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Topics for Bachelor Theses (OPEN 2018-2019)
Topics Master's Thesis (OPEN 2018-2019)
Program: Team for the Future of NICA Dubna 2018 (OPEN), Student internships.
Program: Slow Control System Dubna: 2018 (OPEN), Student internships.
Program: Summer Students Dubna 2018 (Open until March 31, 2018), Student internships.
Twiki: Project website carried out in cooperation WUT with JINR
by the Polish Consortium NICA-PL
NICA Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility; JINR Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna.
Konferencja Slow Control Warsaw 2108
BM@N - Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron is a fixed target experiment that is part of NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility). This experiment is dedicated to study ion collsions to strudy properties of the equation-of state (EoS) of dense nuclear matters. This EoS plasy crutioan role for understanding nature of neutron stars and collapses of supernovae. Data taking in experiment require continuous monitoring of quality. Therefore it’s important to have an on-line system for monitoring quality of experimental data. Currently was implemented fast decoding algorithm and monitoring system to BmnROOT. System consists of two parts – first is RawDataDecoder that get raw data from DAQ system and decode into ROOT format. Second part is BmnMonitor that read data from ZeroMQ socket and fill histograms. Histograms are made accessible by ROOT ThttpServer. Lighttpd web server serving as local proxy makes it available for for outside http requests.
BM@N – (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) is a fixed target experiment that is part of NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility). This experiment is dedicated to study ion collisions to study properties of the EoS (Equation of State) of dense nuclear matters. This EoS plays crutial role for understanding nature of neutron stars and collapses of supernovae.
The BM@N detector have to be properly optimized. At this moment active work is underway to simulate the BM@N experiment by the Monte Carlo method. This can be done f.e. by comparison of coordinates obtained directly from some models with coordinates obtained from such data passed through simulation of detector response and experimental analysis.
1. Installation of BmnROOT
2. Explore universal curve for all particles.
3. Modify class.
4. Using experimental procedure to get results before and after modifications.
5. Getting correction data by comparison differences of reconstructed and true (MC) particle coordinates in the detectors.
Recommended literature:
1. The BM@N experiment at JINR: status and physics program D. Baranov at al. KnowledgeE Energy & Physics
2. http://pdg.lbl.gov/2016/reviews/rpp2016-rev-passage-particles-matter.pdf
The presentation summarizes the tasked I worked on during my internship in Dubna. It is divided in two parts.
Its first part revolves around Therminator2 software setup. It contains brief explanation of what Therminator2 software is and what it depends on. Moreover it explains what why automated set up is desired. Next solution of encountered problems is described.
The second part concerns Aligenqa software. It covers explanation of what Aligenqa is, what difficulties did its setup cause and how to use it. Later it is explained what did I do to its code within my task and how it lead me to modification of AliEn software.
In the end there is short conclusion to my internship and of referenced materials.
Radon is a noble gas, therefore after recoil from the lattice, in which radium 226Ra was embedded, relatively easy moves in the fissures and cracks. The half-life of radon is long enough (3.83 days) to enable its movement. In confined spaces such as caves, underground mines or dwellings radon concentrations may sometimes reach high level.
A 8-day dataset from an air soil samples of Radon-222 was gathered. The diurnal variations of Rn-222 concentration were analysed. It has been found that radon concentration changes with the change of depth. There were observed changes of Radon-222 concentration along with changes of temperature. A design of an alternative method for measuring Rn-222 concentration was made.
Abstract -- Large detectors like ALICE in CERN are often equipped with additional cosmic ray detectors. These detectors are used to obtain information about which tracks inside the detector came from the passage of a particle coming from an atmospheric cascade (eg: muons), and are not as a product of an internal collision. They are also very useful for calibrating detectors such as TOF or TPC. The nature of radiation changes in relation to the direction in the sky which we observe as well as the influence of very thick walls or ground. The goal of this exercise is to self build a small cosmic ray detector and making real measurements using it.
The designed cooling system must be closed and operate with a liquid and gas cooling carrier. The designed elements include: servo housings, liquid cooler modules and carrier transport profiles. The aim of the project is to adapt and design the required structures to existing dimensions of RACK's, minimize the complexity of individual elements and maximize the ease of their mutual assembly.
The second project are constructions for cable, fiber optic and tubular routes. The priority in the design and implementation of routes is to ensure maximum safety of the cables. The strength of the structure also counts - maximum stability with minimum weight must be ensured
Both projects are made using 3D CAD Autodesk Inventor software.
