Internet Quality of Service options
- Speaker at Networking Performance L2: Multimedia over the Internet
- Speaker at Special evening talk
- Alessandra Gorla (IMDEA)
- Frederic Hemmer (CERN)
Bob Jacobsen
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques E1
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques E2
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques E3
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques E4
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques E5
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques E6
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques L1: Introduction
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques L2: Tools for Collaboration, Software Engineering Across the Project
Thomas Keck
- Speaker at Multivariate Classification E1
- Speaker at Multivariate Classification E2
- Speaker at Multivariate Classification L1: Traditional Techniques
- Speaker at Multivariate Classification L2: Deep Learning
Sebastian Lopienski
- Speaker at CERN School of Computing
- Speaker at Graduation ceremony
- Speaker at Introduction
- Speaker at Software Security E1
- Speaker at Software Security E2
- Speaker at Software Security E3
- Speaker at Software Security L1: Introduction
- Speaker at Software Security L2: Security in different phases of software development
- Speaker at Software Security L3: Web application security, exercise debriefing
Eamonn Maguire
- Speaker at Data Visualizations E1
- Speaker at Data Visualizations L1
- Speaker at Data Visualizations L2
Mario Martinez-Perez
(Head of Experimental Division, Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE), The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST))
- Speaker at Spain at the LHC: Past, Present and Future
Andrzej Nowak
- Speaker at Computer Architecture & Performance Tuning E1
- Speaker at Computer Architecture & Performance Tuning E2
- Speaker at Computer Architecture & Performance Tuning E3
- Speaker at Computer Architecture & Performance Tuning L1: Hardware vs. software vs. you – who’s the boss?
- Speaker at Computer Architecture & Performance Tuning L2: Architectural Details and Performance Studies
Alberto Pace
- Speaker at Data Technologies L1: Setting the scene: Storage technologies
- Speaker at Data Technologies L2: Cryptography, authentication authorization and accounting 1
- Speaker at Data Technologies L3: Cryptography, authentication authorization and accounting 2
- Speaker at Data Technologies L4: Additional component for Data Replication, Caching, Monitoring, Alarms and Quota 1
- Speaker at Data Technologies L5: Additional component for Data Replication, Caching, Monitoring, Alarms and Quota 2
- Speaker at Data Technologies L6: Distributed Hash Table in Cloud Storage
Davide Pedretti
(Universita e INFN, Legnaro (IT))
- Speaker at Presentations by Students
Andreas Peters
- Speaker at Data Technologies E1
- Speaker at Data Technologies E2
- Speaker at Data Technologies E3
- Speaker at Data Technologies E4
- Speaker at Data Technologies E5
Danilo Piparo
- Speaker at Software Design E1
- Speaker at Software Design E2
- Speaker at Software Design E3
- Speaker at Software Design L2: Concurrent Programming in Action 1
- Speaker at Software Design L3: Concurrent Programming in Action 2
Ivica Puljak
- Speaker at Data Analysis E1: Monte Carlo method and Fitting with Root
- Speaker at Data Analysis E2: Confidence interval
- Speaker at Data Analysis E3: Hypothesis testing
- Speaker at Data Analysis L1: Introduction to data analysis and Monte Carlo method
- Speaker at Data Analysis L2: Distributions and estimators
- Speaker at Data Analysis L3: Confidence intervals
- Speaker at Data Analysis L4: Statistical tests
- Arnulf Quadt (University of Göttingen)
Antoni Shtipliyski
(University of Manchester (GB))
- Speaker at Presentations by Students
Vojtech Simetka
- Speaker at Presentations by Students
- Javier Soriano (Director of Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos (ETSIINF), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM))
Alexei Sytov
(Universita di Ferrara & INFN (IT))
- Speaker at Presentations by Students
Enric Tejedor
- Speaker at Software Design E1
- Speaker at Software Design E2
- Speaker at Software Design E3
- Speaker at Software Design L1: Physics and Computing Challenges to Experiment Software
- Speaker at Software Design L4: Patterns for Parallel Software Development
Ulf Bobson Severin Tigerstedt
(Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
- Speaker at Presentations by Students
Carmen Vela Olmo
(Spanish State Secretary of Science, Development and Innovation)
- Speaker at Opening address
Wojciech Ziolek
- Speaker at Presentations by Students