NICA is the new flagship of the JINR
Slow Control Warsaw 2018.11.09
Slow Control Warsaw 2018
4th International Conference after student internships at JINR in Dubna
Slow Control 2018
Summer Students 2018
TeFeNica 2018
Topics for Bachelor Theses (OPEN 2018-2019)
Topics Master's Thesis (OPEN 2018-2019)
Program: Team for the Future of NICA Dubna 2018 (OPEN), Student internships.
Program: Slow Control System Dubna: 2018 (OPEN), Student internships.
Program: Summer Students Dubna 2018 (Open until March 31, 2018), Student internships.
Twiki: Project website carried out in cooperation WUT with JINR
by the Polish Consortium NICA-PL
NICA Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility; JINR Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna.
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.