In every cabinet rack, many electronic devices are going to be placed, thus it is needed to provide power supply firstly for the rack, where the current would be then distributed to those devices.
In order to supply rack with electrical power, dedicated LabVIEW software was designed, which sets the high logic level for relay outputs in LUMEL SM4 device through RS-232 or RS-485 standard.
Fire extinguishing system development for the Slow Control System. (about Firesi FRS-RACK)
2) Prototype system for temperature measuruments into the ToF-MPD. (about pt100 sensors and National Instruments stuff)
3) Smart relay control (about Lumel devices)
The goal of this paper is to present development of the Intelligent Distribution System (IDS), which connects a number of devices to a three-phase network and balance loading of this network. The main challenge in the IDS project was to meet the requirements for strictly limited dimensions of the device and simultaneously to provide all necessary functionalities, e.g. remote control. The prototype version of the IDS will ensure powering the 12 devices of total power consumption at the level of 17,25 kW. In order to ensure symmetric loading of the network the automatic measurements of the individual power consumption are performed. A dedicated relay system has been designed and it allows to connect each powered device to each phase. The control system is based on the NI CRio and performs the optimization of phase loading, detect short circuits, automatically switch-on and switch-off power of the devices. Moreover, system can register parameters of connected devices, events during system operation and the power consumption history.
The presentation covers description of Inerface of Gas System Control of TOF Detector (Time Of Flight) being a part of multidetector MPD (Multi-Purpose Detector) - a crucial component of NICA Project (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility). The basic functions and capabilities of the interface will be presented, as well as possible future improvements and extensions.
Development of the mixer module software for the gas system
of the TOF/MPD detector
This project covers of implementation advanced gas control structure for Time of Flight (TOF) detector at Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAсility (NICA) experiment.
The main part of work focuses on the adaptation of advanced Dynamic Matrix Control (DMC) regulators. The purpose of the control is to maintain the gas pressure at an appropriate level of overpressure relative to atmospheric pressure, provide flows that lead to three gas recirculation in the detector during the day and preserve the composition of the three gases mixture in required proportions.
The last part presents a modified scheme of the system, made in modular technology. A new approach in building control and measurement infrastructure.
Development of analysis module software for the gas system of the TOF/MPD detector
In order for the ToF detector to function properly it requires a gas mixture, which is constantly supplied to the system. Due to the gas’ mixture components, more specifically the Tetrafluoroethane, it cannot be released into the atmosphere. Due to its hazardous impact on the environment, the system needs to be closed, allowing the gas circulation.
The returning gas pressure needs to be stabilized using a pump, which, because of the necessity of gas mixture purity, must not be lubricated in any way, thus must not include any parts, which generate friction. As a solution to this issue, I propose a pumping system, which uses magnetic bearings.
ToF detector needs constant supply with gas mixture and also place to exhaust used gas. It is going to consist of 12 identical parts that would create a dodecahedron around main part of the MPD, each of which is going to be supplied with gas separately with specially dedicated gas system.
The system is designed to be an assembly of a few lesser modules of which mine to work with was a gas returning module. It is important to avoid exhaust used gas into the atmosphere due to environment-harmful component of the gas - Tetrafluoroethane. Thus the module have to collect it and enforce closed feedback loop flow controlled with input pressure.
Robot for measurements in space X Y Z
Laser sensor is part of the scalable magnetic field scanner project that
will be use to measure the homogeneity of field inside main magnet of BM@N detector.
The presentation will show haw sensor works and what are pros and coins of this solutions.
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Master Thesis, Bachelor Thesis, Engineering Work, Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Robots in great physical experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta, pluta@if.pw.edu.pl
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel, kisiel@if.pw.edu.pl
Supervisor: mgr inż. Marek Peryt, Marek.Peryt@pw.edu.pl
Rover Vehicle Measuring Robots for Great Physical Experiments
Engineering and technical tasks:
The Rover Vehicle; Measuring Robots for Great Physical Experiments, is an Project, versatile and fun starting point for a variety of mechatronics and robotics design Projects. It is a ground vehicle controlled by NImyRIO and equipped with motors and sensors. You can start by following instructions to build the Rover Vehicle Measuring Robot and run the provides code. This will allow you to tele operate the rover to travel and grasp objects with its pincer end effector. You can expand the Rover‘s functionality so that it can utilize controls algorithms and complete tasks.
