Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

27 August 2017 to 9 September 2017
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Europe/Zurich timezone

Computer Architecture & Performance Tuning L2: Architectural Details and Performance Studies

30 Aug 2017, 10:45
Base Technologies


Andrzej Nowak


Although by using various tools we are often able to get a generous peek both inside hardware and software, drawing meaningful high-level conclusions is not always straightforward. More challenges come from accelerators and co-processors, where different computing paradigms take precedence, such as extreme data parallelism, different math capabilities, the importance of special languages as well as memory size and topology changes. The objective of this lecture is to bring the audience closer to "where it matters" in modern computing systems, and to identify important paths for high performance.

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