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LHC beam commissioning workshop - Evian 19-20 January 2010

Hilton and Palais Lumière (EVIAN)

Hilton and Palais Lumière (EVIAN)

The LHC beam commissioning workshop will be held on 19 and 20 January 2010 in the Palais Lumière in EVIAN (74), France. 

Attendance is by invitation only.

The goal of this workshop is to review the 2009 LHC beam commissioning and beam operations experience, and to look forward to the continued commissioning and operation of the LHC with beam in 2010. 
Beam related experiences from injection to stable beams will be discussed. Issues addressed will cover the measurements and observations versus expectations; problems encountered; the performance of software and controls; and necessary improvements. The readiness for 3.5TeV running will also be covered. As an outcome, the workshop will propose a 2010 beam re-commissioning plan for 3.5 TeV operation. This plan will address the strategies for increasing the beam energy, intensity and specific and integrated luminosity to the targets required for 2010.

Chairman Mike LAMONT
Deputy Chairman Malika MEDDAHI
Workshop Secretariat Sylvia DUBOURG
  • Adriana Rossi
  • Alick Macpherson
  • Andrew Butterworth
  • Bartmann Wolfgang
  • Benjamin TODD
  • Bernd Dehning
  • Brennan Goddard
  • Bruno Puccio
  • Chiara Bracco
  • Christos Zamantzas
  • Daniel Wollmann
  • Delphine Jacquet
  • Edmond Ciapala
  • Enrico Bravin
  • Etienne Carlier
  • Eugenia Hatziangeli
  • Eva Barbara Holzer
  • Ezio Todesco
  • Gabriel Johannes Mueller
  • Georges-Henry Hemelsoet
  • Ghislain Roy
  • Giulia Papotti
  • Guy Crockford
  • Helmut Burkhardt
  • Jan Uythoven
  • Jean-Jacques GRAS
  • John Jowett
  • Jorg Wenninger
  • Kajetan Fuchsberger
  • Katarina Sigerud
  • Lars Jensen
  • Lasse Normann
  • Laurette Ponce
  • Luca Bottura
  • Lyn Evans
  • Malika Meddahi
  • Marek Gasior
  • Markus Albert
  • Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi
  • Massimo Giovannozzi
  • Matteo Solfaroli Camillocci
  • Mike Lamont
  • Mirko Pojer
  • Oliver Bruning
  • Paul Collier
  • Philippe Baudrenghien
  • pierre charrue
  • Ralph Assmann
  • Ralph Steinhagen
  • Rama Calaga
  • Reyes Alemany Fernandez
  • Rhodri Jones
  • Rogelio Tomas
  • Roger Bailey
  • Rossano Giachino
  • Rüdiger Schmidt
  • Sapinski Mariusz
  • Schmidt Frank
  • Simon Mathieu White
  • Stefan Roesler
  • Stephane Fartoukh
  • Steve Myers
  • Suykerbuyk Ronaldus
  • Thibaut Lefevre
  • Vito Baggiolini
  • Volker Mertens
  • Walter Venturini Delsolaro
  • Werner Herr
  • Wojciech Sliwinski
  • Wolfgang Hofle
  • Tuesday 19 January
    • Welcome Coffee - Palais Lumière
    • Opening Remarks

      Mike Lamont

    • Session 1: 2009: review of LHC beam operation and models

      Chair: Ralph Assman
      Scientific Secretary: Giulia Papotti

      • 1
        Review of LHC operation : performance vs expectation, issues, necessary improvements? CERN


        Speaker: Mike Lamont (CERN)
      • 2
        LHC optical model and necessary corrections (aperture model, tune, beta beat, coupling, chromaticity…)
        Performance, measurements vs. expectations, problems encountered, is related software sufficient, necessary improvements, appropriate for 3.5TeV running?
        Speaker: Rogelio Tomas (CERN)
      • 3
        Ppbar experience including beam-beam and intrabeam scattering
        Speaker: Lyn Evans (CERN)
      • 4
        LHC beam behaviour (parameters, beam-beam, lifetime, expectation and observation)
        Performance, measurements vs. expectations, problems encountered, is related software sufficient, necessary improvements, appropriate for 3.5TeV running?
        Speaker: Werner Herr (CERN)
      • 5
        LHC Injection and Transfer lines
        Performance, measurements vs. expectations, problems encountered, is related software sufficient, necessary improvements, appropriate for 3.5TeV running?
        Speaker: Malika Meddahi (CERN)
      • 6
    • 12:35
      LUNCH break - Palais Lumière
    • Session 2 : Beam diagnostics

