3 January 2018 to 1 December 2018
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Slow Control Conference Warsaw 2018.11.09

StarterKit Topic 15; Hall-Effect Sensor Interface

Not scheduled
B: 215; room 327 (JINR DUBNA)

B: 215; room 327


Joliot Curie 6
Team for the Future of NICA Dubna 2018 TeFeNica-2018


Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)


Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta, pluta@if.pw.edu.pl
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel, kisiel@if.pw.edu.pl
Supervisor: mgr inż. Marek Peryt, Marek.Peryt@pw.edu.pl

Topic: StarterKit Topic 15: Design, implementation and programming of the
Hall-Effect Sensor Interface
for the Slow Control System MPD-NICA,
on the NImyRIO and LabView platforms in Great Physical Experiments

The aim of the activity of Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments are practical exercises allowing students to get to know, design and solve real problems resulting from the construction of electronic circuits and connecting them with real elements.
Most students can efficiently program simulations using computers, but their real creation can be a big problem.
Selected themes have been prepared combining a common structural feature: Interface for the Slow Control System MPD-NICA, on the NImyRIO and LabView platforms in Great Physical Experiments.
Topic 2 project, opens the group of exercises: Sensor - Interface - NImyRIO.
The next ones form a compact basis for the preparation for the Slow Control System.
Each proposed exercise will bring you independent work with advanced equipment and software. The document attached to each project (in .pdf format) contains a detailed description of your activities.
Good luck…

Temat: OK

Primary author

Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)

Presentation materials