NICA Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility
NICA is the new flagship of the JINR Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna.
We offer the following programs and events:
- Summer Student Internships at JINR in Dubna (2-3 months): "Summer Students 2018"
- Summer Student Internships at JINR in Dubna (3 weeks): "Slow Control System 2018"
- Summer Student Internships at JINR in Dubna (3 months): TeFeNICA
- Bachelor's (Engineer's) Works 2018/2019
- Master's theses 2018/2019
Project: JINR Summer Student 2018
SS-18Two-month apprenticeship program at JINR in Dubna, turn on the button in MENU: "Summer Students 2018"
Slow Control System 2018
SCS-18Three-week student internship program at JINR in Dubna, turn-on the button in MENU: "Slow Control System 2018"
Team for the Future of NICA
TeFeNICA-18Three-month internship program for students at JINR in Dubna ...
Topics of engineering works...
PI-18/19Topics of engineering works related to the NICA Project
Topics of Master's theses...
PM-18/19Topics of Master's theses related to the NICA Project
Slow Control Warsaw 2018