      Chair: Jorg Wenninger
      Scientific secretary: Laurette Ponce

      • 7
        Orbit system, incl. feedback, stability
        Speaker: Kajetan Fuchsberger
      • 8
        Tune, chromaticity, feed forward / Feed back
        Performance of tune, chromaticity and coupling measurement system (BBQ and PLL). Status of feedbacks. Observations of unexpected features in tune spectra (8 kHz, modulation, "the hump").
        Speakers: Marek Gasior (CERN), Ralph Steinhagen (AB/OP)
      • 9
        Beam loss monitor system
        Performance, measurements vs. expectations, problems encountered, is related software sufficient, necessary improvements, appropriate for 3.5TeV running?
        Speaker: Dr Christos Zamantzas (CERN)
      • 10
        Profile monitors, BSRA, BSRT, Injection matching monitor
        Speaker: Thibaut Lefevre (CERN)
      • 11
        Luminosity optimisation
        Speaker: Simon Mathieu White (Universite de Paris-Sud (Paris XI)-Unknown-Unknown)
      • 12
        General discussion: Feedback from operational experience- What can be improved?
    • 16:05
      COFFEE break
    • Session 3: Ramp & Squeeze & Adjust & Stable beam

      Chair : Stefano Redaelli
      Scientific secretary: Walter Venturini

      • 13
        Ramp: experience and issues, incl. MP
        - Performance, observations, problems encountered - Losses and transmission: estrapolation for higher intensities? - Feed-forward vs. feedback: orbit, tune, chroma - Setting incorporation for various systems: tune, chroma, ... RF, collimators - Is related software sufficient, necessary improvements, appropriate for 3.5TeV running?
        Speaker: Walter Venturini Delsolaro (CERN)
      • 14
        Squeeze: strategy and issues, incl. MP
        - Performance, observations, problems encountered - Review optics requirements for 2010 in all points - Commissioning base-line and possible issues - Settings of protection devices - Is related software sufficient, necessary improvements, appropriate for 3.5TeV running?
        Speaker: Dr Stefano Redaelli (CERN)
      • 15
        Separation and crossing scheme, minimum beta star
        - Results from first operation, news for 2010. - Performance, measurements vs. expectations (improvements of online model) - Strategy to bring up luminosity performance - Optimized behaviour vs energy and beta* -> How to handle this in LSA - Problems encountered, is related software sufficient, necessary improvements, appropriate for 3.5TeV running?
        Speaker: Werner Herr (CERN)
      • 16
        Updated magnetic model for ramp and squeeze
        - Revise estimates and requirements for operation at higher energies - Model for decay and snap-back - LSA implementation is adequate? - Additional measurement program to update the model
        Speaker: Dr Ezio Todesco (CERN)
      • 17
        Lessons from Physics Runs
        - Experimental conditions - Integration of experiment magnets - Ramp strategy for spectrometers - Experience with the handshake - Requests, suggestions?
        Speaker: Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi (CERN)
      • 18
        General discussion
        Feedback from operational experience- What can be improved?
    • 19:00
      Drinks - Hilton Hotel
    • 20:00
      Diner - Hilton Hotel
  • Wednesday 20 January
    • Session 4: Machine Protection systems (part not done in Cham10)

