Dark Matter @ LHC 2018 (#DMLHC2018)

Main lecture room (HS I) (U. of Heidelberg / KIP)

Main lecture room (HS I)

U. of Heidelberg / KIP

Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik Im Neuenheimer Felt 227 D-69120 Heidelberg Germany
Oleg Brandt (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))

The Dark Matter @ LHC 2018 workshop (#DMLHC2018) takes place from April 3rd afternoon to 6th, 2018, and covers experimental and theoretical aspects of collider-based searches for dark matter. The goal of the workshop is to bring together the experimental and theory communities, to review the current status and discuss potential avenues into the future.

This agenda provides the timetable and the facilities for registration and abstract submission.

Main DM@LHC 2018 website: https://www.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/dmlhc/home.

Follow us: #DMLHC2018

The workshop poster is available here.

Please note the Satellite Workshop "Dark Matter at the Dawn of Discovery ?" which will take place in Heidelberg on 9-11 April 2018.