Base Functionality:
• The two front wheels are driven independently of one another by DC motors. The back wheel is used for balance and can rotate freely.
• The DC motor speed are controlled using PWM, and their directions are controlled using a digital line (this wiring is done for you via the motor board).
• The Rover has differential steering, meaning that the direction of the Rover can be changed by varying the relative rotational velocity of DC motors.
• The IR infrared range finder data is read through an analogue line and converted to centimetres. It can be used to detect distance from other objects or distinguish colour / material differences based on IR reflectivity.
• The pincer end reflector is controlled by a servo motor. The position of the servo motors is controlled by PWM.
• A VI will be deployed NImyRIO, enabling it to output motor signals, input sensor data, and transfer data to and from a host computer via Wi-Fi.
• A VI will run of a host computer for teleoperation. Here the User can input movement commands, open and close the pincers, and view the IR sensors data.
Expansion and Teaching Options:
• Implement open-loop and closed-loop control algorithms in LabView to precisely control the Rover’s positions and velocity.
• Use the IR sensor to detect objects. You can write LabView code to avoid the objects or grasp them with the pincers.
• Use the IR sensor detect a line, and write LabView code to follow it.
• Program the Rover to operate autonomously, so that it doesn’t require user from the host.
• Add additional features the Rover.
• Example ideas: USB camera ultrasonic sensor custom 3-D printed parts.
Job description:
The work is an important part of the NICA-MPD Project, carried out in the international research and development centre JINR Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna (Russia), Poland has been a member since 1956 and has a significant contribution to its scientific and research achievements.
The work consists in discerning and formulating the needs of a group of specialists from Polish scientific and research institutions, SCS Slow Control System, MPD detector control system and NICA complex. The proposed engineering and technical task combines most of the characteristics of engineering and research work.
Range of tasks to be carried out by the Apprentice:
The Self-Balancing Measuring Robot for Great Physical Experiments, relates to controls concepts like relative stability robust stability and fundament takes consisting of prefabricated components and electronic modules, should be designed and developed and programmed in NI LabView. The subject is required to understand the theoretical knowledge and to analyse the topic at the theoretical and practical level. A working prototype (model) is planned. Then, technical analysis of the system and its functionality will be performed. Applications should be used when formulating subsequent technical and functional requirements, the robot's real measuring system. Define the required algorithms and write the software. The apprentice will perform tests and study the work of the finished robot. As a result of the subject matter, a working robot system should be created. At the end, you should give a 15-minute lecture in English about the work done. After the internships (in November 2018) a conference in Warsaw is planned: Slow Control System 2018, in which the Apprentice should take an active part by giving a thematic lecture. The publication of this work is planned.
It is possible to continue cooperation, for example in the form of an engineering or a master's thesis, as well as further scientific contacts.
The MultiPurpose Detector – MPD to Study Heavy Ion Collisions at NICA; (CDR Conceptual Design Report) Version 1.4; Project leaders: A. N. Sissakian, A. S. Sorin, V. D. Kekelidze.
Project was part of TOF-MPD's Slow Control System. The main goal was to develop software and improve algorithms monitor temperature and control the wear of fans used at cooling system the RACK.
Final program is easy scalable and user friendly.
Heat transfer is an very important issue when we are considering electronic circuits, especially in the case of great physical experiments, in which a large number of electronic devices are necessary for the proper functioning of the system, where each of them emits a certain amount of heat.
My task was to perform a heat flow simulation in RACK cabinets in order to predict whether the designed cooling system will be sufficient and to check what maximum temperatures can be achieved when using specific electronic devices.
Every electronic device generates heat. If a large number of devices work on limited space, overheating might occur. As detectors can produce inaccurate data, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) thermal simulation might be used to prevent overheating. We can also use CFD method to simulate the flow of gas inside TOF-MPD (Time of Flight – Multi Purpose Detector) so we can choose the best variant of gas distribution system. CFD is a powerful numerical method which can be used to analyse the flow of fluid or heat transfer.
Overheating electronic elements can causes them to function improperly, because of that measuring and controlling the temperature are major factors in terms of their longevity and reliability. Measurements can be done in discrete approach by using thermometers or by taking images using thermal imager and then analyzing them. In case of utilizing second approach it is easier to measure variety of subsystems in vastly reduced time, without necessity to setup whole array of apparatuses. By writing versatile MATLAB program I was able to analyze thermal images that can be used to investigate overheating elements, mean temperature and prepare graphs that can be used in future thermal analysis such as CFD simulations.