19–21 Feb 2018
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Munich
Europe/Zurich timezone

Payment details

Payment Details

The Conference fee of 140 Euros includes the welcome reception on Monday evening, a workshop dinner on Tuesday evening, three lunches and coffee breaks.

The Conference fee should be payed before the 7th of February with a bank transfer, at no cost for the recipient.

Bank Transfer

Account Holder:

Bank affiliation:
Deutsche Bank AG  
CIB GTB Firmenkunden-Service  
Region Süd  
Promenadeplatz 15  
80333 München  Filiale 220   

BLZ:   700 700 10 
Account Number: 1951300 43 
IBAN: DE60 7007 0010 0195 1300 43  

Important note: please specify "K 1007 Trento Workshop - Name Surname" in the Notes/Comments field of your transfer request.