BM@N - Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron is a fixed target experiment that is part of NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility). This experiment is dedicated to study ion collisions to study properties of the equation-of state (EoS) of dense nuclear matters. This EoS plays crucial role for understanding nature of neutron stars and collapses of supernovae.
Event display is an application for visualization of collisions in detector. Thanks to event display it's possible to monitor detector state,reconstruction algorithms performance or visualizing how detector works. Event display in BM@N experiment base on event display developed in FairROOT framework.
FairROOT is base framework for high energy experiments like BM@N or MPD. Currently only basic visualization options are available in FairROOT like displaying simulated tracks inside detector geometry. Due to specific structure of different detectors its impossible to build fully operative universal event display. In case of BM@N experiment one of such dedicated detector are calorimeter towers. Those calorimeters are responsible for measuring collision centrality by measuring energy of forward ongoing particles.
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