International Advisory Committee:
- António Onofre (chair), U. Minho/LIP
- María Aldaya Martín, DESY
- Fabrizio Caola, CERN
- Jorgen D’Hondt, Brussels
- Fabio Maltoni, UC Louvain
- Michelangelo Mangano, CERN
- Alexander Mitov, Cambridge
- Gilad Perez, Weizmann
- Reinhard Schwienhorst, Michigan State
- Michael Spannowsky, Durham
- Roberto Tenchini, INFN Pisa
Local Organising Committee:
- Wolfgang Wagner (chair), Wuppertal
- Ian Brock, Bonn
- Markus Cristinziani, Bonn
- Michael Czakon, RWTH Aachen
- Martin Erdmann, RWTH Aachen
- Ivor Fleck, Siegen
- Dominic Hirschbühl, Wuppertal
- Kevin Kröninger, TU Dortmund
- Małgorzata Worek, RWTH Aachen
The Top2018 is funded by the
Funding for experimental PhD students
We received a special grant from the COST Network CA16201 PARTICLEFACE "Unraveling new physics at the LHC through the precision frontier" to support a few PhD students in experimental particle physics.