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The LHC beam commissioning workshop will be held on 19 and 20 January 2010 in the Palais Lumière in EVIAN (74), France.
Attendance is by invitation only.
The goal of this workshop is to review the 2009 LHC beam commissioning and beam operations experience, and to look forward to the continued commissioning and operation of the LHC with beam in 2010. Beam related experiences from injection to stable beams will be discussed. Issues addressed will cover the measurements and observations versus expectations; problems encountered; the performance of software and controls; and necessary improvements. The readiness for 3.5TeV running will also be covered. As an outcome, the workshop will propose a 2010 beam re-commissioning plan for 3.5 TeV operation. This plan will address the strategies for increasing the beam energy, intensity and specific and integrated luminosity to the targets required for 2010.
Chairman | Mike LAMONT |
Deputy Chairman | Malika MEDDAHI |
Workshop Secretariat | Sylvia DUBOURG |
Mike Lamont
Chair: Ralph Assman
Scientific Secretary: Giulia Papotti
Chair: Jorg Wenninger
Scientific secretary: Laurette Ponce
Chair : Stefano Redaelli
Scientific secretary: Walter Venturini
Chair : Brennan Goddard
Scientific secretary: Alick Macpherson
Chair: Verena Kain - Reyes Alemany
Scientific secretary: Delphine Jacquet
Chair: Mike Lamont
Scientific secretary: Malika Meddahi