19–21 Feb 2018
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Munich
Europe/Zurich timezone

X-ray Detectors at PSI and Recent Developments using LGADs for Low Energy X-ray Detection

Not scheduled
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Munich

Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Munich

Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) Föhringer Ring 6 80805 München


Jiaguo Zhang (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI))


The detector group of the Swiss Light Source at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) develops cutting-edge X-ray detectors in-house, including photon-counting detectors for synchrotron radiation sources and charge-integrating detectors for Free-Electron Lasers (FELs). Planar silicon strip and pixel sensors are commonly used for X-ray energies from a few keV up to 20 keV. In addition, high-Z sensors, e.g. CdTe and GaAs, are being studied to improve the quantum efficiency for X-ray energies above 20 keV, while Low Gain Avalanche Diode (LGAD) sensors and silicon sensors with thin entrance windows are being investigated for the detection of soft X-rays below 4 keV. In this talk, an overview of the detector development at PSI will be given. Results from recent measurements with LGAD microstrip sensors wire-bonded to Mythen-II, a photon-counting readout chip (ROC), and to Gotthard-1.7, a charge-integrating ROC, will be presented. The requirements of LGAD sensors with thin entrance windows for soft X-ray detection will be discussed.


Marie Andrae (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI))


Rebecca Barten (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Anna Bergamaschi (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Maurizio Boscardin (Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)) Martin Brueckner (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino) Sabina Chiriotti-Alvarez (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Roberto Dinapoli (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Marco Ferrero (INFN Torino) Francesco Ficorella (Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)) Erik Froejdh (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Dominic Greiffenberg (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Carlos Lopez-Cuenca (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Davide Mezza (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Aldo Mozzanica (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Giovanni Paternoster (Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)) Sophie Redford (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Christian Ruder (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Bernd Schmitt (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Xintian Shi (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Valentina Sola (INFN Torino) Dhanya Thattil (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Gemma Tinti (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Seraphin Vetter (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)) Jiaguo Zhang (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI))

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