      Chair : Brennan Goddard
      Scientific secretary: Alick Macpherson

      • 19
        BIS - BIC - SMP
        The Beam Interlock System (BIS) and Safe Machine Parameters (SMP) system are central to the protection of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) machine. The BIS has been critical for the safe operation of LHC from the first day of operation. It has been installed and commissioned, only minor enhancements are required in order to accommodate all future LHC machine protection requirements. At reduced intensity, the SMP system is less critical for LHC operation. As such, the current system satisfies the 2010 operational requirements. Further developments are required, both at the SMP Controller level, and at the system level, in order to accommodate the requirements of the LHC beyond 2010
        Speaker: Dr Benjamin TODD (CERN)
      • 20
        Collimators and beam cleaning: first results and future plans
        The LHC collimation system has been used for beam cleaning and passive machine protection this year for the first time. The hardware commissioning tests carried out in preparation for operations with beam are presented. Setup procedure towards nominal injection settings is analyzed together with reproducibility and total beam time spent for collimator setup. Locations of beam losses are reviewed and reasons for the highest losses investigated. The achieved cleaning efficiency is also discussed. Operational performance and stability of the system, interlock thresholds and interlock statistics (number of false interlocks generated) are treated. Software procedures, settings and threshold limits are analyzed, also in view of machine protection. Finally, plans for higher intensity operation and improvements (both on a short and long term) are presented.
        Speaker: Chiara Bracco (Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (EPFL))
      • 21
        Beam Dump Systems and Abort Gap Cleaning
        The performance of the beam dumping systems and the abort gap cleaning are reviewed in the context of the general machine protection system. Details of the commissioning experience and setting up, encountered equipment problems, the experience with and status of the eXternal Post Operational Checks (XPOC) and the importance of operational procedures are presented for the beam dumping system. The brief experience with the abort gap cleaning is also presented. Plans for 2010 commissioning, allowing for higher beam intensity and energy, are given for both systems including some thoughts on the operational procedures required.
        Speaker: Dr Jan Uythoven (CERN)
      • 22
        Injection and dump protection
        Results will be shown from the low-intensity beam commissioning of first, the moveable injection protection devices in the SPS to LHC transfer lines and downstream of the LHC injection kicker and second, the LHC dump protection elements in IR6. The implications of these results and a commissioning status report with the further planning will be addressed.
        Speaker: Wolfgang BARTMANN
      • 23
        Overall MP and operation and scaling to 2010
        Performance, measurements vs. expectations, problems encountered, is related software sufficient, necessary improvements, appropriate for 3.5TeV running?
        Speaker: Dr Jorg Wenninger (CERN)
      • 24
        General discussion
        More feedback from operational experience- What can be improved?
    • 10:45
      COFFEE break
    • Session 5 : Controls and operational aspects: going from commissioning to operational regime

      Chair: Verena Kain - Reyes Alemany
      Scientific secretary: Delphine Jacquet

      • 25
        What are the weak points of operation?
        some keywords: Improving rigor: procedures, checks, releases, testing, RBAC..
        Speaker: Dr Brennan Goddard (CERN)
      • 26
        How to improve operational efficiency ?
        some keywords: Improving operational efficiency: sequencing, procedures, training, RBAC, testing
        Speaker: Dr Reyes Alemany Fernandez (CERN)
      • 27
        Controls issues: CMW subscription, RBAC set-up…
        Speaker: Wojtek Sliwinski (Unknown)
      • 28
        RF - performance & operational issues.
        Speaker: Andrew Butterworth (CERN)
      • 29
        General discussion
        Feedback from operational experience- What can be improved?
    • 12:45
      LUNCH break - Palais Lumière
    • Session 6: 2010 operation

      Chair: Mike Lamont
      Scientific secretary: Malika Meddahi

      • 30
        Requirements from the experiments
        Expectations for 2010 in terms of integrated luminosity and energy. Physics potential given this. Requirements in terms of beam intensity, beam size and bunch configuration. Specific requests for special physics running conditions". Technical stop and likely maintenance requirements through the year.
        Speaker: Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi (CERN)
      • 31
        2010 beam parameters, machine performance to be reached in 2010
        Outline of key beam parameters for the 3.5 TeV run and possible increase in energy (transverse and longitudinal). Potential machine performance. Recall any optics issues and constraints.
        Speaker: Dr Massimo Giovannozzi (CERN)
      • 32
        2010 commissioning plans
        Cunning plan for continued commissioning: ramp to 3.5 TeV, squeeze, collisions etc. Prerequisites for going beyond the safe beam limit and approach to increasing the intensity. Schedule for 2010.
        Speaker: Mike Lamont (CERN)
      • 33
        Wrap-up, list of subjects to follow-up, critical points… (tbc)
        Speaker: Paul Collier (CERN)
      • 34
        Concluding remarks (tbc)
        Speaker: Steve Myers (CERN)