Proceedings will be published using the SLAC eCONF service. Speakers have to prepare their proceedings and submit them to arXiv themselves. The eCONF service will index these documents on a public web page. The experimental speakers are kindly requested to follow the rules of their collaborations.
The following page limits are strongly recommended:
- Keynote address and summaries: 8
- Regular talks: 5
- Posters and talks in the Young Scientist Forum: 4
The deadline for the submission of the proceedings has been extended and is now set to January 15, 2019.
Instructions for Authors
- The proceedings should be prepared using the latex templates available at SLAC eCONF service (tar file with all files included, tex file, macros file, example of resulting pdf file).
- Once ready, the paper must be submitted to the eprint arXiv server (instructions for submission to arXiv can be found at the eprint arXiv site:
- After the paper is accepted by the arXiv, authors are expected to send the organizers ( a mail with the link to the arXiv paper