ZPW2018 - Flavours: light, heavy and dark

KOL-F-118 (University of Zurich)


University of Zurich

Ramistrasse 71, Zurich

The workshop will bring together leading researchers from experimental and theoretical particle physics to discuss recent results on quark and lepton flavour observables and their impact on the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. A significant fraction of the workshop will be devoted to discuss possible explanations (within and beyond the SM) of the recent anomalies in B physics. But we plan to extend the discussion also to other topics, including high-PT signatures of BSM models non-trivial flavour structure; phenomenology of possible Heavy Neutral Leptons; exotic Dark Matter models; Lepton Flavour Violation in charged leptons.

The workshop, organized jointly by the particle theory groups of UZH and ETH with the support of the Pauli Center for Theoretical Studies, will be held on January 15-17, 2018.

You can find further information on the location of the event, confirmed speakers and accomodation options in Zurich at zpw.ethz.ch
